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Saturday, November 25th, 2023 11:35 PM


Issues with ratings list

@agof​ It would be helpful if you provided the url for these examples. I can't advise how to "get to 29 07 2017" when I don't know where you're coming from. Perhaps this is relevant?,2017-07-29&sort=release_date,desc

Being able to specify a release date by year alone is currently gone, and makes the new search not backward compatible with saved search urls (as @Col_Needham stated elsewhere), and I was early to complain about it during the beta.

We can definitely restrict to episodes vs movies. It's just tucked away under title type.

Compact view still exists (upper right icon); it's just not as compact as before.

I definitely miss page controls and being able to specify a starting number.

But I love being able to alter my search results without having to backtrack - especially for saved urls where there was no Back to reach.

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Issues with my ratings list

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