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5.4K Messages


57.3K Points

Thursday, October 20th, 2022 2:07 PM

IMDb Name Page Redesign

IMDb Name Page Redesign



We are excited to announce the launch of IMDb’s redesigned Name pages! These pages are meant to make your IMDb experience easier and more enjoyable by providing better access to photos and videos, an upgraded view of an individual’s credits, and improved mobile navigation making it easier to view IMDb features on the go. These enhancements reflect changes suggested by IMDb customers, as well as our own in-depth research designed to enhance entertainment content, discovery, and navigation. More information is available in the FAQ on the help page.

We hope you enjoy these latest improvements, and thank you for continuing to make IMDb the world’s most trusted source for movie, TV, and entertainment content.

— The IMDb Team


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33 Messages


590 Points

2 years ago

I've said it before (when the listings page changed), and I'll say it again. Keep both styles. The original for everyone sane, and then use the for the touchscreen experience that you are forcing upon everyone.

At the very least, do what you did with the listings page with the "reference" extension, and have something like 'plain' or basicview' tacked on.

This UX is abominable...

2 Messages


72 Points

2 years ago

I have been a member of IMDb since you began; in fact, I am in your database.

And I think this new format is TERRIBLE!!!!!

It was so much better before, for research, continuity, easy on the eyes, etc.  I'm sure you will be getting many complaints about this.  Please, please return to the old format!!!!  Now.  Or at the very least, give me an option to do so, because I want very much to be able to do that -- to be able to see my credits in the old format, which preserved continuity with out having to punch a dozen buttons.

I have also made many contributions over the decades, but will find that so much more difficult to do now. In fact, I probably won't bother anymore.  Your loss.

Please, please let me know how I can return to the old format.  We need all that option!!

Also, why did my database entry change today, when you have a message below that is from 28 days ago? 




14.3K Messages


329K Points

2 years ago

On mobile, the text view link does not lead to the text view, it's just the same as the old All Filmography.



7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@Peter_pbn​  Thanks — this a new bug, sorry.  The appropriate team have been alerted. 

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

I was wondering about this too, but I assumed it was intentional.

1 Message


60 Points

2 years ago


The most obvious problems I noticed with the first few seconds:

Actors with 100's of credits have no paging capability; you just have to scroll and scroll and ...

If I try to select the name of a character, the page jumps to the movie that I'm trying select the character name from, so I'm unable to select any text.

IMO pages with flaws this obvious should still be in trial mode.

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

I don't know about the scrolling bit (since I prefer a comprehensive unpaginated view, which I mitigate by using the browser's find tool), but indeed it is hard to highlight some of the text, similar to how highlighting things on YouTube can be very tricky. In some ways, all these sites with "modernized" UI are hard to work with, given certain use cases.

2 Messages


90 Points

2 years ago

Don't like the new look at all, bring back the way it was, it was far easier to navigate, 

4 Messages


92 Points

2 years ago

New design is garbage can't even see what movies are in my watch list now when looking at a actors page. Have to manually click each and every time separately.

I also dislike the UI change before that, on front page/movies. I still prefer the one from some years ago....
And that is not the same as the "Show reference view with full cast and crew (advanced view)" option .....

1 Message


60 Points

2 years ago

I don't totally hate the new design. I think with time I'll get used to it. What I would love to see is the ability to resize the text, because there is A LOT of white space, particularly in the center. Or the option for a dark mode, so you can see the text in white with a dark background

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

I might suggest relying upon the tools present within the Web browser being used, but I seen that some of Web browsers (as in mobile versions of them) don't provide a quick (toolbar control) way to adjust things like that, which is very annoying. (I've only ever experienced Chrome, Firefox and Kiwi, along with the pre-Chrome stock browser of Android OS, though. I'd like to get around to experimenting with Edge, Brave, Opera and Opera Mini, Kiwi Browser is spectacular, by the way, but only available for Android.)



7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@ketpiano​ Thanks for the feedback.  We had a more compact two-column view of the credits in the beta version which was tested over the summer. Unfortunately, the customer feedback at the time showed that overall there were too many changes in the beta for people to handle at once.  The version you see now is a compromise and we will keep monitoring feedback such as yours as the new design settles in.

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

I may write a monkey script that forces each movie's the year of release to be closer to the movie's title. I did that with the last generation name page layout, when name reference view was eliminated. I've always found it ridiculous that the gap between these pieces of information was so damned wide.

1 Message


60 Points

2 years ago

For the love of God, please put it back to what it was. I've been using IMDB for over 20 years and I DETEST this new design. Confusing and just....confusing!!!

8 Messages


152 Points

2 years ago

To make IMDB usable on the computer, set "Show Reference View" in options, and create a rewrite rule using an extension like Redirector (Chrome) for the new Name Page  (basically rewrite*/ to$1/filmotype)  The only downside is that the text version of the Name Page completely ignores the setting of number of episodes of each series you select in the configuration, and shows all of them.  Thanks again, IMDB.  


1 Message


96 Points

2 years ago

I registered just now, specifically to comment on this issue. Skimming through the comments it seems every issue has been mentioned so I won't go into that, but rather just add my voice to the chorus:

This is singlehandedly one of the worst website redesigns I've ever seen. On some level I respect the bloody-minded determination that IMDb has, to make their website (both browser and mobile versions) as user-unfriendly as they possibly can, but my goodness, this one is spectacularly bad. I'm not even going to try to make revision suggestions, because the entire endeavour is so badly broken that it would be simpler to just start from scratch.

I'm not expecting a rollback, because it's universal corporate strategy to dig in even when really obvious mistakes have been made, but it's really what ought to be done here. Rolling back and saying "we made a mistake" is embarrassing, yes, but it's less embarrassing than having to present a catastrophically bad product on an ongoing basis.

Still, I hope that imdb will come to their senses and scrap this disaster of a project.

8.4K Messages


175.4K Points

2 years ago

268 Messages


5.9K Points

@ACT_1​ But only about 500 new "users" per month in this community. 😬

8.4K Messages


175.4K Points

@plur62​ 😀


IMDb member since Fri Nov 18 2022

IMDb member since Thu Nov 17 2022

IMDb member since Wed Nov 16 2022



268 Messages


5.9K Points

@ACT_1​ 30,000 new users per day on IMDb, 15 new users per day on IMDb Sprinklr. 😪



4K Messages


244.1K Points

@ACT_1​ Hey, haven't seen you in a while. Glad you're still there. :)

17 Messages


388 Points

@plur62​ Why do you think that is? How long has Sprinklr been around? I've been an IMDb Member for 17 years and didn't know about this until I chanced upon it by accident when accessing a Name page a day or two ago. 

127 Messages


2.3K Points

2 years ago

There are several things wrong that people have touched on. One of course is the button you need to click to "expand" credits which as other have said should be an option. If you look any character actor this is just ill advised but by far the worst is the videos section being up top because it's typically displaying giant videos of people whose profile you aren't looking at which looks beyond stupid. If you look at Iron Eyes Cody, you now get this small picture of Iron Eyes Cody and a giant video/picture of Jim Varney because Cody did his movie. The same goes if you look up Andrew Duggan and now you see his picture and a giant video of a girl getting the blood drained. At the very least these giant video previews aren't needed and if somebody was interested they could go to the video section. 

2.7K Messages


47K Points


That is a good point about the IMDb name page for Iron Eyes Cody. I subconsciously noticed something similar yesterday when perusing various musicians' pages. Below is a screenshot of Jennifer Lopez's name page as shown with the new design. When I first clicked on that page and saw the face on the right, at first I thought perhaps the person shown in the screenshot was Jennifer Lopez dressed as a man for a movie part. It turns out the photo is of Boy George, and Jennifer Lopez is not even in this featured video!

Surely there are better videos that could be featured on many name pages. Lopez herself has 206 videos linked from her page. Better yet, the videos should not be so prominently featured on each person's page. 



7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@phillip​ & @keyword_expert  Thanks for the feedback on the Iron Eyes Cody, Andrew Duggan and Jennifer Lopez cases, however, these have nothing to do with the redesign, sorry.  The same videos were present on the old versions of the page.  The issues here are a mixture of bad tagging and a poor video selection algorithm which are independent of the design.  This does need further future examination (when it will be easier to fix in one place thanks to the new technology) but all three examples here are fixed now.  In the meantime, bad video tags can always be reported via the method described in the last question of 

There is a name or title link missing from a video, how do I add it?

If you have found a video that is missing a link to a relevant title or name page, please report this to our staff. To do so, visit the Contact Us page while logged into your IMDb/IMDbPro account and select IMDb Contributor > I need help and haven't submitted an update > Images & video > Other Image/video issues then select "Email" and let us know how we can help.

Hope this helps.

2.7K Messages


47K Points

@Col_Needham Thank you. I did wonder if that was the case (if the problems with videos were unrelated to the redesign). Thanks for the clarification. 

3 Messages


80 Points

2 years ago

If an actor appears in multiples episodes of a TV show, you can't scroll down to see all of the episodes. You click on the tv show, a black box (containing links to all of the episodes) appears, but you can't scroll down to see all of the episodes



7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@PR_Man​  Thanks for the problem report, but we are not sure what you mean by the above. Please can you provide a link to an example name and an indication of which episodes are missing from the list? 

Here's a name which does work here -> Kiefer Sutherland in 24 (2001) where all 195 episodes across 8 seasons are shown in the episode pop-up:

Is the scroll bar on the right (red highlighting above) missing on your browser? Or is the season navigation missing? If so, you may need to see the advice in 

Hope this helps. 

65 Messages


1.2K Points

2 years ago

It's messy and ugly. Can't we be allowed to use the old version if we want?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Don't like the name page version

4 Messages


448 Points

2 years ago


Is there a way to fix the settings when you change the default credit display? Currently if I ask it to show, say, the 'Self' credit list, then go to the list and need to look up the films, it reverts to default after two navigations away. I'd like to ask it to expand the credits and keep them expanded, at least for teh duration of the session.