mynewemail22's profile

4 Messages


240 Points

Wednesday, October 18th, 2023 9:08 AM



Issue list order

I have multiples of the same number and everything seems to be out of order. The link to the list is
Is there also an option to have new items that are added to the list automatically go to the top of the list? Thank you so much for your help

1 Message


60 Points

1 year ago

Having same problem with

Gremlins are abound...



116 Messages


1.2K Points

1 year ago

Hello @mynewemail22 @emanofduke,

Thanks for reaching out.

I have flagged this to the concerned team and they working to care of it.

For more information regarding the bug in the lists please read thread here: 

I will apprise you once the lists in question gets normalized.



116 Messages


1.2K Points

Hi all,

I can see that the lists in question has been normalized.

Many thanks for your patience.

4 Messages


240 Points

@Ab_J_Sam​ I just checked it and again it's doing the same thing. When I add something to a list, is there an option to have it automatically go to the top?



116 Messages


1.2K Points

Thanks for responding @mynewemail22,

In that case I kindly advise you make all the necessary edits to the list in question.

Once you are done with all the edits, please write back to us and we will forward the list to the concerned team and get it normalized.

Would this be acceptable.

4 Messages


240 Points

@Ab_J_Sam​ I edit it as I add titles which is almost daily. If there is a way to have to new titles added automatically put at the top of the list that would be another fix for me. 



1.3K Messages


12.8K Points

Hello @mynewemail22,

Unfortunately this is a long-standing bug in the lists system which especially affects large lists.  The lists system is now over 13 years old and is some of the oldest remaining software on IMDb. We are actively working upon its replacement as part of the on-going design and technology migration, which will address the issues.


In the meantime, as we recently wrote here:


If you have access to the IMDb iOS app via an iPhone or iPad, this is best way to manage lists on IMDb.  I have hundreds of lists, both private and public, which I manage via our app. 


The web interface will improve once it moves to the new technology, but right now the iOS app is the gold standard list implementation


Hope this helps and sorry for the inconvenience in the meantime.
