5 Messages


112 Points

Wednesday, February 21st, 2024 3:17 AM



My list got set to Private after adding a hyperlink and will not go back to Public even after deleting the link.

Hey there,

I added a hyperlink to my Trash Night list, and the list was apparently automatically set to Private. After doing some sleuthing, I found out that hyperlinks are apparently a no-go in list descriptions, so I deleted the link. But even after deleting the link and setting the list to Private and then back to Public to be sure, the list still cannot be accessed publicly.

The list in question:


Can the list be set back to public? Is there a way for me to do it myself?



8.4K Messages


174.7K Points

7 months ago

@bollewerk​ 😀

Joined February 20th, 2024


Need to get a reply from 

@Ozzy, Employee

@Michelle, Employee

@Bethanny, Employee


- - -

You can search here for "Private List" 

there are others here with that problem.


Joined February 20th, 2024
My list is not visible in public,
even though I have set it to public settings.

Can anyone help me?
This is my list https://www.imdb.com/list/ls529283601/




5 Messages


112 Points

@ACT_1​ Yup, that's me.

I'd love to have an official answer and solution to this. Once IMDb has automatically put a list into Private status "under the hood", I don't see a way for it to be changed back by the user themselves.

5 Messages


112 Points

@ACT_1​ I did search for Private Lists yesterday, but all posts that came up for me had been marked solved and closed, so I couldn't reply. (Also, the post you gave me was made after the one I made. ;) )

Thanks a lot for taking the time to reply though! I rarely use forums like this one, so I hope addding @Ozzy to this conversation might get through to the support team.

5 Messages


112 Points

7 months ago

@Ozzy , could you have a look at my list and maybe set it back to Public status?






1.1K Messages


11.3K Points

Hello @bollewerk,

I've fixed your list. Please check it and let us know if you experience the same issue.​ 

5 Messages


112 Points

@Jon​ List is fixed and back to public. Thanks for the quick response!