Taylor's profile



2.3K Messages


40.5K Points

Tuesday, May 18th, 2021 6:23 PM


INTRODUCING: Updated IMDb.com Title page experience

INTRODUCING: Updated IMDb.com Title page experience

We are excited to announce the launch of IMDb’s newly refreshed movie and TV show pages! The renewed page is meant to make your IMDb experience easy and enjoyable, and its design represents the diverse interests of global entertainment fans. The refresh reflects IMDb customer feedback and research designed to enhance entertainment content discovery and navigation.

Please note, we are gradually launching the new design to a selection of IMDb customers. If you do not yet see the design, we expect to make it broadly available in the weeks ahead. Thank you for using IMDb!

For more information, check out this Help article.

4 Messages


118 Points

3 years ago

I have had a regular IMDB account for well over a decade, and I am watching a ONCE great internet resource being "tweaked" so that some metrics that show more involvement will allow someone to justify this horrid interface.

I refuse to use the new reddit interface, and luckily the old.reddit prefix allows me to use the superior old way.  The main points have been made multiple times here, but allow me to ask the IMDB staff some basic questions again.

Why is there no option to view the original design, especially seeing the clear dislike of the new one?  New viewers could be on the new interface without knowing the previous one, and you could keep your existing users happy.

Why are you not listening to your user base?  If we are taking the time to create accounts, and offer our input, then perhaps we are more vested than a new user.

What is the reason for forcing a clear mobile design on desktop users?

Do you think that cramming advertising in everywhere will lead to revenue?  I am like most and do not want ads pushed at me.  Allow me to decide if I want to use up my resources.

What was the design criteria and who would have elected this?  Were there other options?  Did you ask your user base which flavor they preferred?

When will you admit this is bad?

Are you brave enough to take a poll?



72 Messages


758 Points


Use the website in "reference view"; it makes a big difference.

4 Messages


118 Points


Thank you, and I have done that, but when I use a new pc or browser I get vomited on by the new version.

I really just want the option to permanently have the older version, when using an app, android browser or desktop.  And I am also curious to hear their reasoning.

Thanks again for the suggestion and response.



7.1K Messages


176.6K Points

@DrFB  Thanks for the feedback.  Your questions have been covered in more depth earlier across the thread so we will provide some links below. We will also briefly answer them directly below, however, first please ensure you are accessing IMDb with a modern, supported browser with any ad blockers or other plugins which may interfere with the page layout disabled. For details, please see https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/general-information/why-is-imdb-displaying-differently-on-my-browser/GF2ZAR69V859XLHF 

To briefly answer your questions in the order presented:

  • It is not practical to continue to provide access to the old pages as the technology powering them is obsolete and is being phased out, sorry. We offer reference view for users who dislike the new design. 
  • The new title pages are the result of us listening to our users via years of both solicited and unsolicited feedback. This is all part of a multi-year program to update IMDb. 
  • No design is ever going to be universally liked, especially given we have hundreds of millions of users. The complaints posted are here are, by definition, valid for those people making them, however, they are not always representative of the wider IMDb audience who are happily using the new interface. However, we have already made some adjustments based on some of the feedback here and there will be more in future. Any design is always a work-in-progress. The feedback will also shape how we design and test future updates beyond the main title page. 
  • The design is responsive and so it displays differently on desktop devices vs. mobile devices yet it is powered by the same technology.  You can see this by making your browser window both larger and smaller. 
  • IMDb is an advertising supported site.  The ads are what enable us to provide the service and to invest in growing IMDb for the future.  Our ad load is below that of many other major ad supported websites. 
  • The pages have been extensively tested before launch and in a public beta for 6+ months, during which time different configurations and placements have been tested. 
  • We do not think the design is bad. We track a large number of real-time metrics on all of our pages and we are very happy with how users are engaging with the new design.  
  • Actual usage data speaks better than any unreliable online poll which can be too easily influenced by people who are not actually users. 

Hope the above helps.  I will now cut-and-paste a reply from last month with more detail which in turn references older posts in this thread with even more detail.  Unfortunately Sprinklr have made some navigation changes recently which means that links to past posts do not always open at the desired point (they are aware of this issue) so I need to post the full text below vs. simply linking to the July post. The links at the end may also require a little of scrolling to reach my comments as a result of these issues on Sprinklr. 

Update from early July:

Thanks for the feedback and for your concern over IMDb’s future.  We are fully aware that IMDb is a service built by and built for entertainment fans. This should be clear in the Contributor Zone and specifically in the Contributor’s Charter.  Our aims remain as described on https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/general-information/what-is-imdb/G836CY29Z4SGNMK5 — to create the world’s largest collection of entertainment information.  We do this by making IMDb as accessible as possible across many devices and platforms on a global basis. 

For contributors we already offer a data driven view of titles which can be set by a registration preference as described here and we will continue to offer this view. This view was created in collaboration with our top contributors and focuses on the data. 

For professionals we offer IMDbPro where the information is optimised for the needs of entertainment industry professionals. 

For everyone else, our website and mobile apps are aimed at people like ourselves — entertainment fans. Both customer feedback which we have received and active research which we have undertaken showed that the majority of IMDb customers (and future customers) wanted a more consistent and visually appealing version of IMDb. UX design on the web and in apps has evolved significantly since IMDb’s last major web design refresh in 2010 and we were falling behind. It became clear that incremental changes to the existing interface were not going to be enough, especially when built upon an outdated technology (I have written more on this point elsewhere in this thread so I will refer you to more of the background at the end of this post). Movies and TV are a visual art-form and so trailers, videos and photos are important in the IMDb customer experience.  Consistency and simplicity are also important, especially as customers increasingly move across the web, mobile web and apps. We are also aware we need to make IMDb more accessible, extendible, and especially, more relevant globally as we reach the next 100 million customers (and beyond) in languages other than English.  None of these things were going to be practical with an 10+ year old design and outdated software. 

The easy path would have been to change nothing and watch IMDb slowly fall apart, however, we love the service we provide, we want it to continue to grow, and we feel we have a duty to ensure that all of the information which has been contributed over the last 30+ years not only remains accessible to current audiences, but also reaches new global audiences. As a top contributor myself, I love the fact that content I added to IMDb decades ago is available today to people in countries I have never visited, on devices I have never seen and in languages which I do not speak. 

We are genuinely sorry that not everyone likes the design and we appreciate that change is hard. We also cannot please everyone, but we already offer a separate data centric view for those customers who do not like the extra focus on visuals in the new design.

All designs are works-in-progress, but the new pages tested well with customers and meet the aims we set out to achieve today. The pages also work well for both new / casual customers and expert customers alike.  For the former, the layout is clean and clear — such customers can move through the page and discover all of the content in well labelled sections and explore more from each section. For the latter, the “All Topics” menu provides fast and convenient access to all of the subpages. Our tests show that expert users can reach everything faster on the new pages than the old.  If you have not taken the time to look at “All Topics” then you are missing out on the power of the new page.  I probably use IMDb more than most people posting here — I have a 13,000+ rating history covering every movie I have seen since 1/1/1980 and over 400 public or private lists logging my full entertainment experience. I also use IMDb for every viewing decision. In addition to being IMDb’s biggest fan, it is also my career so I am on IMDb in one form or another almost constantly whether for pleasure or for work. I have been using the new pages since it was first possible to test them (staff only access) last October and in my experience they are a significant upgrade to the previous version. 

For reference, here are the earlier posts with more background if you want to take a look: 





Hope this helps. 

36 Messages


486 Points

„Actual usage data speaks better than any unreliable online poll which can be too easily influenced by people who are not actually users.“

What about bots? Couldn't that usage simply be actions by bots or crawlers? Besides: Of course you should be happy about the engaging of the new users - they're tormenting their mouses by clicking and scrolling extensively until they have to buy a new one or getting carpal tunnel syndrome...

I will only use the reference view from here on out, simply because of the better loading time and data usage. The new title pages are simply an unusable overloaded portal to the actual data.

And I will stop checking in because the Android app is way too nervy just to check in with commentary. With the old layout I could check in with the browser, which now is no longer possible. At least I can still rate in the reference view...

4 Messages


118 Points

@Col_Needham I appreciate the quick and detailed reply.  The reply alone is indicative of a positive culture and it makes me happy that IMDB is aware and responding.  I agree that no design will make everyone happy, and that is why your reference view is a great option.  Maybe offer a link on the front page for "older or slower" devices.  This will appease some and make it appear as the new version is better and faster.  I am also not a fan of the video playing sections of the page, but as you can tell, I prefer sleek and clean versus heavy, cluttered and "feature rich.

Thanks again for listening and replying.


72 Messages


758 Points

3 years ago

Nice touch with with the teal color for both sides in "reference view".

I'm still hoping for a "link" on the right side menu panel for a "more like this" category.

10.6K Messages


224.9K Points

At the very least, there should simply be a publicly-accessible (and publicly-known) JSON digest URL (or better yet, HTML document URL) for every title page and devoted to showing the title's "more like this" information. I've been studying IMDb's AJAX interfaces for years, but I've never uncovered a URL that provides for in the aforementioned way. We lost a valuable resource when the "./recommendations" path for every title page was retired.

2 Messages


70 Points

3 years ago

Old list format for artists was much better, easier to read, easier to use.  I don't like the new format at all.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Artist list format on desktop app

45 Messages


780 Points

3 years ago


i wish to add a new problem on the top banner adv : there is no HTML target on BLANK ! when we click on a banner, we leave IMDB !

every ad banner, specially the big first , should be in _BLANK target mode !

Best regards

23 Messages


462 Points

3 years ago

You have changed it to accomodate mobile screens. Would you be interested in maintaining an option for the old format. This looks Mickey Mouse. Not enough data visible.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled New page format



7.1K Messages


176.6K Points

@george_silver  Thanks for the feedback.  The new design is responsive to the size of your browser so you should see different layouts depending upon your screensize.  Only the smaller sizes are designed for mobile browsing. Out of curiosity for our design team, what values do you get if you visit http://howbigismybrowser.com/ 

If the display is not responsive to your window size, please see https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/general-information/why-is-imdb-displaying-differently-on-my-browser/GF2ZAR69V859XLHF 

For a view closer to the previous one, please see https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/general-information/site-preferences/GDL9NWJRKWRH5L6K (specifically: "Contributors: Show reference view with full cast and crew" at the bottom, but do see the note on this choice). 

Hope this helps. 

23 Messages


462 Points

I have a problem regarding notifications for this thread. If I want notif of replies to my post I need to receive notifs re every other post in this general thread. Who wants to turn off all notifications for the entire site? I don't see a solution to this.

45 Messages


780 Points

3 years ago


there is a duplicate feature page and a adv error .

in the front page of a movie, you can see the gallery of photo .

when you click on "Photos" link, you go to a page which display the same information.

Yes the gallery is in a square, not in a slider conponent, but it is the same information. so what is the meaning of this page ?

As i said in the beginning of my message there is bug on the adv on the text-align: center;">

i click on it and it went to a normal active website, so the problem is there is no visual or error in the frame.

here is the F12 console error :

and here the source code from the FRAME of the ad (only body part tag) :

    <div id="ad" class="ad js-ad">
        <div id="banner" class="banner js-banner">
            <img id="bg1" src="bg1.jpg" class="bg1 js-bg1">
            <img id="bg_end" src="bg_end.jpg" class="bg_end hidden js-end js-fr_end">

            <img id="fr1_txt1" src="fr1_txt1.png" class="img_full hidden txt js-fr1_txt1 fr1">
            <img id="fr1_txt2" src="fr1_txt2.png" class="img_full hidden txt js-fr1_txt2 fr1">

            <div id="white-layer-bottom" class="white-layer js-white-layer-bottom"></div>
            <div id="white-layer-left" class="white-layer js-white-layer-left"></div>
            <div id="white-layer-right" class="white-layer js-white-layer-right"></div>

            <img id="cta" src="cta.png" class="img_full txt hidden js-cta">

            <img id="logo" src="logo.png" class="img_full js-logo">
            <img id="logo-blue" src="logo_blue.png" class="img_full hidden js-logo-blue">  
        <div class="border js-border full"></div>
        <a href="void(window.open(window.clickTag));" id="clickTag" class="clickTag js-clickTag full"></a>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        "use strict";
        var $BANNER = ((function() {
            // jQuery Fake
            var $ = function(slt) { return document.querySelector(slt); }
            // HELPERS OBJECT
            var HELPERS = {
                "GSAP": {
                    "STATUS": true,
                    "VERSION": "",
                    "URLS": [
                "ADS": {
                    "WIDTH": "300",
                    "HEIGHT": "250",
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                    "WIDTH" : window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth || document.body.offsetWidth,
                    "HEIGHT": window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight || document.body.offsetHeight
                "DOMS": {},
                "EVENTS": {
                    "CLICK": (function() {
                            if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement === true) return 'touchstart';
                            else return 'click';
                    "MOVE": (function() {
                            if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement === true) return 'touchmove';
                            else return 'mousemove';
                "STATUS": true
            var timers = 0;
            var Tween;
            // Pre-load Libraries
            function startAds() {
                switch(HELPERS.GSAP.STATUS) {
                    case false:
                        loadScripts(HELPERS.GSAP.URLS, loadAssets);
            // Pre-load Assets
            function loadAssets() {
                ], mainDOM);
            // DOMs
            function mainDOM() {
                HELPERS.GSAP.VERSION = window.TweenMax != undefined ? window.TweenMax.version : '';
                HELPERS.DOMS.Ad = $('.js-ad') != undefined ? $('.js-ad') : '';
                HELPERS.DOMS.Banner = $('.js-banner') != undefined ? $('.js-banner') : '';
                HELPERS.DOMS.ClickTag = $('.js-clickTag') != undefined ? $('.js-clickTag') : '';

                // Call Show Ads
                showAds(true, mainFunc);
                // Handle Show Ads
                function showAds(e, callback) {
                    // Pre Show Elements
                    var elsObj = [HELPERS.DOMS.Banner]; // Shounldn't empty
                    switch (e) {
                        case false:

                    if (callback && typeof(callback) === "function") {

                    function showElements(els) {
                        if(els.length > 0) {
                            for(var i=0; i<els.length; i++) {
                                els[i].style.opacity = 1;
                                els[i].style.display = 'block';
                                els[i].style.visibility = 'visible';
                        } else {}
                // Handle Events
                function addListeners(){
                    // Use event HELPERS.EVENTS.CLICK || HELPERS.EVENTS.MOVE
                    if (HELPERS.DOMS.ClickTag.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'a')
                        HELPERS.DOMS.ClickTag.addEventListener(HELPERS.EVENTS.CLICK, clickTagHandle, false);
                // Handler Events
                function clickTagHandle(e) {
                    if (HELPERS.DOMS.ClickTag.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'a') e.preventDefault();
            // To Do Animation
            function mainFunc() {
                switch(HELPERS.GSAP.STATUS) {
                    case false:
                        Tween = {};

                        Tween = new TimelineMax({
                            onStart: _onStart,
                            onUpdate: _onUpdate,
                            onComplete: _onComplete

                        Tween.add(TweenMax.to(".js-bg1", 1, { scale: 0.7, x: -160, y: -78, rotationZ: 0.001, force3D: true, ease: Quad.easeInOut }), timers);
                        timers += 1;
                        Tween.add(TweenMax.to([".js-fr1_txt1"], 0.9, { y: 0, autoAlpha: 1, ease: Expo.easeOut, rotation: 0.001, force3D: true }), timers);
                        timers += 0.15;
                        Tween.add(TweenMax.to([".js-fr1_txt2"], 0.9, { y: 0, autoAlpha: 1, ease: Expo.easeOut, rotation: 0.001, force3D: true }), timers);
                        timers += 2;
                        Tween.add(TweenMax.to(".js-fr_end", 0.5, { autoAlpha: 1, ease: Power1.easeOut }), timers);
                        timers += 1;
                        Tween.add(TweenMax.to(".js-fr_end", 2, { x: -78, rotationZ: 0.001, force3D: true, ease: Quad.easeInOut }), timers);
                        timers += 2.5;
                        Tween.add(TweenMax.to(".js-fr_end", 1.5, { scale: 0.84, x: -26, y:-30, rotationZ: 0.001, force3D: true, ease: Quad.easeInOut }), timers);
                        Tween.add(TweenMax.to(".js-white-layer-left", 0.6, { 100%', ease: Power1.easeOut, rotation: 0.001, force3D: true }), timers);
                        timers += 0.6;
                        Tween.add(TweenMax.to(".js-white-layer-bottom", 0.4, { 
                        Tween.add(TweenMax.to(".js-logo", 1, { autoAlpha: 0, ease: Power2.easeOut }), timers);
                        Tween.add(TweenMax.to(".js-logo-blue", 1, { autoAlpha: 1, ease: Power2.easeOut }), timers + 0.2);
                        timers += 0.4;
                        Tween.add(TweenMax.to(".js-white-layer-right", 0.6, { 100%', ease: Power1.easeOut, rotation: 0.001, force3D: true }), timers);
                        timers += 0.6;
                        Tween.add(TweenMax.to(".js-cta", 0.9, { y: 0, autoAlpha: 1, ease: Expo.easeOut, rotation: 0.001, force3D: true }), timers);

                // Handle Animation Timeline STEPs
                function _onStart()    {}
                function _onUpdate()   {}
                function _onComplete() {}
            return startAds;

        window.addEventListener("load", $BANNER);

Best regards

16 Messages


332 Points

3 years ago

IMDB is my favorite website and app, and I visit it on my computer and phone more than other apps. That said, the recent UX update on the website is the worst. There's so much loading of promos when you get there, it takes way too long to accomplish a search because everything's popping up, loading and/or blocking things. It's too much and a mess.

This design only suits IMDB and is very thoughtless to users so now when I visit the site on my computer it's a frustrating experience instead of a positive one. Would love them to consider downscaling some of the more obnoxious promotional items that appear on the home page per the redesign and make this a good site again.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled New website UX not great



7.1K Messages


176.6K Points

@Marlyd  Thanks for the feedback. If you would prefer a more simple home page, we recommend switching to https://www.imdb.com/search/ instead. 

16 Messages


332 Points

Thank you for this! Much appreciated.

122 Messages


3.8K Points

@Col_Needham Yes! This is what I've been doing during past few years. Using the "Search" page or any of the title pages I'm on. The "Search" page is just as simple, clean and complex page we can ever get. 😁👌

115 Messages


1.8K Points

3 years ago

Surely I cannot be the only iPad user to find this redesigned webpage a total disaster?

The information I want is in tiny lettering or almost illegible (ratings, runtime). Long review require me to click on a group of dots at the bottom of the text box, but it is so close to the thumb-up icon that I found I have registered a vote saying the review was helpful even before I have read it.

Today I gave tried to read a long review of Cold War (2018), but physically could not access anything after a certain point. The box would not expand any further. 

If I try to report a review for whatever reason, the box to type in is tiny. If I touch anything but the onscreen keyboard or the text box, I lose anything I have written. I cannot refer back to the review itself because it is greyed out and if I touch it I lose everything.


If I suggest edits to the Parents' Guide, I frequently find they are approved, but the original comment is not removed. My suggestion to delete it, with reasons, is simply added to the comment. 

I have read imdb guidelines several times, yet still find suggested edits rejected with a fpsuggestion I read the guidelines I have actually quoted.

if I change something inGoofs, Crazy Credits or Trivia, there is a separate box to give my reasons. That would be helpful for changing the Parents' Guide too. Often people post in the wrong box or post things with no relevance whatsoever. Users can only edit comments, not delete them, and your site does not accept blank text boxes. If a comment such as "The word idiot is used" is posted to Sex and Nudity, we cannot simply delete it. I have sometimes deleted everything but the final full stop, but this makes the images untidy and I prefer to give a reason for moderators to decide if my edit is fair.

For a website that invites users to submit material, IMDb is very poor at doing anything with it.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Webpage redesign

10.6K Messages


224.9K Points

Several, if not many, operators of smartphones (regardless of brand or model) feel uncomfortable with the redesign.

7 Messages


122 Points

3 years ago

I've been a user of IMDB for several years, and have in all that time never had any reason to complain. Until now.

Basic site navigation is through links used to give nearly instant results with the old version of the site, even when using a 4Mb/s ADSL line (I do not have access to fibre or other faster connection tech).

Ever since the site was "redesigned" and "improved", it has become slow and sluggish. Almost impossible to use. The only time performance ever improves is when a link is directed to a part of the site that still uses the old IMDB design views.

  1. If I go to The Crown, the page takes in excess of 35 seconds to load.
  2. Scrolling to "Browse Episodes" and then clicking on the link to open the Season dropdown and clicking "4", opens the details for Season 4 loads the pages in 15 seconds.
  3. Further, if I click on the title of an episode, the details page for that episode takes 16 seconds to load....
  4. ....then if I click "Back" on my browser to return to the full episodes list for the season, it loads in 12 seconds (saving only 3 seconds) almost as if it is not using browser caching at all.

To illustrate, here are comparative page load times for "The Crown" on IMDB and TheMovieDB, after clearing the browser cache:

  IMDB The Movie Database
"The Crown" main page 35 Seconds 3 seconds
Season 4 Episodes List 15 seconds 2 seconds
Episode 4.1 Details Page 16 seconds <1 Second (opens in-page)
Browser "Back" to S4 Episodes List 12 Seconds <1 Second

I understand that timings of 35, 15 and 12 seconds may not seem like much at, but time is everything, and when compared to performance timings of other sites, are far too high.

I have found that this lethargic performance of IMDB.COM is repeated across multiple browsers:

  • Chromium Edge 92.0.902.73
  • Google Chrome 92.0.4515.159
  • Firefox 89.0.2

The IMDB App on Android is even slower and has a tendency to crash and bring overall tablet performance to a crawl.

Please investigate and try to fix this issue.


Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Poor Website Performance



7.1K Messages


176.6K Points

@Dzomlija  Thanks for the feedback. Please see https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/general-information/why-is-imdb-displaying-differently-on-my-browser/GF2ZAR69V859XLHF particularly the point on ad blockers and other plugins. Note that poorly configured ad blockers are likely to slow IMDb pages. If after disabling any plug-ins and trying a private / incognito window to access IMDb, you are still experiencing these loading times, please let us know the hardware / operating system you have and in which country you are located.  If disabling plug-ins fixes the problem then please contact the suppliers of whichever plugin impacted the performance. 

7 Messages


122 Points

These are the only extensions I have installed in Edge:

These are the extension I have installed in Chrome:

And in Firefox:

My hardware specifications:

Processor AMD A10-7850K Radeon R7, 12 Compute Cores (4C+8G), 3.70 GHz
Installed RAM 24.0 GB (23.0 GB usable)
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Graphics 1024MB ATI AMD Radeon R7 Graphics (MSI)



7.1K Messages


176.6K Points

3 years ago

@Dzomlija  Thanks, and you get similar slow speeds on IMDb with plug-ins disabled across these multiple browsers? In which country are you located and we assume this is all without a VPN? What readings do you get when visiting https://fast.com/  (click the "Show more info" button for the upload speed). 

The times you are quoting are around 10x slower than we would expect (and that we measure globally) so trying to eliminate some location issues here. 

7 Messages


122 Points


Here is what I get from Fast.com:

And Speedtest.Net:

I've turned off all extensions:

The results have not improved, other than user error (I'm doing the timings manually with the stopwatch on my phone).

The main IMDB page https://www.imdb.com/ takes between 10-15 seconds on average to load after clearing the cache. 

If it helps:



I do have TunnelBear installed, but do not use it for general browsing so it us usually turned off unless I visit sites that are blocked by location:



7.1K Messages


176.6K Points

@Dzomlija  Thanks, this is useful information which we will pass to the relevant team. 



7.1K Messages


176.6K Points

@Dzomlija  Thanks again for the details.  The team have looked into this.  The times you are reporting unfortunately place you easily inside the slowest 10% of IMDb customers in South Africa (and likewise neighbouring countries).  Do you have any specialised network hardware which might be impacting performance across browsers?  If you have decent mobile internet performance, how do things look if you use your phone as a WiFi hotspot on the same system? This does appear to be a local networking issue for you and sometimes this can be the result of router capacity issues. 

It would be useful for us to see a copy of the results from a Chrome DevTools Profile on a sample IMDb title page if you are willing to run one?  Please do not post the results here as the report will contain some level of personally identifying information; let us know if you are willing to share the report privately and we will contact you with details on how to supply the results.  If you have not done this before, there are instructions on https://www.debugbear.com/blog/devtools-performance (or search for "Chrome DevTools Profile"). 

7 Messages


122 Points

@Col_Needham You seem to have missed the point I made earlier that the lethargic site performance is being experienced ONLY when accessing IMDB.

All other graphically intensive sites, such as The Movie Database, Diablo III Official Game Site or Pixabay (to name a few) perform at near instant speeds compare to IMDB.

I fail to see how my local network hardware and connection speed could be so oddly specific to cause bottlenecks on ONLY your site.

But for the record, my computer is linked directly to the router via a LAN connection. My mobile phone and tablet devices connect via Wi-Fi provided by the same router. I use mobile data only when traveling.

IMDB was excellent before the "updates". Now it isn't.




6.6K Messages


116.5K Points

It is slow everywhere, I can confirm it is in Mexico and it is the only webpage I visit that takes soooo long to load.

Reference view is the only way out of this mess.

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248 Messages


5.6K Points


In Europe (Croatia) also very very slow, but only new IMDb title pages. I usually have no problem with other well known or popular sites.



6.6K Messages


116.5K Points

Indeed, it is a IMDb problem. Google Speed insights gives the site a 1.8 score in mobile and barely a 5.7 in desktop, and they don't have ad blockers or any other tech that could explain it as it is being said here.

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10.6K Messages


224.9K Points

But how do YouTube, Vimeo, Wix, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Reddit and Fandom (in their website forms) fare? They should probably be as slow as IMDb, depending upon which "theory" is most applicable to the mystery at hand. I would be particularly interested in remarks concerning Wix, because it is so far removed from broad compatibility optimization, unlike Squarespace, Wordpress, Blogspot and Tumblr, for examples. I've noticed that Rotten Tomatoes surprisingly tends to perform considerably worse than IMDb in terms of resource consumption. This is a broad topic since there are thousands of popular websites, and none of us intend to write up a performance report on his/her personal top thousand.



6.6K Messages


116.5K Points


I don't use many of those sites. But I did check the same analysis made on Google tools for you 

Rotten Tomatoes - 3.4 in mobile, 5.6 in desktop.

Twitter - 6.6 in mobile, 8.6 in desktop

YouTube - 2.2 in mobile, 4.4 in desktop

fandom - 2.9 mobile, 7.4 desktop

Wix - 3.0 in mobile, 8.9 in desktop

So, excluding YouTube in desktop, everything is faster than the IMDb, and YouTube is a video webpage, which the IMDb isn't

For reference, all my checks I make here: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/

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45 Messages


780 Points


do you think there is a people at amazon HQ who said : "make slower all the website where we publish banners so the audience can have more time to watch our adverts" ?

Just a question : does people who complain about the slow problem have the same email from imdb account and from amazon account ? Me, i do. If i change my amazon email, maybe the link between imdb and amazon slow ad will be broken and the site will go back to "quick' mode ?

45 Messages


780 Points

3 years ago

a couple of days ago, i posted a comment about the problem with lag/block  while the main great banner was loading (we can't scroll down using the wheelmouse or scrollbar until the top banner is totally load)

since a few day, i noticed the problem is degenerated :

now we can scroll down but the content of the page is hidden (overlay) by the banner.

here's a screenshot once i scrolldown as soon i go to the page :

and here's the normal page when i wait (no overlay) :

in the first screenshot, each time i scrolldown, the top banner is overlaying the main area (with poster,counter photo/video and preview)

best regards

36 Messages


486 Points

3 years ago

There is also a problem on Chrome on the Android tablet. When the page loads it looks fine, but when the ads have been fully loaded the page gets wider and it looks like this:

By the way: Thanks for re-including the localized plot outlines!

4 Messages


118 Points

3 years ago

I will also go on the record as saying that I HATE the app for android as well.  I cannot stand it.  I will use the mozilla firefox, desktop version.  Give us a classic version please!

13 Messages


394 Points

3 years ago

Your new website design is very slow. For a title webpage to fully load it takes nearly 20-30 seconds, while on tmdb, metacritic it is 2-3 seconds.

There are a lot of reports of slowliness that are ignored.

Can you quote me and  confirm you receive this message?

1 Message


60 Points

3 years ago

I realize this is a months-old post, but I, too, am surprised at the new lack of usability of the site.  I look at IMDB daily.  Every single day.  The information that I generally look for has been moved or removed from the site.  The information that remains is unorganized, and unintuitive.  If there were any decent competitor I would completely stop using IMDB, as I suspect many others have done.