12 Messages


190 Points

Saturday, December 3rd, 2022 10:42 PM


New Version

New version is HORRIBLE for printing name pages!!!!!! It almost triples the amount of pages, ex. a name page that would normally be printing at 5 pages is now showing printing at 15 pages because it expands the images and video thumbnails aggressively...at $.10 a page, $.50 to $1.50 is excessive!!!!!!


Too bad on not having the option to switch back to the previous version, I do recall back in the day users were able to view different versions, I guess out with the old and in the new, as they say, phooy!


Please make the previous version also available, as performer pages are needed for printing for CDs (casting directors) and producers, etc!

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

IMDb Name Page Redesign

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