

17.8K Messages


316.5K Points

Wednesday, March 19th, 2025 6:33 PM

IMDb Redesigns Title Full Credits

We are excited to announce the launch of IMDb’s redesigned Title Full Credits page! The title full credits subpage is accessed via the ‘cast & crew’ link at the top of title pages, or from the ‘All topics’ menu. The page has been updated to improve readability and navigation across multiple device formats. Following an opt-in Beta test, we have made a number of additional improvements recommended by customers. The new page includes a ‘jump to’ feature allowing users to jump directly to a selected credit category so you can more easily find the credits you care about.    We hope you enjoy these latest improvements, and thank you for continuing to make IMDb the world’s most trusted source for movie, TV, and entertainment content.    — The IMDb Team

70 Messages


1.4K Points

5 days ago

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. NO! You said and promised you weren't going to touch this. It's an eyesore for those of us who are regular contributors and are the backbone of your database getting continually updated and containing more information. It makes our "job" more difficult and frustrating. NO!



14.8K Messages


334K Points

Perhaps you are confusing it with the reference view, which has not changed.

70 Messages


1.4K Points

I am not confusing it with the reference view. I don't use and despise the reference view.



57 Messages


636 Points

Hi Jean_morel, I’m not sure what you refer to in terms of promises not to change the Title Full Credits page. We announced and ran an Opt-in Beta for the past month, and have made a number of changes based on the feedback received. Please take a look at the Beta thread (https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/imdbcom/redesigned-title-full-credits-beta-optin/67b35f0c58837b6a72c03494) and let us know if you have concerns that have not already been covered. Thanks, Mark

70 Messages


1.4K Points

Mark, I am not talking about "the past month". I do not hang out on this forum unless I have an issue I need addressed so the announcement flew me by. I am talking about months or years back when you first starting rolling these changes and IMDB promised the full cast & crew page would not be touched when faced with the outrage of regular top contributors such as myself. Your Beta thread and request for feedback is a joke. Just looking at that thread shows you've only gotten negative feedback after negative feedback, but you still steamrolled ahead with the changes. Just like with every other IMDB page type change. You yourself did a post in that thread summarizing the most common issues people were bringing up and the large majority of them have gone unaddressed. You wanted to redesign the site's UI? Fine. And there are actually plenty of "fan redesign" templates of IMDB floating around the web that show actual thoughtful, aesthetic, practical, usable, modern layouts ARE possible. But despite all the negative criticism you keep getting from your users about the changes you make, you just ignore it. It's clear IMDB has a smartphone/tablet first mentality these days and that they don't care that desktop/laptop users and contributors suffer a massively degraded experience because of it. Not even to mention that your changes have broken the contribution form.




57 Messages


636 Points

Hi Jean_morel, what issue are you experiencing with the contribution form?

70 Messages


1.4K Points

Mark, I have detailed the issues in a separate thread here: https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/data-issues-policy-discussions/the-release-dates-section-in-the-contribution-form-is-broken/67deb1bfe7cf820830d362cb?commentId=67e06d72e7cf820830e8f9f7 The Attributes menu for the "Additional information" field in the Release Dates section is now missing which is a MASSIVE issue. And there is an additional issue with adding release dates to straight-to-video titles.

46 Messages


1K Points

5 days ago

I do not enjoy these latest improvements, but I will concede that it's a bit better than the initial beta version, so thank you for that. However, one issue I brought up when it was first introduced that I would still like to see addressed is the fact that the colors of the links don't change from blue to purple after they're clicked on like they used to. I know it's a minor thing, but it helped me keep track of which links I've already used, which was a small but useful touch. I don't really care about the specific color (although aesthetically, purple was a good choice, especially contrasted to the gold in the logo) but I hope you consider adding that feature back. I'm not sure how complicated a thing it would be to code, but I can't imagine it would ruin everything to change it.



57 Messages


636 Points

Hi List_o_mania, we are considering adding that feature back. The design team are in discussion around the best approach. Whatever they align on will likely be applied site-wide rather than just for the Title Full Credits page, and this is why it may take a bit longer for us to address this issue; since they will need to take into account how the change will impact all IMDb pages. We’ll keep you posted on progress. Thanks, Mark

240 Messages


4.6K Points

3 days ago

I have gone over to the Reference View for the first time, as this new layout is all too spaced out on my laptop screen, and to do my contributions I need a concise view. So as long as the Reference View is kept, this new view which is clearly aimed at browsers but not contributors will not hinder me.

14 Messages


352 Points

2 days ago

The new version of the IMDb cast & crew no longer shows a Filming & Production tab. I found this tab very interesting, as it told where film production took place. Any way to bring that back? Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation Link : https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/imdbcom/new-version-of-imdb-full-cast-crew-no-longer-shows-filming-production/67de5b7b4fef9155876ab603 Title : New version of IMDb, full cast & crew, no longer shows "Filming & Production"?



14.8K Messages


334K Points

You can find this page in the All Topics menu under Details.

70 Messages


1.4K Points

Yes, like every other change IMDB does, making everything less convenient and one more click away.



14.8K Messages


334K Points

Come to think of it, the Full cast & crew page does not have the "More from this title" menu at the bottom like the other subpages. The Filming & production page links to Full cast & crew, but not vice versa. Perhaps an oversight.


14 Messages


352 Points




57 Messages


636 Points

@Peter_pbn, correct the missing 'More from this title' section appears to be an oversight. I've cut a ticket to the relevant team to get it added back. Thanks for spotting this and bringing it to our attention.
