4 Messages


100 Points

Friday, April 5th, 2024 4:45 PM

Under Consideration


Improving the search for people with the same name

Hello IMDB, After decades of credits, when I search my unique name, I'm unable to find myself on IMDB! In fact, 8 of the 10 first results don't even include the search criteria. Holy guacamole batman, what's up IMDB? Many thanks in advance for your help on this one ;) MA UNIQUE NAME: Michael Angelo IV URL RESULTS: https://www.imdb.com/find/?s=nm&q=michael%20angelo%20iv&ref_=nv_sr_sm 8 OF 10 FIRST RESULTS DON'T INCLUDE SEARCH CRITERIA: Michael BellisarioAdditional Crew, Grandma's Boy (2006)Michael AngelisActor, World's End (1981)Michael Angelo LobrinActor, Tsuperhero (2016–2017)Townsend ColemanActor, The Tick (1994–1997)Mike JonesWriter, Soul (2020)Michael Angelo CovinoProducer, The Climb (2019)Dax BelangerActor, Dial S for Santa (2023)Mike JohansenActor, Caesar and Otto's Paranormal Halloween (2015)Miguel Ángel FuentesActor, Fitzcarraldo (1982)Michael LocsinDirector, Itaga mo sa bato (1995)Michael AngeliProducer, Battlestar Galactica (2004–2009)Lloyd FloydActor, Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption (2006)Michelangelo MilanoActor, Gotham (2014–2019)Mike SoccioProducer, Cameron and Eddie Lose the BeltMichael AngeloActor, Defying Gravity (1997)Mike PerroneProducer, The Man Behind the CameraMichael Angelo BagañganDirector, Old World: Myths & Legends - Episode 1: Banshee (2024)Max BlustinDirector, Sorceress (2018)Michaelangelo MasangkayProducer, Triggered (2023)Michael Angelo DagñalanWriter, Layang bilanggo (2010)Michael Leo DeAngeloDirector, ApopheniaMichael Angelo ZervosProducer, Papou (2014)Michael GonzaActor, Holed Up (2017)Michael AngeloActor, Dream on Dreamer (2019– )Michaelangelo NewellActor, Hustle Beach (2022)



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

11 months ago

If you omit the IV, and click on the Exact Matches link, do you find yourself? https://www.imdb.com/find/?q=michael%20angelo&s=nm&exact=true&ref_=fn_nm_ex

4 Messages


100 Points

Still not there if I search just "Michael Angelo" and then if u click "exact matches" there are dozens (more) of "Michael Angelos' with no roman numeral so you'd have to click one at a time. The exact search function should work as it has for more than a decade! Thanks for reaching out ;)



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

I just googled your name with "IV imdb" and assumed it was the first result since IV did appear by the name. To get that page to come up on the IMDb search I had to click the "more exact matches" link TWICE, and know to look for "visual effects". We really have lost something with the newest version of search. I know frequent contributors complained about it at the time.

4 Messages


100 Points

Yeah it's strange, it worked for so long, I could tell a client "Michael Angelo IV" and they'd find it immediately searching IMDB. Hopefully "Michelle" from IMDB can help, I've seen her on these forums working miracles ;) Thanks again for taking interest, hope this leads to help for all! MA PS Michelle on IMDB in these forums: https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/users/5f495633c17a0660597f9c03



7.5K Messages


182.5K Points

@mangelissimo​ Thanks for the feedback and sorry for the lack of precision in the search.  We have opened a ticket with the search team to see what we can do (ticket reference #V1334989237).  Please note that in the meantime, if you have an IMDbPro paid subscription then you can set-up a vanity URL which people can use to more easily locate you.  For more details, see https://help.imdb.com/article/imdbpro/manage-your-imdb-page/setting-your-vanity-url-other-external-websites/GDH9V8TP28AZYDL5?ref_=helpsrall# — for example, I am https://imdb.me/col.needham  Hope this helps.  

4 Messages


100 Points

Amazing thank you Col!



17.8K Messages


316.1K Points

8 months ago

Hi @mangelissimo - I wanted to thank you again for providing feedback concerning improvements to our Search feature.  As already mentioned, we have escalated the request to the appropriate team who have logged the issue for review. While we are not always able to take immediate action on every issue, please be assured the feedback has been captured, in the meantime we will be marking the thread 'Closed'. Thanks again!