1 Message


70 Points

Sunday, December 1st, 2024 9:10 PM



linking accounts

Despite following the instructions to delete my second IMDb account, Which I've done. I cannot link my first account to that email. I receive the error message below. I've changed my password. Signed and out numerous times. Can anybody help.

There was a problem

  • The new email address you have provided is already in use on another account. Please use a different email address or change the email address on the other account if it belongs to you.
  • Why do I get an error message when I try to update my email?

    If you tried to update your email on the Change Email page and you received an error message stating the "Email address is already registered to another account", it means that we already have an account listed under that email address.

    The most common explanation is that you registered twice for our site. You may have created the second account by mistake or signed in with a different provider (i.e. Amazon, Google, or Apple) which created a second account.

    If you have two accounts, and would like to use the preferred email on your first account, please take the following steps:

    1. Please first logout.

    2. Then you can login using your preferred email.

    3. If you don't remember the password, you can reset it by going to our Forgotten Password page. Remember to enter your new/current valid email address.

    4. Once logged in, you can delete the account to free up the email. Please ensure you're logged into the correct account, as deleting the account will permanently delete your IMDb account. 

    5. Once you've deleted the second account, you can login using the email for the first account. 

    6. Once logged in, you can update your email Change Email page. It should now work, since you delete the second account and freed up the email.



190 Messages


1.9K Points

3 months ago

Hello @JasonCroot,

In order to help you with your request, I recommend you to contact our customer service. Please remember to include the following information in your message:

  • The IMDb account e-mail address you want to recover
  • The new e-mail address you wish to use to replace the e-mail address of the IMDb account you want to recover