8 Messages


186 Points

Wednesday, June 19th, 2024 3:12 AM



List set to public shows as private to others.

I have lists I’ve made that I set to public to share with friends, yet they always show as private and therefore cannot be viewed by others. I have this issue with every list (yes, I quadruple checked. They’re all set to public.)

Here’s the most recent example:


I saw another similar post about the same issue and the response said to not include links in the description to avoid the problem in the future, but I don’t have any links on any of my lists so that’s not helpful at all. Please help.



1.3K Messages


12.7K Points

8 months ago

Hello @JKJ,

I've fixed your list and also your other lists should be fixed. Please check them and let us know if you experience the same issue.