IRMacGuyver's profile

8 Messages


110 Points

Wednesday, July 21st, 2021 7:38 PM


Is there any way to revert to the old imdb look?

I come here for actual research and the new "mobile friendly" look is too bulky and inefficient a use of space.  I need a look that better simulates the old look that doesn't waste screen realestate being cluttered with huge images.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

INTRODUCING: Updated Title page experience

8 Messages


110 Points

3 years ago

I come here for actual research and the new "mobile friendly" look is too bulky and inefficient a use of space.  IMDB needs to add a skin that better simulates the old look for those that don't want to waste time with screen realestate being cluttered by huge images.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Create a way to revert to the old imdb look

8 Messages


110 Points

3 years ago

I come here for actual research and the new "mobile friendly" look is too bulky and inefficient a use of space.  IMDB needs to add a skin that better simulates the old look for those that don't want to waste time with screen realestate being cluttered by huge images.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled The new look of imdb is hard to use effectively.