17.2K Messages
310.1K Points
IMDb Web News Pages Redesign
We are excited to announce IMDb’s redesign of News pages! In the coming days, IMDb will incrementally roll out its redesign for 6 News pages, which include Top News, Celebrity News, Movie News, TV News, Indie News, and the individual news article pages. The refreshed pages are meant to make your IMDb experience easier and more enjoyable by providing improved access to various entertainment news on any device and when on the go. The redesign follows ongoing site improvements and reflects changes suggested by IMDb customers, as well as our own in-depth research designed to enhance entertainment news content, discovery, and navigation.
In the coming months, we will continue to update IMDb pages throughout the site. We hope you enjoy these latest and upcoming improvements, and thank you for continuing to make IMDb the world’s most trusted source for movie, TV, and entertainment content.
— The IMDb Team
IMDb Top News IMDb Celebrity News
10 Messages
252 Points
11 months ago
As a user and also a pro artist and designer, I'm appalled at the redesign of these pages. Seriously. You've taken a cue from the (overdone) Wordpress Blog world and reset the page for children. Really, why did you decide to expand out every story with too-large graphics? Previously, there was ZERO difficulty in scrolling down and-- gasp!-- actually READING story previews. Now, I have to scroll as far just to see what FIVE stories offer.
This is a demented approach, and backwards to useability and function. You wanna hire me? I'll start with some easy advice: KEEP IT SIMPLE.