Michelle's profile



17.3K Messages


311.5K Points

Friday, July 22nd, 2022 8:34 PM




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Before launching IMDb’s redesigned Name Pages (coming soon!), we want to provide our valued users with a sneak peak, and extend an opportunity to provide feedback between July 22, 2002 and early August 2022.

We hope you enjoy these latest improvements, and thank you for continuing to make IMDb the world’s most trusted source for movie, TV, and entertainment content.

Thanks as always for all of your feedback – please feel free to post your questions or comments to this thread.

— The IMDb Website Team

8.9K Messages


166K Points

2 years ago

I just saw the future desing, which is to be installed at the end of August 2022.

Example (Scorsese):


I don't find important informations and the German translation is partly dumb. 

Credits is translated as "Gutschriften". Sorry, but I'm corrected (thanks to Jessica)

about any little misspelling when I suggest a poll. But this is a very bigger mistake!

Gutschriften is the 1:1 translation about credits, but the meaning  doesn't match in that case.

Germans will only laugh about that.

But the worst turn is that I don't find the features like before. Please stop

to sabotage the IMDb-site by forced changes, that don't make it better.

I know that a time ago the site was changed for handy style. It turned worse.

Now again? Really. Please overthink it. I like this site, but I'm not sure how

much I would like it, if I don't find the usual benefits it provided before.


Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled The Future Design of IMDb is Awful!


2 Messages


70 Points

2 years ago

Not a question, but you have very limited options available for comment/feedback from users.  You have done your level best to insulate yourselves.  At any rate, I cannot tell you enough how much I hate your new format.  Time to find a new source of for entertainment information. 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled New layout

1 Message


60 Points

2 years ago

Why have you dropped the birth name of the individual (if it is different from their stage name) from the redesigned page?

15 Messages


304 Points

2 years ago

I admit to being a dinosaur: I was a contributor to IMDb before the World Wide Web existed, back when Col started IMDb on Usenet. I rarely contribute updates to it now, but I use it every day to find information on TV shows, actors, and movies. I have my trusty MacBook in the living room and grab it frequently to look things up. Not surprisingly, I keep my IMDb settings in Reference view because I want to find information as efficiently as possible, not wade through a bunch of pretty pictures.

@Col_Needham , I get that you need to update the underlying software of the Name pages to make them responsive to different viewing platforms, but as @martin_695862 and others have asked, why would that require adding pictures to every listing? The big issue here isn't whether one has to click to see more than 30 appearances (although that is annoying and is obviously breaking the workflows of your regular contributors); that's a side effect of the real issue, which is that the very design of the Name pages is being changed to a trendy graphics-heavy approach. Why can't there still be an option on the new software base to just display a simple text list of movies, TV episodes, etc.?

34 Messages


374 Points

@patty42​ I also think that the people that design the websites and game developers NEVER use the page nor play the game....it's all about how "creative" they can be and "flex" their brain muscle...and go..."LOOK AT ME"...I can do this...I'm great!!!

5 Messages


202 Points



Lists are apparently passé. I remember years back when lists disappeared from Amazon and Netflix. No streaming platform presents choices in lists. Everything requires you to decipher and interpret the content of images in a screen's worth at a time as you scroll repeatedly, rather than taking a quick glance at a word or two at items in a text list. What prompted this near-universal trend? Where did the idea that this was a good thing come from? Why is everybody jumping on that bandwagon?

21 Messages


486 Points

Allow me to add something to it. I don't consult databases to see pretty pictures, I want info - preferably clear, correct and easy to access. I'm an old Usenet user as well, I don't need frills, bells or dancing gifs. Stop the wokeism now, this is ridiculous. 

15 Messages


304 Points

2 years ago

Here's an example of how many credits for Mark Rylance I can see on one screen on my computer with the current Name layout (11) vs. how many with the new layout (3).

By the way, on the rare occasions I use my iPhone to view IMDb, I use Safari and log in so that my preferences take effect and I get Reference view, rather than the forced graphical interface in the IMDb app.

34 Messages


374 Points

@patty42​ 💕💕💕💕💕💕 this comment

34 Messages


374 Points

2 years ago

It's all geared toward mobile users and you are discriminating against us contributors and computer users!!!

40 Messages


628 Points

@Coreena​ this update is not geared toward mobile users. This is a revamp of the desktop website. There might be some similarities, but if you go to the IMDb website on your mobile device you get a site made for mobile. Again, this is made for desktop. It just is different and rather clunky, as many users have already pointed out. 

34 Messages


374 Points

I don't use mobile......This was basically what @Col_Needham  was saying. I tried to find that comment but can't find it right now.  He was saying they want it to be the same across all platforms!!
Found it......took a screen shot from my e mail


21 Messages


486 Points

Yep. Sheer discrimination. Congrats, Col, you got another woke medal. NOT "inclusive" at all.

34 Messages


374 Points

2 years ago


Your newest update only discriminates against computer users and contributors, and it says we love mobile users

52 Messages


1K Points

2 years ago

I'd like to be able to see my own Starmeter ranking without having to buy IMDB Pro.

52 Messages


1K Points

Also, it's too clunky for casting directors to search through, as IMDB is also a resume.

52 Messages


1K Points

2 years ago

If you want to make changes, give "Music Video" its own category. BTW THANK YOU for removing the 10+ Nespresso commercials from George Clooney's acting credits!!!! It's been some time since they've been gone, but I really appreciate it.



7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@thomas_ely_sage​ Thanks for the feedback.  This is already supported in the new pages. For example, from https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000399/ click the symbol to the left of the credit categories and switch the “Sort by” to “Movie, TV, etc”  to get to:

Hope this helps. 



5K Messages


118.1K Points

2 years ago

On this page (August Wilson)


he has 4 Known-For's, one of which is in pre-production.

But when you click the More link for the pre-prod title, it says "undefined" directly below the title:

I also find it strange that the listing for the same pre-prod film does not have a More link when it appears in his Writer credits section:
And while we're at it, the page for the pre-prod has a link (also visible on the pop-up) to the Hallmark channel and to Plex TV, which is for the 1995 TV movie, not this pre-prod.



7.2K Messages


178.4K Points

@bderoes​ Thanks for the bug report; another good catch. 


40 Messages


628 Points

2 years ago

I also find this new way of sorting credits EXTREMELY annoying. When everything was vertical all of my choices were available immediately. Only the topmost section was already open. If I wanted to sort through other credits I would just close the top one and click the next one open with ease. This new sorting only has 3 credit types available and requires a lot more scrolling, both horizontally and vertically.
While it is kinda nice that you can sort credits by number, it is a big change in the previous formatting of the site. Crediting this way completely ignores The Line separating Key Crew from Below the Line crew. If someone started out as a production assistant and then makes like a blockbuster after making an award winning indie film, then in theory their big blockbuster would appear after their many Additional Crew credits as Production Assistant. 
If you're going to change how the site sorts Credits, then perhaps let Users be in control of how they go about sorting/filtering credits. I'm not a fan of sorting categories by alphabet, but if you're changing things up then why not [at least provide the option]?



14.3K Messages


329K Points

If someone has more credits in Additional Crew than in other departments, I believe that section is listed first by default in the current as well as the new design.


I do agree that having to click each department (this name has 13 in total) in order to have those credits included is annoying.


59 Messages


1K Points

2 years ago

I feel that there is a VERY important question to be asked here. Is the page change aimed at making the contributors work easier, or is it just yet another example of "clickbait" to entice Visitors to IMDB to make even more money for the site owners by people willing to indulge in mindless clicking, searching and looking at adverts. This is a CRITICALLY important distinction, and the developers (and the business owners) need to pay attention here. Contributors are already giving, what would probably be in the tens of millions of dollars of FREE labour in the real world, to build IMDB into what it is. For example I spend an average of 12 hours per day at least 6 days a week on adding to IMDB - 30000 entries per month (and this is manual - I do not use 'bots"}. Taking even the average minimum data capturers pay in American, I am GIVING Amazon or whoever about $45 000 per year or ADDING $45000 to their profits TAX FREE !!! The last contributor figure I saw was 800 000, but lets only consider the top 100 - that's $ 4.5 million free work every year !!! Without the thousands of contributors world wide who are adding millions of bits of information daily, IMDB would still exist, but just in a TINY version of what it is now. So I firmly believe that it is absolutely mandatory that this new page has an option for contributors to access the old style easy to use data, if IMDB and its management really wants to live up to the claim "IMDb is the most authoritative source of entertainment information, with features designed to help fans explore the world of movies and shows and decide what to watch. Get answers – Jog your memory about a movie, show, or person on the tip of your tongue or binge on information about the movies and shows you love." In conclusion, this is my heartfelt appeal to IMDB, developers, Amazon or whoever is making the decisions - By all means keep the flashy front end for the public at large and profit making, but kindly consider, and make the effort to assist, and accommodate the NEEDS, of your FREE workforce, who have all contributed into making IMDB into the success that it is now. This is not too much to ask.

9 Messages


152 Points

2 years ago

Complete garbage. The visual noise is excessive. Too many pictures and not enough data in the form of text. What was wrong with the current version? A bunch of information is now tucked behind additional menus, clicks, etc. You may think that all of the excessive pictures on every page on IMDB is improving it, but you people are only destroying the data and the usability of the site. It's become more and more difficult to navigate with every redesign.

What's wrong with you? Get a different job, because you're terrible at this one. Seriously.

I'm going to look for an alternative site to use. You idiots ruined this one entirely.

9 Messages


152 Points

I just wanted to clarify that in my post I take a giant dump all over the IMDB developers and others who run the scene, on purpose, because that's the same thing they are doing to the site.

Don't even try to play this off as a redesign that was desperately needed because the site was so outdated. Or that anybody who uses IMDB ever asked for this redesign, because they didn't.

Let me make it crystal clear why the site has gone through such massive redesigns to its own detriment. It's because Amazon own IMDB now, but the site still looks the same as when the previous owner had it. This is just Amazon selfishly trying to make it their own, because their ego is too big to accept that someone else already made a perfectly sound design.

On top of that, I have a sneaking suspicion that it's all -purposefully- designed to be confusing and difficult to navigate. Why? Because they can stuff more advertisements and other nonsense junk onto the page. That's why. Compact down the page into images and a strict limit of characters per nugget of information and you have more room to bombard the user with complete garbage.

So to the guy who is responding to these posts, working for IMDB, don't even bother with trying to deflect this as something "for the users" or a "better experience". If you truly believe that then you don't even use the website.

Also, this user opt-in isn't to make sweeping changes to the redesign. They are here to get you to report bugs and other very minor tweaks. Make no mistake, the bulk of this redesign is launching whether you like it or not. Amazon doesn't care. As someone else pointed out, just look at how terribly designed their Amazon store site is. Which has to be intentional at this point, because there's no way they haven't had complaints about it.

9 Messages


152 Points

Forgot to mention, the reason I'm so upset about this change is because this page is arguably -the- most important page on the site. It's the one I use the most. They borked everything else on this site and I barely cared. Now that the actor's credits page is getting borked, it's over. There's nothing left to be had on this site. I relied on the quick glance of information when talking to my friends or while watching a film/show to see pertinent data on the actor.

Because the page mostly had text information on it, I could use CTRL+F to quickly find what I needed! Now all that data is hidden behind me having to manually click a bunch of buttons until I find the information. The entire point of a computer is to be efficient by making the computer do the work for you! Your redesign is NONSENSE!

As someone else in this place has pointed out, all of the redesign has made the site slow down drastically. No, it has nothing to do with where people live or their internet connection. I live in Pennsylvania and my internet is 300 Mbps down and 12 up. Maybe fiber optic internet users won't notice any problems with the site, but I doubt it. The site is just filled with too much junk, period.


59 Messages


1K Points

@black_flag​ Black flag - 1000 thumbs up on the line speed issue. I believe as you do that it is the clutter that causes the issue. I have an old ADSL fixed line modem, an LTE mobile modem and a cell phone LTE Hotspot, with speeds varying between 5mbs to 50mbs and it makes NO DISCERNABLE difference in usability. The problem is the redesign and what it is doing to the system. At times I can actually watch on the bottom left of my screen where it says 'contacting imdb' and then 'waiting for imdb' or whatever the server name is. More irritating is that as soon as I can see the 'handshakes' and communications on the lower left, I know that I am guaranteed a data crash and 'save your page for later story' !!


21 Messages


486 Points

@black_flag​ Allow me to give this post of yours a trillion likes. Actually, make it a quadrillion.

9 Messages


152 Points

I woke up and it struck me exactly what all of these redesigns are about. It's very simple. 3 words.


The longer you are on the page, the more adverts and banners and other things you will see, the more likely you are to click it. Even if you don't click it, they have to provide these engagement metrics to anybody who wants to advertise their content on the site (e.g. HBO Max). Do you think that advertisers will pay more for you to be on the page for 10 seconds or 60 seconds? 60 seconds of course!

If I bring up IMDB and I can find the information I needed on an actor in under 20 seconds, that's not good for the page view engagement metrics. It means that I'm not on the site long enough for advertisers to want to sell to me.

Adding the excessive navigation hoops of clicking through sub-menus increases the time I spend on the page substantially.

Keep in mind that this is Amazon and they are only out to make profit, nothing else. This is one area of life where you should remain 100% cynical and assume the worst intentions. Don't let people like @Col_Needham make you believe that it's anything different. He gets a paycheck to defend this. He knows exactly what he's doing. Amazon knows that you will associate his humanity with his role at the corporation. Don't get confused about why he is here. If Col had any problems with what Amazon does ethically he could work somewhere else, but he doesn't. I'm not saying people should attack him for these changes (I doubt he's in charge of it), but don't mistake him as your friend or someone with the best intentions for end-users.




7.4K Messages


275.4K Points

@black_flag​ Just to be clear, Amazon has owned IMDb since 1998. The site has been redesigned since then. For example, check out https://web.archive.org/web/20040918105950/https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0247177/ for how a name page looked in 2004. 

The "user engagement metrics" of making people spend more time being exposed to ads to get the same amount of information does seem like a plausible motivation for the redesign.

34 Messages


374 Points

@black_flag​ 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝 & a gazillion more!!!  🥰🥰
You are exactly right...... @Col_Needham  gets his big paycheck and HE HAS TO DEFEND IT, LOVE IT, PROMOTE IT.....ugh!!!!!
It's the same with game site moderators when us players of the game hate the new updates.....they HAVE to say the love it etc!!!!

12 Messages


170 Points


I've started a petition for the New IMDB/Amazon look to stop its changes to IMDB. Please help up get enough signatures to stop these changes. Please share the link with fellow actors, producers, directors and more. Share with your social media and friends. Let's stop this change! Thank you for helping!


3 Messages


80 Points

2 years ago

Sorry but it pretty much sucks. Only 30 at a time for some long time actors? How many times are people supposed to hit the "More" button? Plus you don't need a graphic for everything, for some people it will make the page slow to load. And if the page is being viewed on a phone you might be unnecessarily using their data. 

The old rule still holds. KISS

9 Messages


152 Points

@JohnB​ I completely agree. Also, RIP anybody who has a data cap on their ISP. If you are looking to manage how much data you use just from browsing the internet, stay away from IMDB. That's a lot of images!

2 Messages


70 Points

2 years ago

One of the best parts of the old IMDB was that you could go to an actor's filmography and see the entire list of their credits, including their first minor roles. Now when I look someone up, I see a photo of the actor and "featured in" with a short list of credits, but not a complete list of everything that actor has done.  I hope this new IMDB is a work in progress and that they will go back to providing the thorough information they were known for. The comprehensive credits were what set IMDB apart from all of the other celebrity movie sites. 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled What happened to filmography lists?

609 Messages


13.7K Points

@DrDuffy​ The whole "celebs" thing makes me want to puke. I notice that in the drop-down list when performing a search, what used to be "Names" (implying actors/actresses/crew) is now termed "Celebs". The rot has set in :-(

There are at least two types of IMDB users: punters and contributors. Any attempt to force a one-size-fits-all page layout and amount of information is doomed to failure. Contributors want things kept very simple:

- for titles, list all the cast and all the crew, with the cast in the order in which they were listed in the closing credits (not some arbitrary "most popular trending actor" order)

- for actors/crew, list all the titles (including all the episode names for a TV series) in reverse date order

No fancy graphics. No trailers for other sections of the site which are irrelevant to the title/name being displayed.

That may not be what the average punter wants. Nothing wrong with that. We all have differnet needs. Just develop two sets of pages/scripts, one with graphics etc and a brief summary (with "more..." links), and one which is plain and simple (and perhaps boring to the punter!) but is complete. I don't mind how long an actor's filmography is - it doesn't matter how much the page has to scroll. I still hanker after the long-dead "Episode Cast" page that each TV series had which listed every episode, with its cast, all on the one page - a godsend for sanity-checking and looking for unexpected changes such as the mass deletion of an actor's credits (twice I picked that up and got the vandalilsm reversed). Sadly that page is long gone, for reasons which I always found profoundly unconvincing. Ah well :-(

Sadly IMDB seems to be trying to satisfy the majority, without recognising that the minority (the contributors) are the lifeblood of the site: without us adding new titles etc, the database would stagnate and fossilise.

And if pages are redesigned with lots of irrelevant dross, contributors will lose the will to live, and will stop contributing because each page takes so long to load and to display *in full* (by clicking on "More..." links).

And that will be the fault of whoever sanctioned the changes.

IMDB needs its contributors, and contributors need usable pages. Col, please don't force everyone to use the same simplified, lowest-common-denominator, designed-for-tablets, "luvvified" celeb-gossip site. Keep the present reference view for titles and names: even if that involves well-justified changes behind the scenes, you don't have to change what information is presented and spice it up with graphics and trailers, for those who don't want those things.

I think I'm summing up the mood of a lot of the postings on this thread. It's not just me being awkward, is it?


15 Messages


304 Points

@martin_695862, no, it isn't just you being awkward. Although I rarely contribute data to IMDb, I completely recognize and honor the importance of people who do. If a design change discourages contributions, that will lead to negative consequences for all IMDb users.

I already have to use other data sources at times because of previous IMDb changes. For example, when TV episode names could no longer be viewed all on one page, I had to start using Wikipedia to find which season a specific episode was in so that I could then come back to IMDb to see the cast details. Very annoying.

I hope that Col and other IMDb execs will take your suggestions to heart and not break the site for the volunteer contributors who make it what it is.

59 Messages


1K Points

@martin_695862​ No you are not being awkward. Contributors contributions are the lifeblood of the site, and a good part of the reason that it is as big and successful as it is. Sadly, the almighty dollar profit rules the world, and the powers that be will risk the loss of contributors for an extra few million a year from advertising and clickbait.

Message redacted due to content being taken out of context and used off topic.




5K Messages


118.1K Points

@martin_695862​, @patty42​ 

There is a link to listing all episodes on the main title page.

It appears just under the 2 top-rated episodes (in the top of the white background section). Next to Browse Episodes is Top-rated.

That's an Advanced Title Search within the series.

If you add &count=250 to the url, you can see a lot of them on 1 page, and you have various sort options including Release Date.

Probably would be nice to have the same link on the Episodes page.

BTW, you can add &series=tt... to any Advanced Title Search url to customize it further.