Michelle's profile



17.2K Messages


310.1K Points

Thursday, August 15th, 2024 11:18 PM

Introducing: Interests on Web

Introducing: Interests on Web


We are excited to announce the global launch of “Interests” on the IMDb website, providing entertainment fans a new way to explore their passions and personalize their IMDb experience.

Interests are single hub dedicated to a genre or subgenre to explore popular and highly rated series and movies. Using Interests you can discover the most anticipated releases, popular favorites, and watch new trailers, interviews and IMDb Original Videos.

Interests for each title are listed alphabetically on the title page header first by subgenre and then by genre, and on the Popular interests widget that appears on the IMDb homepage.

To see a full list of all available Interests, visit http://www.imdb.com/interest/all in your web browser. For customers in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia, you can also search for any Interest using the Search box at the top of IMDb.com. We are working to add search capabilities to more regions soon.

Adding interests is currently only available on the IMDb iOS App and the IMDb Android App. The ability to follow interests will be coming to IMDb.com at a later date.

For more information about “Interests”, please review our Help Guide.

Thanks as always for all your feedback – please feel free to post your questions and comments to this thread.

- The IMDb Team




14.2K Messages


328K Points

1 month ago

the new Related interests widget that appears on every title page on IMDb

I don't see this yet.



17.2K Messages


310.1K Points

Hi @Peter_pbn​ -

Currently the related interests widget is only available on the mobile apps.  Apologies for the confusion, I have now corrected this in the announcement text.

252 Messages


5.7K Points

1 month ago

I really don't like that the genre and the subgenre are sticked together, I hope that in the next update you will separate the subgenre from the genre, i.e. put the subgenre in a different place because this doesn't look good at all. Also, subgenre can be a spoiler. Truly unnecessary.




14.2K Messages


328K Points

"Tragedy" is problematic.

Not all the subgenres listed in the keyword section have been promoted to interests, so I guess the selection could be adjusted.


713 Messages


7.9K Points

Tragedy is a massive potential spoiler in almost every possible use case.

36 Messages


598 Points

1 month ago

WARNING: bit of humor (not rudeness) ahead. Warning since it may not transpire as intended, so read more "tongue in cheek" and not insulting, ok? Ok!)

This is a first for me! When were they added? I did a search here and I see questions dating to 2022.

Never came across a movie with so many as I did now in:

Also how many sub/genres total can a movie have? When is it too many? 
IDK about anyone else, but I like things simple. I like ONE genre but I (finally) got used to 3 and now there's a bazillion genres?

Btw, I find the "drama" is overused and abused.
Maybe a pop up to block users before allowed to post, saying "this is what a drama is.... are you sure?" 

Every movie has some kind of boy-girl-meets-dates but is NOT romance genre. Isn't that CONFUSING and going a bit overboard??

Shouldn't there be a limit on genre-ing?

I find a LOT of contributors are MISGENRING films!

(Who agrees?)
The abuse on the "drama" when it's "thriller" or "horror" is out of control.
Considering the genres are in alphabeitcal order, when they ought to be (IMHO) by PRIORITY, and only 3 are displayed (or were, until I found the above) it's all...so...very.... first world problems, no? (But still! Important!)

Back to the new subgenres: 
Can normal people (me) simply not add them? Are they reserved to IMDb staff or superpowered users? 
I find that they give away the surprise plot, for instance "Body Horror" (!) Really? 

(I was perusing an old show (don't ask, K?!) , if anyone were to add that, series be completely SPOILED!)

I mean my favorite subgenre (and IDK if you have it) has always been Time-Travel. Ok I see you have that in *some* films. You have it in 


but you don't have it in:


and I cannot add it (I'm normal, not super-powered!) <G>
And "Feel-Good Romance" I think is insulting: it tells people how they're supposed to feel when viewing it.

Scratch that: it's a SPOILER: we'll then know the movie ends well, "aww" and might be borderline meaning "cheese"!

Also by "Tragedy" ...am I the only one who reads "Melodrama"? (As in "let me go get my violin!"

Is Melodrama a subgenre? Surely it has to be! This cheesy melodrama comes to mind:


(Sorry if you like it, but hey it won Oscars so it's fair game for those of us who can't stand the film!)

Will "cheesy" be a genre and "CHEESY MELODRAMA" a subgenre?

<G> as in: Warning: cheese ahead! 

I propose it be! Who will second me? ;-D (I kid, I kid!!) (No, I don't!) 
Actually, it's prob best it won't be: imagine the overuse worse than "Drama".

And today I find when I go grab the URL at imdb, there's a lot more of long stuff that I need to delete (like on eBay past the item number!) past the "?", stuff I always ignore. Why is it a mile long now?? It wasn't like that yesterday, as I was working with stuff and routinely delete the "extra".

Sorry for so many questions. Feel free to tackle as many as you can. 
Thanks for reading and (hopefully/mabye?) answering.


PS: WHAAA...??

^High Concept comedy??

Look I may be overstepping things here, but to me a GENRE is a SIMPLE WORD to state WHAT you're in the mood for! That's it! "let's go see a comedy!" As opposed to horror or action, or drama.  I don't know about you , but I don't know anyone who has friends who say "Yeah, but let's make it a High Concept comedy!" cos we all be like 'huh?" and they be booted off the friendship club for being pedantic! 

What is the meaning behind all this? Considering that SPECTRUM appears to grab IMDb's info (for on-screen TV guide. and genres for its OnDemand classifications) and so does Google, are they now going to repeat this nonsense ah, uh..I mean... upgraded genre stuff??

I'm sorry but, if I may put it plainly without (too many) people getting offended, it's just plain: (modern)
There, I said it.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Since when are subgenres a thing and why aren't they available to add in the drop box? When is "Melodrama" added?

252 Messages


5.7K Points

25 days ago

The subgenre is usually listed before the genre, but not in the case of "Holiday", which is placed between genres or at the end of a line. it looks messy.



14.2K Messages


328K Points

Holiday is called a genre in the interest page; maybe it has deliberately been placed with the main genres.


I noticed that there are titles with the holiday-season keyword that are not in the Holiday interest, for example Krampus and Christmas with Holly. I wonder how exactly the interest is set up.

36 Messages


598 Points

23 days ago

If I may, I'd like to propose a couple new sub-genres, for your consideration:

formulaic and extreme-formulaic.

(A polite way to say: "You've seen one, you've seen them all!") Examples:




Extreme Formulaic:

Dead Files

Ghost Adventures

Possibly all reality shows (most likely Housewives shows etc. I've only seen the promos.)


Darrin bickers with and is taunted by Endora, made an animal, loses his job, Sam intervenes, gets his job back at the end, but is never promoted. Darrin gets mad at Sam for using magic but she does anyway; confusion between Sam & Serena, Larry says "You son of a gun!" Aunt Clara does cute stuff etc. But with some cool music effects and visual effects in between.

Bad guy commits crime in huge spoiler within first 5. Columbo arrives on the scene. Instantly knows who the killer is (he musta watched the intro along with all of us!); zeroes in on bad guy; bad guy/gal has smug, smug attitude; is annoyed by Columbo, who does his awkward shtick and solves murder at the end.

The 2 reality ones above are word-for-word the same exact thing, episode after episode.

So, what do you guys think? 

713 Messages


7.9K Points

I never saw the appeal of Columbo.

"Huge spoiler in first 5 mins." is right. Pointless.

36 Messages


598 Points

Thank you! Same here.  (At least Bewitched has all the cool magic happening, which was way fun to watch as a kid, and still can be.) 

IDK if there's any interest in the "FORMULAIC" category, but it's not for a put-down as my previous tongue-in-cheek "cheesy" suggestion was. I think for people who like repetitive things, it can be important to find. (Typically, my 'group' falls into that category of people, but I really don't.) However, tagging it as formulaic can also help others avoid such shows, past, perhaps the one (episode we find it with).

713 Messages


7.9K Points


I have not been to a public library in years, but I remember the Mills and Boone's books (North Americans - think Harlequin Romances) used to have their own section separate from the rest of the Fiction.

IMDb should do the same for Lifetime and Hallmark movies 😂

36 Messages


598 Points

LIFETIME: 🤮Films for women who like to watch women get beat up👿by abusive men, played by actors whose acting is so stilted and contrived, you feel like giving Madonna an Oscar for Swept Away. - 

How do we bottle ^^^that up in 1 word?🤫 Must also encompass the "cheesy" factor and "formulaic" category.  

HALLMARK: used to have some cute films, some mostly bad. All extremely formulaic too. I remember watching a cringe one with a very miscast Miyiaim Biailik (how many i's does her name have total?) 🤪 She played it angry till the end. It was unintentionally hilarious, as most of these are.

Avoid anything with Kellie Picker in it: her stop-start character acting makes you feel like apologizing to the aforementioned Lifetime performers, for they could actually be much, much worse! 😊



19.3K Messages


475.5K Points

23 days ago

@Michelle , et al,

FYI: You may be interested in this IMDb Poll:

Best Interest


A poll by pbn / @Peter_pbn 
From IMDb's list of popular interests, which style or subgenre are you most interested in?

The listed titles are only examples.

713 Messages


7.9K Points

18 days ago

This feature is clearly a work in process and needs some straightening out around the edges, but it is a good feature.

We have been crying for subgenres for 10+ years, so let's be grateful. 

713 Messages


7.9K Points

18 days ago

@Michelle , @Col_Needham 

Neo-Noir appears to be glaringly absent.

Please consider its inclusion.

2 Messages


70 Points

18 days ago

What criteria are used to determine the order in which the genres of a drama are listed? There are cases where multiple genres are listed for a single drama. What is the basis for the order in which these genres appear? For example, the drama "Sunjae Eobgo Tweeeo" is categorized under six genres: Feel-good romance, Romantic comedy, Comedy, Fantasy, Music, and Romance.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled What criteria are used to determine the order in which the genres of a drama are listed?



14.2K Messages


328K Points


Generally, the subgenres are listed first followed by the main genres. Within each group, they appear to be in alphabetical order.

I think I would prefer the main genres to be listed first.
