17.7K Messages
315.7K Points
English | Français | Deutsch | हिन्दी | Italiano | Português | Español Before launching IMDb’s redesigned Name Pages (coming soon!), we want to provide our valued users with a sneak peak, and extend an opportunity to provide feedback between July 22, 2002 and early August 2022. We hope you enjoy these latest improvements, and thank you for continuing to make IMDb the world’s most trusted source for movie, TV, and entertainment content. Thanks as always for all of your feedback – please feel free to post your questions or comments to this thread. — The IMDb Website Team
7 Messages
366 Points
3 years ago
I want to make another comment on this issue. I've read a lot of comments from major contributors saying the new site favors casual browsers at their expense. As a casual browser, I disagree. I occasionally contribute, but mostly use IMDb for movie recommendations and just clicking around, and I hate the new design. The old one made it easy for me to scroll down the list of an actor or director's work and click on whatever caught my eye. My favorite movie decade is the 1970s, which means that I often have to go pretty far down a page to find something I'm interested in. That wasn't a problem when I just had to scroll for a few seconds. It's a major problem now that I have to load multiple times to get there. Especially since the two-column design means I'm constantly pinging my eyes back and forth across all that useless empty space, which drastically slows down my reading speed. There seems to be an increasing web design trend of putting the most uninteresting, irrelevant garbage front and center and forcing users to navigate the high seas to get to the actual content. I hear Allmusic used to be a fun site to just browse, like IMDb, until a 2004 redesign destroyed it. Now, when I need information about a musician that I can't find on Wikipedia, I get in and out as quickly as possible. I'd hate for the same thing to happen to IMDb, because the new layout goes so far out of its way to be frustrating that I can't imagine visiting unless I absolutely have to. When IMDb implemented the "Top Cast" lists for the movie pages, it was annoying but not a dealbreaker, because it just took one click to get to the full list. But if it takes God knows how many clicks to see someone's full filmography, and you still can't see what TV episodes they've worked on without opening a bunch of menus, using the site just won't be worth the hassle.
8.7K Messages
177.7K Points
3 years ago
@Michelle 😃 @Col_Needham 😀 ? ? Could you post the quantity here of [__] Like the New Version[__] Keep the Old Version (updated daily) I could do dat but few may read it to get more votes ...https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/imdbcom/imdb-name-page-beta-optin/62db09f1e232bb632089ba01?commentId=62dc829dc998636027acbff0 .
15 Messages
304 Points
3 years ago
There are two factors in the changes to the Name pages: code base and user interface. I completely understand Col's point that the code base needs to be modernized. And I'm not averse to having the UI tweaked at the same time. What does worry me is making such drastic changes to the UI that IMDb loses its essence of being a database—which, after all, is right there in its name. There are plenty of click-baity celebrity websites overrun with photos and videos. If IMDb users can no longer find information easily, and if contributors can no longer post information easily, then how is it still the Internet Movie Database? Updating the code base does not require the UI we're currently seeing in beta testing.
1 Message
64 Points
3 years ago
Agree with a lot of these posts. I use IMDB to look up information, not as a content delivery service very often. My biggest issue is the lack of the "details" type listing of movies a la windows explorer. On person look up page, need the FULL list of what they were in, in a list format, not an icon/thumbnail format. Need to scan quickly like the old pages. To me the new version is nearly useless for this type of information research. Yes its prettier, and more fun, but also less of a utility. IMDB used to be a pure place of unadulterated information. Who was in what, What was the date that movie was made, give me some trivia, etc. This new version goes down the wrong path. I'm even fine if you have the old way still up, and make it optional, but forcing people into this new way will be a bad move. The APP did the same thing, but at least on the phone, clicking SEE ALL at top right gave you the whole list. Would still like to have it more compact results. Thanks,
2.7K Messages
47K Points
3 years ago
I detest this new design for name pages. It reminds me of the new design for title pages, which I fortunately rarely see, since I have "reference view" enabled by default. If this new design for name pages becomes permanent, then please keep a permanent option to opt out of the new design, much like "reference view" for titles.
1 Message
60 Points
3 years ago
The new color schema and font selections are superb. Likewise the new flow of content on the right side of the frame. The side-by-side columnar view for titles/credits is not great. Adding title-specific graphics is already sacrificing the compact list view, which is/was incredibly useful for at-a-glance reference work. The additional column causes more title truncation, making the loss even more egregious vis-a-vis my carpal tunnel vs number of clicks to get to a full title. The drill down popup view for character/episode info is unnecessarily cumbersome compared to the old view's short list with "view all N episodes". The "show N more" is also not great, the failure to maintain the state of an expanded "show more" list between page forward/back transitions is more not greater, and the failure to provide a sticky preference to "show all" is not greatest (though I see that one's already gotten attention). In its current form, the new people page format makes me hope that the old view will be preserved for users with the "show reference view" profile setting. I don't really get what benefit these changes are intended to provide to me as a user.
8.7K Messages
177.7K Points
3 years ago
@Michelle 😀 You have Name pages in English | Français | Deutsch | हिन्दी | Italiano | Português | Español ?? Why not keep this Old (Helpful) Version (in English) ?? You need a bigger computer for this ?? Maybe buy one at Amazon ?? https://www.amazon.com/s?k=computer .
7.6K Messages
277.7K Points
3 years ago
Col: Not only is "30 more" too small -- I would agree with Martin that any finite number is too small -- but there are some people for whom it's impossible to view their entire filmography at all in the new design. For example, Charles Eames: In his IMDb filmography, he has 108 director credits, but I don't see a way in the new system to show more than 12 of them. I wonder how many person-hours were devoted by IMDb's software engineers to making the name page display worse, when they could have been spent on features that users and contributors actually wanted.
7 Messages
276 Points
3 years ago
Horrible. After few hours I killed that beta garbage. You are basicaly reducing serious referal site for movie lovers into childish picture book. I even search am I logged as a kid (like on streaming platforms). These are basic two problems and one improvement with many sub-issues: - large icons grouped in two rows by 30 might be visually nice but it is killing visibility and effective browsing through person's career. And increase endless clicking 30 more on any larger list - putting all (movie, tv, short, music videos...) together is another big mistake. It makes browsing even more difficulty. Good that you separated future projects from released (you should also create music video category, not keeping them under movies), but mixing all others categories together is a bad idea. - add to my list button is only real improvement. Here are some suggestions - if you want to keep large icons do it as you do for titles cast. Put like 10 last projects as it is now on beta and add button "see full list" below these 10 icons. There you can list all projects old style. Something that "Full cast & crew" button do - leading you to traditional list. It will leave your visual improvement, old style full list will keep us movie-lovers and information seekers happy and finaly it will solve issues of too much clicking 30 more. - keep existing categories (movie, tv, short...) separated. Furthermore add one more category: music video. They shouldn't be listed under full length movies - not directly related with this: as I said it is good that we can now add names directly to our lists (like we can add titles). However would be nice to return function "list A-Z" to my lists with names. You can sort your list with titles by A-Z, but not names?! This is basic sort option to any database site. At any large name list it is difficult to prevent adding duplicates or browse names without that sorting option. To conclude: every time IMDB makes improvements we loose something of functionality (sort by charachters, A-Z sorting for names...), just to have visuality. And this site is (or at least was) always more about getting information, than browsing picture book.
2 Messages
72 Points
3 years ago
Please please please no do not change to these new pages they're not easier to use and are not as easy on the eyes, I did write out a whole speech on this but then realised i had to sign up to write here and saved it but then went and saved the passwords etc to my clipboard so the "speech" is gone and it's half 2 in the morning so just PLEASE DON'T CHANGE IT!!!!
2 Messages
84 Points
3 years ago
Hey there, tried the beta, it's bad, for all the reasons listed above that you seem to be ignoring. Really typical of modern web design. Throw away functional, concise, and practical "classic" design for flashy carousel style Metro/Netflix style over substance design. Also typical that the design will be going through without a care in the world for those actually using your feedback channels saying this over, and over, and over for 5 pages straight. Adding an option to user accounts like "reference view" that retains the functionality and practicality of the original internet movie data base layout is a bare minimum here. If you'd like a positive spin on that modicum of effort, think of how many account sign ups you'll force on your users that don't want to suffer this terrible new design! edit: Consider that there are people like myself willing to sign up for a community account just to bring up this concern. It's really, really, not great.
1 Message
60 Points
3 years ago
Thanks for looking to upgrade the site, but it would be great if you could continue to work on streamlining this before it becomes what we HAVE to use. Especially when looking at TV titles, the amount of clicks it takes to uncover individual episode data for actors/writers/directors/everyone else is ridiculous! On the old version of the site, the episodes are all listed right there on the base page, and if there's more than 5 episodes involved, one simple click allows you to see them all in a list. It's so confusing to have to click multiple times on different links to find it. Also, when it comes to people like writers, who sometimes get different credits on the same tv series, it seems impossible to differentiate which episodes they've been credited as (written by) for and which they've gotten (story by) for etc etc. It all just comes up under the heading of 'writer'. Again, in the old version, all this information was just listed right there on the main page. Please make it better! Or if you can't, just leave it how it is :)
1 Message
60 Points
3 years ago
I see some other people have mentioned this, but I just wanted to add some extra feedback about why having 2 titles side by side in the list is more difficult to scroll through. You have to concentrate a lot harder to process the information, as it's not all in one line of sight - so with the traditional format I only have to focus my eyes on one spot on the screen as I scroll, with having 2 titles side by side you now need to also move your eyes from left to right and back again as you scroll, which doesn't sound like much but makes it significantly harder and slower for the brain to process the information, especially now there is so much more information to process with the pictures as well. I think having 2 titles side by side is fine in the 'preview' - but if you click 'view all' it should list them individually not in pairs.
636 Messages
14K Points
3 years ago
I've got a great new revolutionary idea! If you want to see an actor's complete filmography, hit the Update button and then choose "Correct" for actor. That way you get to see a list of all credits, though not in date order, I'll grant you.How sad that this will soon be the only (laborious) way for us to see the information that we want: all data on one page.
8.7K Messages
177.7K Points
3 years ago
@Michelle, Employee😃 @Col_Needham, Employee 😀 Is there a way to get more Employees to read these comments ?? Perhaps they do not see the many new view complaints here and just carry on with the unwanted updates 🙄 .