IMDb allows users to export lists. The director is a data field in exported title lists.Let's use one of my lists as an example:All Films that have Appeared on the IMDb Top 250 the bottom is a link to export the list: Page 1 of 9 Next » Export this listIf you click on the link Export this list, IMDb will create a comma separated variable (CSV) file. You can import this file into Excel, Open Office or Google Documents. You can then sort by Director as shown below. The image is only a portion of the list. You can click on the image to get a better view.My list is out of date. I used it primarily because it was a good example of a list that could be sorted by director. I sorted by first name of the director since it was expedient. With a little effort, the exported list can be sorted by last name.
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480.1K Points
9 years ago
IMDb allows users to export lists. The director is a data field in exported title lists.Let's use one of my lists as an example:All Films that have Appeared on the IMDb Top 250 the bottom is a link to export the list: Page 1 of 9 Next » Export this listIf you click on the link Export this list, IMDb will create a comma separated variable (CSV) file. You can import this file into Excel, Open Office or Google Documents. You can then sort by Director as shown below. The image is only a portion of the list. You can click on the image to get a better view.My list is out of date. I used it primarily because it was a good example of a list that could be sorted by director. I sorted by first name of the director since it was expedient. With a little effort, the exported list can be sorted by last name.