majfoalbkeopaza's profile

345 Messages


7.7K Points

Monday, August 14th, 2023 7:26 PM



List is suffering from numbering glitch

In the process of trying to reorder this list ( a major error has occurred. There are now over one hundred items on the list all set to #1, making it virtually impossible to put anything in order. This is quite similar to a problem described by another user on this thread last week. (I chose to create a new thread because that one was marked "solved" already.)

After creating the list, I decided I wanted to totally reorder it, but I really would prefer not to have to delete all 1,028 items just to put them back again. However, I can't reorder anything if it keeps glitching like this. Is there any way to salvage the list so I can make another attempt at putting them in the new order which I desire? Also, how can I do that without causing it to screw up again?

345 Messages


7.7K Points

2 years ago

For context, it's a list of stars who appeared in Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul. When creating the list, I just added everyone in the order of their name page URL (i.e. nm0000874, nm0000893, etc.) because that was the easiest way to organize them in Excel. After completing the list, I saw that it was getting more views than I expected and thought it would be better if the entries were ranked so that the biggest stars appeared at the beginning.

I've already made the calculations and created a ranking system in Excel, so now all I need to do is change the list order to conform with this system. This is going to be somewhat of an undertaking because it requires virtually every name on the list to be placed in a different spot.

The glitch initially occurred as I was trying to move several names at once, but now I can't get it to work even if I painstakingly move one name at a time.



17.7K Messages


315.6K Points

2 years ago

Hi @timothy_gray_el34lojg1aih1 -

Thanks for reporting.  I have filed a ticket (#P97005775) for the tech team to investigate further.

345 Messages


7.7K Points

I see that the tech team has fixed the issue, thank you very much!