Michelle's profile



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

Friday, March 8th, 2024 5:19 PM


List-Like Pages Beta

List-Like Pages Beta

Before launching IMDb’s redesigned List-Like Pages, we want to provide our valued users with a sneak peak, and extend an opportunity to provide feedback between March 14 and late March 2024.  You can find more information on our new List FAQ page.

We hope you enjoy these latest improvements, and thank you for continuing to make IMDb the world’s most trusted source for movie, TV, and entertainment content.

— The IMDb Website Team

96 Messages


2.4K Points

6 months ago

I didn't go through all of the feedback here, I admit, but I hopefully someone has already mentioned that the new sort direction controls make no sense?

The old version, the sort direction button was a pair of arrows, one of which was filled (the direction the list was sorting), the other of which was empty. Made perfect sense, and it was very clear which direction the list was sorting.

The new version, the sort direction button is a pair of filled arrows, which will either be black or blue, depending which direction the list is sorting. Which color implies which direction? Who knows! (Plus, the new design is far less friendly to users with color-vision deficiencies.)




17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

Hi @FeRDNYC​ -

Just to help clarify, descending is blue.  Given your feedback, our team will review for future feature considerations.

96 Messages


2.4K Points

@Michelle​ Right, but I mean... I wasn't asking, I was pointing out that for anyone viewing the page, there's no way to know. (Or, at least, there's nothing that communicates that information on the page itself. Someone can certainly look at how their items are sorted and figure it out. But that's way less direct than an arrow pointing upwards or downwards.)

Making the control communicate its direction would be so easy, too. Like, right now, it's an SVG of two filled arrows  pointing in opposite directions (a meaningless icon if ever I saw one), with fill="currentColor" as an attribute. The CSS sets the color of the containing button element to blue when it's styled .sort-order-desc, and that gets inherited by the SVG.

Instead, imagine the SVG is a single arrow pointing upwards (or a pair of arrows with the downward-pointing one unfilled, like the old page's sprites), and the CSS instead contains this:

#swap-sort-order-button.sort-order-desc svg {
    transform: rotate(180deg);

Done. The arrow (or arrows) spins to point in the opposite direction when it's set to .sort-order-desc.

96 Messages


2.4K Points

I see that this has now been improved somewhat, by keeping the same "two-way street" icon, but limiting the blue coloring to the arrow that represents the current sorting direction. My sincere kudos for iterating on the design to address feedback.

The new effect is a bit subtle, but a definite improvement, at least for those of us who are able to easily discern an arrow colored blue vs. one colored black. (And fortunately, that should even include users with most forms of partial color blindness.) Alas, not everyone falls into that category either, so the new solution continues to fail Web Content Accessibility Criterion 1.4.1 Use of Color:

Color is not used as the only visual means of conveying information, indicating an action, prompting a response, or distinguishing a visual element.

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

Thank you.

96 Messages


2.4K Points

6 months ago

The sort direction issue aside, there's a lot to like about the new design.

I like that you can sort or filter any list by the same wide range of criteria. (Used to be, the "Your Ratings" page could only be sorted by "Top Rated" or "Most Recent", and you could only filter it by star rating (1 - 10). Now it has the same wide options as any other list.)

I like that there are three layout options, including the new list view that's more compact than the previous "detail-list" view (which is still available). I don't love the new, more-detailed grid view with things like "Watch Options" tacked onto each item, but I don't hate it either. I almost never use grid views anyway, so it really doesn't matter much.

I like that list privacy is a switch right on the page, instead of being buried on a separate page only accessible by opening the three-dots menu and choosing "Privacy". (I do wonder where the "Public only with reviews" option from the old view went. But I'm not sure I even understand what that option meant, anyway, so maybe we're better rid of it.)


96 Messages


2.4K Points

I don't love the new, more-detailed grid view with things like "Watch Options" tacked onto each item, but I don't hate it either.

Actually, the changes to the handling of "Watch Options" between the old and new versions are pretty surprising.

When the old "Your Ratings" page was in list view, as you scrolled down through the items it would make a query for each item's watch options, and tack a specific one onto the list item. (Seemingly defaulting to Amazon offerings, whenever possible. Gotta keep Business Daddy happy!) If the title had more than one option available, it'd also include a menu button that would open a popup listing the others.

Now, in grid view every item has a "Watch Options" link, in both list views it's a somewhat-misleading "information" button instead, and specific watch options are never shown for any of the entries. You have to open the popup to see what (if anything) is available. (I suppose the popup does technically show more information than just Watch Options. But it's the same popup in all three views, so labeling it "Watch Options" in one and "information" in the other is a really weird choice.)

The removal of specific watch options displayed directly on the list items is a surprising step backwards in terms of marketing synergies, tho. Not that I'm complaining, I'm just surprised.



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@FeRDNYC​ Thanks for the feedback:

Now, in grid view every item has a "Watch Options" link, in both list views it's a somewhat-misleading "information" button instead, and specific watch options are never shown for any of the entries.

The button is labelled “Watch Options” when we have any watch options and “Details” when we do not, although please remember that not all watch options are available in all regions.  Do you have examples to illustrate any cases which have a different behaviour and, if so, can you let us know in which country are you located?  


96 Messages


2.4K Points

@Col_Needham​ Well, my point was more that it's always labeled "information" (or, actually, "ⓘ") in the list views. On every row.

I do have one item in the new grid view that's labeled "Details" instead of "Watch Options", a video game title from 1990. And that does, in fact, come up completely blank for watch options, in the old layout.

But there are several more that show only "Search on Amazon", in the old view. Which didn't really seem like a regular watch option, from the way it's formatted. (It doesn't have the little "Play" icon next to it, for one thing.) All of those show "Watch Options" in the new grid view. But I guess if "Search on Amazon" still counts as a watch option, then everything's working as you described.

I'm in the US, BTW.



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@FeRDNYC​ Sorry on the "Information" mix-up there, which was my error.  I have now corrected my reply above to refer to the "Details" button.   Since the paragraph opened with you mentioning grid view, I missed your point on detailed view which does indeed always have an "(i)" present. 

Here's a row of titles from my Netflix watchlist when accessed from the US in grid view, where the last titles is not yet streaming:

Also, the blue filter symbol to the left of the "Sort by" menu near the top of each list will  allow you to filter by some availability in any view (and eventually we aim to add more). From another of my lists:

You also wrote:

But I guess if "Search on Amazon" still counts as a watch option, then everything's working as you described.

Yes, that is correct, just as on the title pages:

The "Search Amazon" only appears when there's a DVD/Bluray offer available. 

Hope this helps. 

1 Message


60 Points

6 months ago

These pages are looking good! The images are a bit too small, though. I'd make them just a smidge larger, maybe the height of the card or a little smaller.

Other than that, the aesthetic is looking good!



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

Hi @prossm​ -

Thank so much for your feedback!

96 Messages


2.4K Points

6 months ago

Oh, regarding the sort order (not direction) selector (the combobox) — for some reason, there's a spurious blank item at the top of the list of choices.

It shows up in the visual presentation: The popup list has an empty first row that you can select, but which has no effect if selected.

And it shows up in the accessible presentation: The first child of the MenuListPopup on the accessibility tree is 'menuitem [nothing]', followed by 'menuitem "Most recent"', 'menuitem "Top rated"', etc.



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

Hi @FeRDNYC​ -

Thanks for you feedback, this is a standard presentation and is just a selector point to see where you are.

96 Messages


2.4K Points

6 months ago

The other weird thing about sorting is that ALL sort orderings default to Ascending direction, and have to be manually reversed to sort Descending.

That makes sense for some sort orders (like "Alphabetical", or "Most recent" because the implicit ordering is reverse-chronological), but it's really weird for others.

For example, if you sort your "Your Ratings" list by "Your rating", initially the items you rated lowest will appear at the top of the list. You have to reverse the sort direction, to sort the highest-rated items first. Who wants to be reminded of the content they enjoyed the least?



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

Hi @FeRDNYC​ -

Thanks for this feedback.  You are still welcome to swap directions to view differently.

2 Messages


70 Points

6 months ago

I noticed the title type is hidden if I have rated the item.  The title type displays when the list item is unrated.



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

Hi @Nitecrew​ -

Thanks for reporting, I was also able to replicate this issue and have filed  a ticket with the team to investigate further.

6 Messages


126 Points

6 months ago

When editing a list i can't move/copy/delete more than 50 titles at the same time. Your system says "You selected more than 50 items. Please deselect ... "

It wasn't like this before.

Also i am going to write this again, please make the "compact view" option more compact like in the old list design. It is similar to new detailed view now.

You can use smaller poster images and show the ratings at the right side of the film titles, like you did in the old design. 



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

Hi @hinayamazaki​ -

Thank you for your feedback, for the editing list issue, this has already been captured as a known issue and we are working on a fix.

1 Message


60 Points

6 months ago

The default sort order needs to be "newly added first", just like in the IMDB iOS app.

Right now the user has to click on "Change sort by direction" button.



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@snnsnshn​ Thanks for the feedback.  For context, the iOS app sort order is sticky on an individual list basis, so the app remembers whatever order was last used on each list.  This is what we want to support eventually on the web too.  

In the meantime, we prefer list order on the web since that gives the list creator more control over the order -- as items are added later, they can always be moved up/down as the author prefers vs. added order over which there is no additional control. 

Hope this helps. 

16 Messages


368 Points

5 months ago

Regarding the List pages' redesign which I just learned about...I would highly prefer that my Checkins be presented in LIFO rather than FIFO order because that's were I keep comments on movies and programs that I've watched and 99% of the time that I go there is to add a new entry so I'm always having to reverse the initial list order to do so. 



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

Hi @Hallmarkie​ -

Thank you for your feedback, this has been determined by extensive user research but please feel free to change the ordering and/or utilize the vast filtering/sorting options.

96 Messages


2.4K Points

Wait, extensive user research determined that the "Your Ratings" list should default to sorting "Most Recent" (exactly what @Hallmarkie is requesting for the "Your Checkins" list), but instead the preferred sorting for "Your Checkins" is oldest-first?

I'm not disbelieving your research claim, Michelle, I'm just trying to figure out who the weirdos in the test group were!

15 Messages


316 Points

@Michelle actually earlier in this thread Col mentioned that the recent-first sorting is also IMDb's preference (to be implemented in the future, I assume). It is not about the possiblity to switch the settings each time we open the Check-ins, but the change in default setup.




7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@Stormcatcher​ / @FeRDNYC /@Hallmarkie  Sorry for the confusion here, while other aspects of the design have been tested as @Michelle states, the DEFAULT order for check-ins has not, hence my question at the start of the thread.  As a heavy check-in user myself (8.6K titles) I definitely would prefer the newest at the top, just like ratings.  Since all of the feedback on the initial subthread and now here prefer the same order, we will ask the team to flip the order for check-ins. 

15 Messages


316 Points

@Col_Needham thank you for your answer and the explanation. Flipping the order would be perfect, as it is one of the features I have been looking out for since I-don't-know-when. :)

I appreciate both your and @Michelle's support!

9 Messages


168 Points

5 months ago

The new list pages need a lot of work:

1. The continuous layout without pages is a nightmare, especially with very long lists. it takes a lot of time to load the last positions on the list. It also causes other problems described below.

2. The ability to drag and drop list items to change order is very welcome, but the list page reloads every time you do so. As a result you have to waste a lot of time, when reordering, because of the layout is continuous and the only a fraction of the list is loaded every time. This is nonsense. Did anyone test this?

3. When editing an entry the comment box resets every time you click away or just shift focus to another browser window or tab. Every time, when you want to resume typing in your comment, you have to click the box again and scroll down or resize to go back to where you just finished. This is ridiculous. Again, insufficient testing.

Will report any additional bugs, as I encounter them.



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

Hi @norolim​ -

Thanks for your feedback and raising these issues:

1. Please see our response by Col earlier in the thread. We are and will continue to work on performance improvements with specific focus on longer lists.

2. This is a known issue that is being tracked by the team, we will be extending a fix shortly.

3. We appreciate your feedback. This is working as expected; we save the comment when you lose focus to ensure your work has been saved.

308 Messages


7.1K Points

@Michelle​ Regarding the 3rd point about saving work when "los[ing] focus", I can see how this might be well-intentioned, but there are a lot of reasons for someone to switch tabs besides losing focus. For example, if I'm including an actor's selected filmography in the notes, I might have that actor's page open in another tab so I can switch back and forth while copying parts of it into the notes. This would become very tedious if the notes closed up every time I switched tabs.


There is already a mechanism in place to protect unsaved work. If a user tries to click "done" while there are still note boxes open, a pop-up appears asking if they wish to discard changes or cancel. Currently, this message only pops up when clicking on the "done" link, but I've seen other websites that have similar pop-up messages when attempting to close out of a window as well. Surely there must be some way for IMDb to do the same thing. Wouldn't that be sufficient?




17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

Hi @timothy_gray_el34lojg1aih1​ -

Thanks for your comments, we are reviewing all feedback and suggestions and will take these into future consideration. 

9 Messages


168 Points


Thank you for the reply. With regards to issue 3, as @timothy_gray_el34lojg1aih1 mentioned, there are many reasons to switch tabs, when editing a description for a list entry. I do it often, as I look for information in other tabs I keep open. As a result, with the current solution in place I find I have to repeat the click the edit box->resize->scroll down sequence of actions dozens of times during a single edit. This is very tedious and, as I'm sure you understand, not an improvement.

I agree with the response to issue 1, although a "View All" button would be very welcome. It would solve the main problem, I currently have with the new layout. Thank you.




7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@norolim​ For #1 we have made some changes this week and the remaining items now load automatically once you scroll past the first 100 items.  

For #2, similarly a change yesterday no longer reloads/redraws as you move items as long as the list is fully loaded (see solution to #1). 

Hope this helps. 

9 Messages


168 Points

@Col_Needham​ Thank you for your reply.

For #1: thank you for fixing this issue. It's still a bit slow for very long lists (over 500 entries), because it still loads in chunks, but it happens automatically after the first 100. Also, could you please provide a quick way to view the whole list in normal mode (not just edit mode).

For #2: unfortunately, although you managed to fix this problem, i.e. the list reloads all the entries after reordering, you introduced a new issue. When you enter a note for a list entry and then reorder that entry, the note disappears. Please fix.




7.2K Messages


177.9K Points


For #1: thank you for fixing this issue. It's still a bit slow for very long lists (over 500 entries), because it still loads in chunks, but it happens automatically after the first 100. Also, could you please provide a quick way to view the whole list in normal mode (not just edit mode).

The view mode works the same as edit, so once you scroll past 100 it should all load just as in edit mode. 

For #2: unfortunately, although you managed to fix this problem, i.e. the list reloads all the entries after reordering, you introduced a new issue. When you enter a note for a list entry and then reorder that entry, the note disappears. Please fix.

Ah,  we will report this to the team (and it happens on small lists too).  The note is actually still there as you can confirm by reloading the page after the move.  As a workaround in the meantime, you can move the item before adding the note. 

9 Messages


168 Points

@Col_Needham​ thank you for the reply.

The view mode works the same as edit, so once you scroll past 100 it should all load just as in edit mode.

This is not entirely accurate. In edit mode, once you scroll down to position 100, the rest of the list loads automatically. It does it chunks, but all you have to do is wait a couple of seconds.

In viewing mode once you scroll down to the bottom of the page, i.e. the last displayed entry, the list loads another chunk and stops there. To see more, you have to scroll down to the bottom again and repeat that action multiple times in order to view the whole list. We'd appreciate, if you could add a View All button or modify the behaviour, to make it the same as in edit mode.



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points


In viewing mode once you scroll down to the bottom of the page, i.e. the last displayed entry, the list loads another chunk and stops there. To see more, you have to scroll down to the bottom again and repeat that action multiple times in order to view the whole list.

It definitely works here as I described. I just reconfirmed it again with a 1,000+ item list of mine.  Could it be that you are moving too quickly to the bottom of the next 100? Note that view mode is slower because it loads more information per title than edit mode so this might explain it? 

9 Messages


168 Points

@Col_Needham​ For me it definitely works the way I described. When I first view a large list, it displays 100 items. When I scroll down near the bottom of the page, it loads more entries, but not the full list. If I don't scroll down again, it won't load anything else, no matter how long I wait. So to see the whole list, I have to scroll down again and again and again...

In the edit mode it happens automatically, after the first 100 entries.




7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@norolim​ You wrote:

When I scroll down near the bottom of the page, it loads more entries, but not the full list. If I don't scroll down again, it won't load anything else, no matter how long I wait.

We still cannot reproduce this issue at all here, sorry.  This could be a local browser issue so please could you try the steps in https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/common-issues/why-is-imdb-displaying-differently-on-my-browser/GF2ZAR69V859XLHF and then let us know on which systems / browsers it is misbehaving (pay particular attention to disabling plugins, especially ad blockers).  Thanks. 

3 Messages


80 Points

5 months ago

Would it be possible to add the "Film nationality" option to "Refine" for the lists ? 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled "Nationality film" in "Refine"



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

Hi @jeanluck​ -

Thanks for the feedback, we will consider as part of future optimizations.

3 Messages


80 Points

Hi Michelle,

Great ! thanks...



7.2K Messages


177.9K Points

@jeanluck​ You can do this already if you wish to filter your own lists by country.  Simply visit advanced title search at https://www.imdb.com/search/title/ and in the "Your lists" section on the left-hand side of the page, select the list you wish to filter in the "Include" form. In the "Country" section further up the page, you can select the country by which you wish to filter.  For example, to filter your watchlist to US titles only -> https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?country_of_origin=US&lists=watchlist 

For more information on advanced title search, please see https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/discover-watch/using-the-advanced-search-feature/GLUEUYWPQNPTEVPU

Hope this helps. 

2 Messages


70 Points

5 months ago

What I do like about the new Lists page design is that, by expanding (see 100 more, etc.), you can now see ALL the items on a list at the same time.  It was a real weakness of the previous version that you could see only 100 items at a time.  That made it very cumbersome to search a list. So, thank you for considering a design that allows for simultaneous viewing of more items.  One further suggestion: have a "VIEW ALL" as an option (similar to shopping sites with choices for how many items to view at a time).

2 Messages


70 Points

5 months ago

I like the new page design, which allows for viewing all items on a list at once.



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

Hi @mkevorkian​ -

Thanks for your feedback, I've shared your comments with the team!

9 Messages


182 Points

5 months ago

My "Your Ratings" differs in the numbers of items.

The latest title I rated did not appear for a while - apparently the page showed an outdated cached version - which is annoying...

Edit 2: Ok, this happend only once and did work correctly this time.

But now the numbers are still off by 1.

I checked the first couple items and the item on position 100 is the same on old and the new style - so I guess I'll never find which item is missing...

The bigger images on the old style made the page look way better - please keep them "full row height"

Edit 1:

Also on the TOP250 using the "Hide titles you've rated" checkbox is renumbering the remaining items to 1, 2, 3 - so I cant see at which position the titles were in the original list

Edit 2:

The export of lists shows different release-years than the website.

Example: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0169858 released 1997 shows as released in 2024 in the export.

And when there are columns for "Title" and "Original Title", the "Title" column should be exported with the "Title display country/region" from my account-settings.




17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

Hi @virsacer​ -

Thank you for your feedback.  

For your ratings issue, can you provide additional detail, such as your ratings page URL and a screenshot if possible? This will help us try to reproduce the issue.

For you Top 250 comment, this is working as expected.  We don't retain a past order count when filtering by "Hide titles you've rated".

For exports, the release date currently used for exports is the US release date. We are in the process of reviewing future improvements for locale specific release dates. 

9 Messages


182 Points

Hi @Michelle,

thanks for your reply.

My ratings: https://www.imdb.com/user/ur18687658/ratings/

So, one title is missing, but I have no idea which one...

This also shows the difference in size of the images - can we have the bigger ones back?

Ok, localized export for title and releasedate would be great :-)



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

Hi @virsacer​ -

Thanks for the additional details, I have provided them to the team and they are investigating.

1 Message


60 Points

5 months ago

I like the new design, but the new list page would be much better if these features were implemented:

1. Need Import list button please. I don't wanna loose my lists. You can also add support to import list from tmdb, letterboxd, justwatch, etc...

2. I need a edit button inside the list page to edit my list instead of going to my lists page and click edit every single time.

3. Every list page should remember its last layout and sort by or there should be a settings for those two in my edit page (owner preference).

4. Bring back page numbers instead of scrolling the list for a ton of time.

5. When I copy/move items to another list the item should follow the same order as the source list. It shouldn't copy in random order




17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

Hi @raghavan_rave​ -

Thank you for your feedback. Please see below for comments on each your items:

1. We are currently reviewing your suggestion of adding an Import List option as a future improvement.
2. This is all ready supported on both the list of lists page (3 dot menu) and the list page (on top their is an Edit button)
3. We are currently working to add this functionality, as well as remembering other options (sort/filter) as a future improvement.
4. Please refer to Col's past feedback on the thread around infinite pagination
5. When you copy/move list items, they will added to the bottom of the list.