5.6K Messages
58.9K Points
Launch Announcement: Music Artist & Podcaster professions
Following on from the launch of Music Videos and Podcasts in late 2022, today, IMDb updated the professions logic to support two new professions: Music Artist and Podcaster. These professions can also be selected by IMDbPro customers via the primary profession control page, and searched for in the IMDbPro Discover feature. The new professions will also appear on IMDb.com name pages. IMDbPro example IMDb.com examples Now, we can ensure popular music artists and podcasters are labelled as such on their name pages, while providing IMDbPro customers the opportunity to represent their career focuses accurately, outside of Movies and TV. -IMDb Team
14.7K Messages
333.3K Points
2 years ago
Are there any objective criteria for where the professions are added, or has IMDb just added them to selected names?
7.6K Messages
277.8K Points
2 years ago
Bethanny: Looking at all the options under https://pro.imdb.com/profile/primary_profession?resume=primary_profession I don't see where "Music Artist" or "Podcaster" is listed.