2.3K Messages
40.5K Points
INTRODUCING: Updated IMDb.com Title page experience
We are excited to announce the launch of IMDb’s newly refreshed movie and TV show pages! The renewed page is meant to make your IMDb experience easy and enjoyable, and its design represents the diverse interests of global entertainment fans. The refresh reflects IMDb customer feedback and research designed to enhance entertainment content discovery and navigation.
Please note, we are gradually launching the new design to a selection of IMDb customers. If you do not yet see the design, we expect to make it broadly available in the weeks ahead. Thank you for using IMDb!
For more information, check out this Help article.
3 Messages
104 Points
3 years ago
What's the point of darkening the visible part only? My eyes are dying. Make it full dark.
8 Messages
162 Points
3 years ago
Where can I find the COUNTRY of production of the film?
22 Messages
406 Points
3 years ago
hi, so today i am seeing the brand new layout on my laptop. i never go to the homepage .. for quite some time now..(since they changed the layout the last time) i always saw imdb as an "archive" (one of the most important archives to me). my pattern: i look up a movie, i go through "more like this" and other people's lists, browsing & collecting movies. ( i so would have loved if they had implemented a way for people to communicate under the lists!)
so now taking in the changes i feel i can't deal with how they pages are made up - it's kinda bearable when my screen is on 67%.
question: any way to change it to anything else or back.. ? any other ideas?
36 Messages
486 Points
3 years ago
I don't like this version. There are many issues that makes the use of the IMDb more difficult.
- The release date is no longer on top of the site, so you have to scroll down
- The plot outline shows only the english version, you can no longer switch to the local language
- Multiple names in a row in the head section are no longer selectable for copying
- You only can change the view via the account menu and only to the advanced view, not the previous version
- You can no longer check in (at least I haven't found that option yet) equally to the advanced view
Please bring back the previous version! At least as a personal option!
2 Messages
74 Points
3 years ago
Hi this new layout is totally unusable on my iPhone, it's still running ios10. The text is tiny and the pictures are enormous, bigger than the screen. You've captured the scrolling somehow so the pictures only move left-right. Now it's very difficult/impossible to move vertically down the page.
(ps. IMDB fan from when it worked via email, not WWW)
36 Messages
648 Points
3 years ago
I very much dislike the new web page style that was just released for IMDb. Would love an option to switch back to previous type of view.
1 Message
70 Points
3 years ago
Please give us the option to view using the old format!!
4 Messages
96 Points
3 years ago
I commented on May 18th or 19th on the new page layout when I looked up a movie I wanted details on to say how much I dislike the new version. I went back today to take another look and I believe I've figured out what you are trying to achieve with this awful re-do. I noticed many more and much larger ads. That proves to me that you have spread out the movie info to a larger format to increase the real estate it takes up on your site thereby providing more space to place bigger and more numerous ads which, in turn, increases your profit margins. In other words Imdb.com 2.0 amounts to nothing more than cheezy clickbait.
1 Message
60 Points
3 years ago
Am I just blind and am missing the section that was always at the bottom of a Movie/TV Shows page that was called "Similar Titles" or did this feature get removed all together? That was one of the main features I would use at IMDB and had uncovered many forgotten or unheard of gems over the years.
2 Messages
70 Points
3 years ago
The new IMDB on Chrome is worthless to me. I cannot copy and paste the lead actors anymore. Pure waste of time for me.
2 Messages
70 Points
3 years ago
Useless for me. Can not copy and paste lead actors anymore. I archive films, create film database, the new version completely stops my job. I am NOT going to type in every lead actor.
Useless sidebar, too much graphics, not enough info. Have to scroll forever to get to info, then have to link off to another page for each item.
Worthless. Change it back NOW or I bail out.
3 Messages
104 Points
3 years ago
Make IMDb great again by making it full dark on every page. It's hurting my eyes so bad. And the sad thing is, IMDb is now more mobile-friendly, or should I say touchscreen-friendly? But they have to know that not all of us browsing through mobile. Now it's so horrible for PC users.
2 Messages
70 Points
3 years ago
I have now spent a little time with the new design (Title page experience). I don't like how the IMDB site feels on a desktop. Some things take up much more screen space than they previously did. Overall there is less useful information given in a single screen.
The "Top cast" section is especially cumbersome when the browser window is narrow. Also, clicking "Top cast" sends you to the "Full Cast & Crew" kind of confusing. The old table format that is still used on the full credits page is so much more readable. Now one of the most useful features (who's in the movie?) is harder to read.
"More like this" was right below the movie. For many people the "More like this" section may keep them engaged with your site. Now you have to scroll down to see it. Same problem with Editorial/user lists, which may also improve engagement.
I'm a power user on IMDB. I know I am not the target demographic here. However, the whole site feels big and spacey. I have to scroll/search for things that previously were a click away (and yes I've already familiarized myself with the layout). We can get used to whatever you send us. However, I feel like this layout has seriously detracted from the usability of the site. It is slightly more attractive and does draw the eye more to the videos and photos. Maybe this is a key area for some users? I'm more interested in the information than the pictures or video. This is a "database" site after all?
Lastly, the site feels slower. Things on the page load slower. I’ll have to give this more time to be sure about the speeds. However, for now it’s simply annoying to have to wait for things longer than I did before.
1 Message
148 Points
3 years ago
Long term user of the platform here, gotta say how much I dislike the new look. The desktop refresh so appalling I'm astonished the management approved it. I'm all for dark mode but not having the option to toggle it is dispiriting. In daylight, it's much harder to navigate this UI with a dark background than otherwise. Also, what's up with all the elements being obnoxiously big? The older version offered all the necessary information without scrolling down but that's impossible with the update.
Please stop fixing things that aren't broken. Thank you.
64 Messages
1.1K Points
3 years ago
Can someone tell me why I can't see release date (not year, full date) of a movie with a first look of a title page? Why did you remove it from beginning? There is still a lot of empty space there, no?