Bethanny's profile



5.4K Messages


57.3K Points

Thursday, October 20th, 2022 2:07 PM

IMDb Name Page Redesign

IMDb Name Page Redesign



We are excited to announce the launch of IMDb’s redesigned Name pages! These pages are meant to make your IMDb experience easier and more enjoyable by providing better access to photos and videos, an upgraded view of an individual’s credits, and improved mobile navigation making it easier to view IMDb features on the go. These enhancements reflect changes suggested by IMDb customers, as well as our own in-depth research designed to enhance entertainment content, discovery, and navigation. More information is available in the FAQ on the help page.

We hope you enjoy these latest improvements, and thank you for continuing to make IMDb the world’s most trusted source for movie, TV, and entertainment content.

— The IMDb Team


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4 Messages


110 Points

2 years ago

Reference mode still works on movie titles but appears broken currently for actor pages.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Reference mode broken for actor pages?

262 Messages


8.2K Points

2 years ago

I haven't seen any changes to the name pages so far. I will need to see the page set up before I can give feedback. 

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

Don't you remember the transition from the previous IMDb home page design to the current one? It's the same situation. (Likewise with the IMDb title page redesign.)

2 Messages


70 Points

2 years ago

One of my favorite options was to search people and then rank their work by IMDb rating.  It seems this is no longer possible?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Can't rank people's credits by IMDb rating



7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@snake77​ We assume you are in the subset of customers on the new name pages, but let us know if not.  

All the features of the old name pages (and more) are available on the new ones and you can still sort any filmography by rating.  

The easiest way is to click the “All topics” menu in the upper right of the page and you can access the sort by rating from there:

Or you can use the blue filter menu directly under the “Credits” section further down the page, see the “See also” section:

For example from, see

For more information on the new pages, please see the FAQ at

Hope this helps.

22 Messages


478 Points

2 years ago

Artist's page new design is working on chrome but I still see the old design on Firefox. I liked the new design so just curious if Firefox is planned or is there any issue?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Artist's page new design not working on Firefox



7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@mirza_umair​ Please see the announcement at the top of this thread — the new design is being gradually launched so will not yet appear to all customers on all browsers. 

For more information see

4 Messages


100 Points

2 years ago

How do we get rid of this terrible new page design?  How do I get back to using the original?

1 Message


60 Points

2 years ago

Well I don't like the page redesign.  Is there a way to revert to the old one?  Specifically what I don't like about the redesign is, that when you look up an actor/actress, the Title, Role Name, and type of work are all in the same column.  It's quite an eyesore, especially when you are looking a particular character name.  TBH it's horrible to present data in this jumbled up way.  It makes absolutely zero sense that someone thought this is the best way to present the information.

2 Messages


74 Points

2 years ago

Above all, in the list of credits, why in the heavens are personal and global ratings and watchlist status not shown alongside the titles or next to the posters, like in the mobile app?? :( There's so much space between the title and year of release, it would be possible to put in plenty more info in there, and the ratings and watchlist status are essential.

Curiously watchlist status is shown instead of the poster for unreleased titles... really it should be watchlist icon next to the poster for all titles.

Ideally there should be a toggle between normal and compact view - the view with mini-posters and character names works for short credit lists, but try scrolling through that for a person with 200 or 300 credits... The compact view should be like before - just a tightly-spaced table with titles and years of release (and ratings and watchlist icon!!, which take no vertical space at all).

Overall there's potential and the look is definitely modernised, but at the moment there's way too little information at hand and way too much space wasted. Some quick fixes could make it great!



7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@pawq​ Thanks for the feedback.  

Above all, in the list of credits, why in the heavens are personal and global ratings and watchlist status not shown alongside the titles or next to the posters, like in the mobile app?

Personally, I agree and these were two of my favourite new features in the version we beta tested over the summer.  Unfortunately, the customer feedback at the time showed that overall there were too many changes for people to handle at once.  The version you see now is a compromise and we will keep monitoring the feedback as the new design settles in and hopefully they can return.

Curiously watchlist status is shown instead of the poster for unreleased titles... really it should be watchlist icon next to the poster for all titles.

This mirrors the apps and it is because, more often than not, posters are not available yet for these titles.  We are looking at an intermediate split of possibly a “Coming Soon” section where the posters are likely to be available; again this depends upon feedback so your comments here are useful, thanks. 

Ideally there should be a toggle between normal and compact view - the view with mini-posters and character names works for short credit lists, but try scrolling through that for a person with 200 or 300 credits... The compact view should be like before - just a tightly-spaced table with titles and years of release (and ratings and watchlist icon!!, which take no vertical space at all).

Ah, please try the “Text view of credits” link which you can find in the filter menu pop-up via the blue symbol directly under the “Credits” heading:

Hope this helps. 

2 Messages


74 Points

@Col_Needham​ Thanks a lot for your response.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the ratings return then, because this is my single biggest issue with IMDb at the moment. The first thing I want to see at a glance when visiting an artist's page is which of their works I've seen (and secondarily how highly I rated them), and for those that I haven't - which ones I've already watchlisted and how highly rated the others are. I'm currently relying on an extension for this :(

Regarding the watchlist icon and poster - in the mobile app (Android at least) the poster is shown for all titles, including the unreleased ones, with a small watchlist icon in the corner. This is perfect and it would be great to have it mirrored in the web app :)

The text view might be handy, but really only if it's properly integrated into the page, and not a completely separate page. Also, well hidden!

2.7K Messages


47K Points


I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the ratings return then, because this is my single biggest issue with IMDb at the moment. The first thing I want to see at a glance when visiting an artist's page is which of their works I've seen (and secondarily how highly I rated them), and for those that I haven't - which ones I've already watchlisted and how highly rated the others are.

Same here! These are also my top reasons for visiting any filmmaker's page on IMDb. 

It turns out that this stuff is still there on the new design, but it's kind of hidden. You have to look in the top right hand corner, find and click the button labeled "All topics," then find Credits - "by Rating."  I really don't understand why IMDb makes it hard to find and navigate to this info, but at least it's still there.

3 Messages


82 Points

2 years ago

This is the second redesign I've seen on IMDb. It's even worse than the first one.

All I want is the basic information about the actor, director, or movie I click on. I don't want more photos, more links, more extraneous stuff. Just the list of pertinent info. Put the photos and other junk into a link I can click on if I want it - and see just how few of us ever click on those links.

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

The design seems be transitioned roughly every six years. In my opinion, this is too fast. Kind of reminds me of the problem with smartphones, laptop computers and video game consoles, in the way that companies purposefully treat non-obsolete characteristics as if they are obsolete. Often times, it turns out that the newer engineers are being hired who have no understanding whatsoever of the older systems. How can that even be? Some kind of cascading zeitgeist effect across various technologies, making Gordon Moore's law seem irrelevant even if it isn't.

I should clarify, inclusion of new features isn't mainly what triggers backlash, but the removal of classic ones, no matter how niche.



7.2K Messages


178.4K Points


The design seems be transitioned roughly every six years. In my opinion, this is too fast.

FWIW, the name pages were last updated 12 years ago in 2010 since which time the design has fallen behind in terms of functionality, localisation, device independence, accessibility, maintainability and look.  Hence the changes. 

10.6K Messages


225.3K Points

Right, but the remnants of the design from the generation before last (back when we had character pages and a distinction between "combined" view and "reference" view) only went offline after 2017. Overall, numerous features have been lost in the years following the closure of the IMDb·Com message boards.

60 Messages


1.6K Points

2 years ago

This  "new and improved" one STINKS!!!!!!!!! Go back to the old one.

1 Message


60 Points

2 years ago

Please don't change what you have.   It is excellent the way it was.   I like the way you laid out the information.   Now, there is not nearly as much information to gather.   Please think about it.   I love the way it has been for years!!!

4 Messages


100 Points

2 years ago

And I still hate this new format.  



4K Messages


244.1K Points

2 years ago

There are some things that I like about this redesign (How "Known For" looks, separation of Upcoming and Released), but a lot of functions I habitually used either seem to be completely lost or it's not easy to navigate where to find them. 

Just one example is that you can't view filmography fully. Either I don't get something or you need to manually click and expand each category after the main three. As someone who's activity and research often involves scrolling through the filmography at a whole that means that I should open everything beforehand. 

Then there is an issue that I'm not sure that Cyrillic alternate titles and alternate titles in general work properly on these name pages like they did before. 




7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@MykolaYeriomin​ Thanks for the feedback.  We have only added things to the new pages and they are much more powerful and flexible than before.  To easily access all categories and open them, see the FAQ at

How do I easily see all credits at once?

By default, the Credits section is loaded with filters applied for jobs that the person is most known for. In order to see a person’s entire list of credits, de-select all of the applied filters. Filters can be de-selected by clicking the ones that are selected under the Credits section header. You can then open all the job sections by selecting Expand below.

and then to include episodes, see the “Text view of credits” link as shown above at

If you can be more specific about the Cyrillic AKA titles with examples, we can take a look at any issues, thanks. 

Hope this helps. 



4K Messages


244.1K Points

@Col_Needham​ Great thanks! Just tried text only mode and it works well for me. I do, however, agree with people that it could have used more accesibility, although typing out "/filmotype" is easy enough for me. Also, adjusting to the new layout took way less time than I thought which makes me wonder whether most redesign problems comes down to the fact that people are creatures of habit. 

As for the Cyrillic titles: when I looked at my filmography before redesign it parsed my location (I assume) and used Ukrainian Cyrillic titles, which makes sense. It is also an effect preserved in text only mode (as seen in the upper picture attached), however this seems to be absent in the redesign (lower picture attached). The third title in the second picture is the same title that you see in the upper picture, but displayed under its current original title. 



7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@MykolaYeriomin​  Ah, is this the only impacted title? This is actually a data error due to it having two local AKA titles; a correction has been submitted to address this:

The (new title) is redundant and seems to be confusing the display here. 



7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@MykolaYeriomin​  The AKA edits have been processed now and it looks like this is now working as expected (with Content settings of Ukraine / Ukrainian):



4K Messages


244.1K Points

@Col_Needham​ That would've explained it, but no, I'm still having original title on name pages and Cyrillic on text mode and title pages. 



7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@MykolaYeriomin​ Sorry about that -- what are your settings on 

11 Messages


218 Points

2 years ago

Please keep the possibilty of sort by number of votes, nb of ratings,  in filmographies !!!!!!



7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@frederic_allain​ Thanks for the feedback.  Yes, all of these sorts are still supported. We have also added more sorting and filtering options.  Please see the reply above at 



4K Messages


244.1K Points

2 years ago

In a glitch likely related to redesign of name pages, if you go to lists for a name page, you can find lists that are not public. As such, for example, there are two lists on my page which are not available to view, but are still there. 

One of them happens to be the list harassing me and another person specifically that I thought was long-deleted. 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Non-public lists displayed for name pages




7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@MykolaYeriomin​  Thanks for reporting this.  The new name pages are behaving correctly with regards to hiding non-public lists.  The page you reference is the (same) old technology name list subpage and this is a longstanding bug which you are the first to report.  We have opened a ticket with the appropriate team. 



4K Messages


244.1K Points

@Col_Needham​ Glad to be of any help!

103 Messages


1.9K Points

2 years ago

Please reinstate the star signs on at least advanced name search. This option is really helpful, and saves so much time if know certain details regarding people.




7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@jabrenner​  This is independent of the new name pages; please see our reply on your separate post.