Michelle's profile



17.7K Messages


315.6K Points

Friday, July 22nd, 2022 8:34 PM




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Before launching IMDb’s redesigned Name Pages (coming soon!), we want to provide our valued users with a sneak peak, and extend an opportunity to provide feedback between July 22, 2002 and early August 2022.

We hope you enjoy these latest improvements, and thank you for continuing to make IMDb the world’s most trusted source for movie, TV, and entertainment content.

Thanks as always for all of your feedback – please feel free to post your questions or comments to this thread.

— The IMDb Website Team

Official Solution



17.7K Messages


315.6K Points

3 years ago

We want to extend a sincere thank you to everyone who has opted-in to the sneak peek and provided feedback on the new Name Page re-design.

Based on your feedback we have made the opt-out easier to find, made user ratings available across filmography types, fixed the expander button in the more details prompt, and corrected the ‘more’ link in filmography. We are planning to add a 'see all button', making it available across filmography as a whole and for categories. In addition, we will be correcting various spacing and click target bugs across the page, prioritizing fixes for data errors, and plan to shift editorial content to provide better visibility. We are also completing a deep dive into the reference view request with the goal of building a more compact view to make it easier to scan a person’s full filmography at a glance.

We will continue to review feedback and make iterative adjustments based on feedback.

13 Messages


194 Points

@Michelle​ Another Epic Fail in film research follows: wanted to look up a TV credit for actress Sue Ane Langdon (episode of Perry Mason). Would have taken  seconds under current system, under proposed new design, almost impossible to find that episode in Sue Ane L>angdo's filmography.  Leave it alone!

43 Messages


672 Points

@barrpub​ Your last sentence says it all!



7.5K Messages


182.2K Points

@barrpubWe encourage you to opt-out of the beta if it is not meeting your needs as currently designed.  Updates are coming before the launch. 

In this specific case:


To reach:

Also, there's a convenient link above to her character page on Perry Mason -> https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0050051/characters/nm0486057 which is not reachable at all from the previous name page (similarly, the new pages show directly or provide faster access to: the poster; the IMDb rating; your own rating; viewing information on TV or streaming or DVD; the trailer; add-to-watchlist; title plot outline; running time; certificate; genres; and the ability to rate -- all of which have been much-requested features by other customers).  

Hope this helps. 


40 Messages


628 Points

I really hope you all keep the Credits listing vertical. Again, it is very difficult to read two titles next to each other and then move down to the next column and repeat.

Official Solution



17.7K Messages


315.6K Points

3 years ago

Hello IMDb fans!

Over the past week we have made a couple updates to the new Name page design based on feedback including (1) shrinking the overall filmography card display size and updating positioning/click target prominence of information within the cards; and (2) adding show all functionality across the entirety of a person credits as well as by category. We are also continuing to work on a design to allow for a more compact filmography view to make it easier to scan a person’s full filmography at a glance.

For those of you who have provided feedback, thank you! For those of you who haven’t checked out the sneak peek yet, please do so! The sneak peek will end tomorrow, August 9th at which time all users will be returned to the previous Name page experience. We will continue to iterate on our design based on feedback prior to launching the new Name page (coming soon!). 


8.7K Messages


177.7K Points

@Michelle​ 😀

We will continue to iterate on our design 
based on feedback prior to launching the new Name page (coming soon!).

All Feedback?? : Keep it as it was!!

I am not using the New View

Took another look today 🙄

You combined  Actor TV & Movies as Projects??

Not a great idea   (maybe we just wanna see TV)

Raymond Burr (1917–1993)


Actor: TV       (79 credits)
Actor: Movie (67 credits)


Previous projects  146

- - -

EDIT:   TUE AUG 9 2022

Raymond Burr

Wayback Machine

SEPTEMBER 19, 2004





7.5K Messages


182.2K Points

@ACT_1​  This has been the default on IMDb for 15-20 years, although there is a user preference to split filmographies by title type.   The same thing is in the new design (and more) — see the filter icon in the upper left of the grab below from https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000994/

Hope this helps. 

43 Messages


672 Points

@Michelle​ Is there any way to permanently stay on the existing page? Skip the new changes coming?

43 Messages


672 Points

4 Messages


90 Points

I'd really like that option too



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

3 years ago

So, do you need volunteers to opt-in?

If so, here's me: ur2875687



17.7K Messages


315.6K Points

Hi @bderoes​ -

Beginning today you will see a floating button in the lower right corner. It provides the opportunity to opt-in; and  links to our help page to learn more and submit feedback. On the new page, that same button provides an opt-out opportunity to return to the old page.



8.7K Messages


177.7K Points

Michelle 😀

I did a quick look at a new Name page earlier today
Too bulky with large photos and junk

Do not need a giant size poster for every title listed

30 More \/
30 More \/
30 More \/

emailed a message to Jon at the Help Desk

Need to add a way to select old version 


Name pages
[_]  Old View  [_] New View

You have ...

[x] Show reference view

- - -


As of Jun 2022
Names: 11,746,200

13,871,000 Names now ??

Must be a few name deleted pages

- - -

IMDb member since April 2000




7.5K Messages


182.2K Points

@ACT_1​  Thanks for the feedback.  The “30 more” is a temporary experimental situation while we are still working on the pages.  We are aiming to strike the right balance between how many credits to load initially and when to have a “Show all” option to display the rest.  Thanks for confirming that 30 is too small. 



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

I use the Show All link on a regular basis.

I don't see that on the new design.

And I don't just need it within a category; I truly want all credits displayed in case some acting thing shows up in Self.

The context, in case it helps: when searching for an opera on IMDb, it's useless to search for the title. With dozens of productions of the same thing, and different spellings, different languages, it just doesn't yield useful results. Instead, I look up one of the principals, and search for the title on their CV. Some are mis-categorized as TV-special, and therefore appear under Self. Show All is important.



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

On the help page for this:


it this paragraph:

For any other feedback, please add a comment to this Sprinklr thread.

That Sprinklr thread is about the "new" Title format, back in 2020.



7.5K Messages


182.2K Points

@bderoes​  Thanks for the feedback.  The pages are a work-in-progress  

The missing “Show All” is a known defect, thanks for adding weight to the fact it is a much-needed feature (I am a regular user of it myself). It will be added later in the beta, but it was not considered a launch-blocker now given the beta is opt-in — the team were keen to collect early feedback on the overall experience of the new pages even though there are some things which still need to be addressed. 

Hope this helps. 



7.5K Messages


182.2K Points

@ACT_1​  wrote:

Need to add a way to select old version 

This is an opt-in beta, so if you would like to see the old version, please opt-out :-)

Once the new name pages are completed and fully launched there will not be an option to display the old version as those pages are based on a non-responsive, non-localised technology which is 12+ years old and has significant issues and is due to be retired.  There is no “reference view” equivalent for names, sorry. 



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points


Thanks, but we don't need the Wayback Machine.

Open the same page in 2 different tabs/windows, and turn the new view on/off in the lower right corner.

8.7K Messages


177.7K Points


? ?

Wayback show "Actress (21 credits)"
all combined - not 
Actress: TV (11 credits)
Actress: Video (5 credits)
Actress: Movie (4 credits)
Actress: Documentary (1 credit)


- - -

Once the new name pages are completed and fully launched
there will not be an option to display the old version as those pages



8.7K Messages


177.7K Points

@Col_Needham​ 😀

Some of us can read text 
and do not need a large poster to see the titles

New page is pretty with graphics
Old page was helpful to look at Information - the reason for IMDb

Book vs. Magazine

Actors' photos are small on title pages
If you have to have title posters
make them the same size as actors' photos (click to enlarge)

to get more titles on a page ??


- - -

Computer :

See the New version 


Back to the Old Version 



See the New version 


Back to the Old Version 



Mickey Rooney (I)

Actor: Movie   (169 credits)
Actor: TV         ( 85 credits)
Actor: Short    (  82 credits)
Actor: Video    (   9 credits)

Wayback Machine

JUNE 22, 2022

JUNE 2, 2004

  with IMDb message board for Mickey Rooney

- - -


Can the 155,000,000 users vote for this: Old vs. New  ??


Maybe just the 6 or 7 Staff members decide this ??



632 Messages


13.9K Points

@Col_Needham​ It's not that "30 is too small". It's that any finite limit is too small. Leave it as it was, to display every credit that an actor has. At the very least, make the finite/infinite limit a per-user configurable setting.



7.5K Messages


182.2K Points

@martin_695862​  Thanks for the feedback, yes, this is all part of the experiment. 

8.7K Messages


177.7K Points

Could be that the IMDb Staff does not use IMDb to look up ... 
   What's that actor's name??   

   What was the name of that other movie or TV show I saw him in??
like the millions of us Registered Users and other visitors

They just want to keep busy and keep their jobs at IMDb
SO, they have to make changes ??

   Hey! Let's add a lot of pretty posters and pictures !!


34 Messages


374 Points

@ACT_1​ 100% agree
I also think that the people that design the websites and game developers NEVER use the page nor play the game....it's all about how "creative" they can be and "flex" their brain muscle...and go..."LOOK AT ME"...I can do this...I'm great!!!

34 Messages


374 Points


2.7K Messages


47K Points


Please tell us you were joking when you said this:

Once the new name pages are completed and fully launched there will not be an option to display the old version as those pages are based on a non-responsive, non-localised technology which is 12+ years old and has significant issues and is due to be retired.  There is no “reference view” equivalent for names, sorry. 

The users don't seem to have any problems with the current version (what you are calling the "old" version). What do you mean when you say this version is "non-responsive," "non-localised," and "has significant issues?" Those labels are all quite vague. Can you be more specific? 

I find it hard to believe that IMDb cannot retain the current version as a "reference view equivalent." If it's true that there "significant issues" with this version, why can't these unidentified "issues" simply be addressed? That would be a more appropriate endeavor, rather than trying to reinvent the wheel.

632 Messages


13.9K Points

@keyword_expert "I find it hard to believe that IMDb cannot retain the current version as a "reference view equivalent." If it's true that there "significant issues" with this version, why can't these unidentified "issues" simply be addressed? That would be a more appropriate endeavor, rather than trying to reinvent the wheel."

I fully agree. That issue is being dodged by Col who seems to be peddling the view that in order to correct the behind-the-scenes code-maintenance problems, it is necessary to force everyone to use the kiddies' dumbed-down user-interface.

Contributors need tools to do their job. The job that we are doing out of the kindness of our hearts for you. You are blunting our chisels, rubbing out the paint on our tape-measures, throwing sand into the screw of our vice/vise. If the tools become too difficult to use, people will stop contributing.

By all means develop a pretty (but IMHO useless) UI for the punters - if you are satisfied that this really is what they want (and I'm not convinced about that). But keep providing the contributors' tools - the reference view that lists all titles for an actor, or all cast (in credits order) for a title . Yes, it's a bit more work for you to develop and to maintain. But it is essential. Unless you want no future data to be submitted to IMDB...

3 Messages


80 Points

@martin_695862​ I think the belief is that contributors will continue to work for free. After all, where else can they go? What contributors want no longer matters, only what raises more ad revenue. 

632 Messages


13.9K Points

@JohnB​ "I think the belief is that contributors will continue to work for free. After all, where else can they go? What contributors want no longer matters, only what raises more ad revenue."

Col. Over to you now. Convince us that you do still value the contribution that we make to the accuracy and completeness of the database. Give us back the tools that we need to do our job. Users of the site (as opposed to contributors) will probably benefit too.

Col? Are you still there? Are you still listening to us? You've been rather quiet since we started to tell you some home truths in this thread. I realise you are not the right person to answer some of these issues, but you are our only point of contact. Please feed back our heartfelt concerns to the people who are forcing this change on everyone. Keep IMDB as it used to be: well-respected and usable. You created it: it's your "baby" to keep in the way that you founded it.




14.6K Messages


332.8K Points


The current title reference view is not a former main title page, but a specially designed page. The equivalent for name pages would be to design a new name reference view with the currently preferred technology. This also seems to me to be a more likely proposition.

When the current title reference view was announced, the former name reference view was discontinued: "While the differences between the primary title display and the title reference view are significant, the differences between the name displays were less extreme." With the new primary name design, perhaps the difference would be more significant.



7.5K Messages


182.2K Points


Are you still there?

Sorry, I have been away on a business trip to the US since last Wednesday (my first time back here since the pandemic hit) .  I was able to answer earlier because it was the weekend and so I do not have meetings / emails / deadlines / etc on Saturdays and Sundays (or not as many at least :-).  It is now my regular work week, sorry. 

I am helping the team out by replying here when I can so that they can continue to concentrate on doing the actual work of fixing the bugs, making the appropriate suggested changes, and evaluating the potential ideas (plus looking at the usage data for the new pages vs. the old ones). I have given some of the context across the earlier parts of the thread, and so at the moment, I am prioritising comments which report new bugs / missing data. I will catch-up when I can on the more general comments. 

Hope this helps. 

632 Messages


13.9K Points

@Col_Needham​ Good to hear from you again! I quite understand that you are prioritising the bugs/missing data at the moment.

I think the main concern of our increasingly frantic and assertive (but I hope still polite and helpful) comments was to make sure that things didn't change by default, without our comments and suggestions being considered. Did I understand correctly that the new system was due to be introduced in "early August" - ie in a week or so's time?

Can I make a suggestion? In view of the amount of negative comments and the big issues that have been brought up, can IMDB consider postponing the replacement of the old name reference view with the new pages, so as to give all your developers and team leaders chance to take the comments on board, and not to do anything hasty.

If, after that, IMDB chooses to disregard the comments it will be a crying shame for the future of IMDB, since some contributors are threatening to leave, but what would be even worse is if the new system was introduced without our comments even being looked at and at least considered. Thanks.


2.7K Messages


47K Points

@Peter_pbn​ said:

The current title reference view is not a former main title page, but a specially designed page. The equivalent for name pages would be to design a new name reference view with the currently preferred technology. This also seems to me to be a more likely proposition.

If this is correct, then @Col_Needham should clarify whether such an option will be on or off the table. The contributors in this thread are begging IMDb to keep as an option the ability to continue viewing the name pages in their current format (or something as close to the current format as possible).

It just seems odd that IMDb would spend so much time completely redesigning the name page (and now will be spending a lot more time fixing all the bugs that have come to light) and yet there is little to no indication whether IMDb is willing to give its contributors their simple request: retain a "reference view" version of the name pages as an option. 

8.7K Messages


177.7K Points


You just tell the Staff about problems like "30 More \/" that needs fixin



@Michelle, Employee😃

@Col_Needham​, Employee 😀

Tue Jul 26 2022

Is there a way to get more Employees to read these comments ??

Perhaps they do not see the many new view complaints here

and just carry on with the unwanted updates



IMDb Staff spent a lot of time (and money) doing the "Old View"
Just keep it!!!
You can add these ___ redesigned Name Pages

with a different link to them
Give everyone a choice here!!

and you can see what they choose 😲

- - -

You do not use IMDb to look up Names to see their filmography



5 Messages


126 Points

@Col_Needham​ Does this mean you won't have a list view as an option? I mean it doesn't have to be the same coding as the old one but that gallery/grid view is the most annoying style to view. iTunes pulled that same nonsense but they had to good sense to leave us the list view as an option. The gallery/grid is such a pain to skim through. I used to work customer service, so I know that one person saying "I come here all the time and now I'll never be back" means nothing, but for real, this is a 'never coming back' change for me. Please, please, please leave a list view option. Even if I have to click it every time I go to the page, I'm fine with that.

5 Messages


126 Points

@ACT_1​ Thank you for pointing that out, even though I said it in my comment. Did you know that they have over 155m registered users?

5 Messages


126 Points

Okie doke.

12 Messages


170 Points

@Coreena​  Please sign this petition to stop these changes of being made.




7.6K Messages


277.6K Points

SiteCritic: I doubt the petition will help much, but here's a live link to make it easier for people to access:



59 Messages


1K Points

@gromit82​ Just so you know - went to sign the petition, was not allowed to make comments and when finally clicked sign - was immediately redirected to pages of adverts - just like the new IMDB page maybe ?? :-(

43 Messages


672 Points

@Col_Needham​ Update the old page keeping the old look! Is that not possible? 



7.5K Messages


182.2K Points

@michael_paliobeis​  No, sorry.  The old pages are built with unmaintainable out-dated technology which should already have been retired and which is not suitable for current customer needs.  As noted, we are working on an update to the new pages which will provide a sticky option to display the filmography in a simple table without the posters / ratings / etc. 

43 Messages


672 Points


So, if I understand correctly, this new technology you use cannot use the old design? This new tech cannot put up a design like the existing Name page? Really?! I do not know that much about these technologies, but that does not seem reasonable. Plus, "a sticky option to display the filmography in a simple table without the posters / ratings / etc.”, seems contradictory to me.


As for “not suitable for current customer needs”, well, who’s needs? What needs? My needs regarding the current Name page are taken care of just fine thank you.


Use my previous idea: ‘After the finalized New Name page is presented you should keep the switch back button to the current Name page for at least 90 days. See how many viewers, over time, choose the old look or the new look.’


In this scenario, if the New Name page look is used less than the older Name page, you then need to find a newer technology to keep the older (now current) design.


Aren't the viewers the most important people?

5 Messages


128 Points

5 Messages


128 Points

@ACT_1​ Agree



7.5K Messages


182.2K Points

@bderoes​  The “show all” support is now available. There’s a top level equivalent of show all at the end of the category menu, labelled “All” — it’s easier to spot on name pages with a smaller number of categories, for example, https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0428065/  We are looking at other placement options which will work better for all names so this is still a work-in-progress. 

Also, each individual filmography category now has an “All” option in addition to the “30 more” — a good test of this is https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000229/  (which, of course, makes it temporarily a bad test case of the “Show all” equivalent in the previous paragraph :-)

The team are continuing to work on the filmography tabular view preference. 



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points


I used Joyce DiDonato's page, because so many of her credits are within the anthology series from the Metropolitan Opera. (And that credit is still missing from her Actress category since she also has appearances under Self.)

The All works for individual titles, but not TV series. Only 1 card is displayed, and I have to find it, and open it to see her multiple episodes. Which means that using ctrl-f (browser Find) does _not_ find an episode title (example Cosi) as it does under the old view. (Odd that it _does_ find a character name: Agrippina, but you can't really see _where_ it is.)

The All option should be listed next to the Sort option button instead of at the end of the category list. Because Spielberg has so many categories, you have to use the Arrow button twice to find the All button.

Looking forward to the tabular display.



7.5K Messages


182.2K Points


The All option should be listed next to the Sort option button instead of at the end of the category list. Because Spielberg has so many categories, you have to use the Arrow button twice to find the All button.

Thanks, yes, that's one of the potential placements.

6 Messages


402 Points

3 years ago

I am not really happy with this change for desktop use. I'm not sure if the option will still be available, but I use the reference view at all times due to the fact that I like to be able to see at a single glance what productions a person has in. I don't want to have to make 2 additional clicks to see which episodes a person appears in.

And I don't like that you have to click and load each segment/category of appearances. Actor/Writer/Self, etc. The fact that the order of the categories jumps around depending on how you click is frankly confusing. 

I do not like that the side pages are hidden up in "all topics" very tiny in the top corner or all the way down at the bottom. I care much more about those things than what lists and polls other random users have added someone to (which is what takes up the sidebars now). 

The button to click to show more titles is a little small and innocuous so it's hard to see quickly that there are more titles below. And trailer buttons on each production entry just waste space. Maybe leave that under that first "more" click, but it doesn't need to be visible on the initial page load. 

Maybe the page works great in the app or on touch screen devices, but I am NOT a fan when it comes to desktop usage. Please at the very least keep the Reference view available! I am one who learns/takes in information with words over pictures, so honestly, there is just too much visual stimulus on the page as you have it, it's distracting.

I've been using IMDb for almost 25 years, I've been registered with my account since 2000, and the reference type view is what I've loved since day one. I'm sorry this seems like nothing but a slam post, but I'm trying to give you my honest thoughts about these updates. Thank you for all you do! 



7.5K Messages


182.2K Points

@alyssa_amodei​  Thanks for taking the time to provide your feedback.  The pages are a work-in-progress, and as you will see elsewhere in this thread, fixes for some of your issues are in the pipeline.  We wanted to provide the option for people to comment early vs. when everything is finalised.  For things not already in the pipeline, your comments will help shape the next steps. 

12 Messages


170 Points


I've started a petition to stop the changes. If we get enough steam, these Amazon changes could be stopped!


5 Messages


128 Points

@alyssa_amodei​ Agree with this completely. For a desktop view, this is awful. The current page is concise and lets the user see everything in one go. It takes multiple clicks to see what I can currently see on initial page load. A redesign should make things more efficient, not more complicated. Why not give us a list view as an option?



7.5K Messages


182.2K Points


Thanks for the feedback, please see our update yesterday at https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/imdbcom/imdb-name-page-beta-optin/62db09f1e232bb632089ba01?commentId=62e80718c998636027af1350 specifically:

We are also completing a deep dive into the reference view request with the goal of building a more compact view to make it easier to scan a person’s full filmography at a glance.

The beta is an optional work-in-progress preview.

Hope this helps. 

7 Messages


160 Points

3 years ago

I decided to take a peek at the new look so I clicked on it. Big mistake. Now I can't get rid of it. HATE IT. Need help!!! Problem is with a performer's list of credits. Can't get the old list style back. I read somewhere there is a current fix. What is it?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled the new look



7.5K Messages


182.2K Points

@don_wood_5537932​  Sorry about that.  We have asked the team to update the FAQ.  You should see a little timer / clock icon in the lower right of the page.  If you click on the icon, there’s a “Go Back” link in the menu which pops-up. 

22 Messages


316 Points

Oddly, it looks like a cookie/biscuit. Not sure why the text "Go Back" couldn't be used.

I hope you are keeping stats on how many people do actually go back. The format looks similar to the iOS app... and that format is the reason I rarely use the app.

12 Messages


170 Points


I've started a petition for the New Amazon look to stop its changes to IMDB.

 Please help up get enough signatures to stop these changes.


1 Message


62 Points

3 years ago

A two-column format, with pictures for each entry in someone's filmography, is not useful to me.  A simple list is compact, information rich, highly readable, and highly usable.  Sortability is nice -- kind of -- but NOT at the expense of broader utility.  I don't need a bunch of pretty cards, I want to be able to quickly digest information about an actor or a project.




7.5K Messages


182.2K Points

@Dinosauce​  Thanks for taking the time to comment. 

12 Messages


170 Points


I've started a petition for the New Amazon look to stop its changes to IMDB.

 Please help up get enough signatures to stop these changes.


5 Messages


128 Points

@Col_Needham​ I agree completely with @Dinosauce At least give a list view option.



7.5K Messages


182.2K Points

@slanskye​ You are commenting on last week's comments, please scroll to the top of page 1 of this announcement :-)



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

3 years ago

To be clear about my previous post, when I need Show All, I need the episodes listed as well.

Think: The Metropolitan Opera HD Live.

I found how to view the episodes on the new format, but I'm looking throughout all the person's credits for 1 title, which may be a stand-alone title or a TV episode.

Is it me, or is there data missing on this page in the new format?


In the old format, she has 

The Metropolitan Opera HD Live (TV Series)  2007-2020
Agrippina, Empress of Rome / Lucette, know as Cendrillon / Adalgisa, a novice priestess / ...
Handel: Agrippina (2020) ... Agrippina, Empress of Rome
Massenet: Cendrillon (2018) ... Lucette, know as Cendrillon
Bellini: Norma (2017) ... Adalgisa, a novice priestess
Rossini: La donna del lago (2015) ... Elena, daughter of Duglas D'Angus
Rossini: La Cenerentola (2014) ... Angelina, known as Cenerentora
Donizetti: Maria Stuarda (2013) ... Mary Stuart (Maria Stuarda)
Rossini: Le Comte Ory (2011) ... Isolier
Rossini's Il barbiere di Siviglia (2007) ... Rosina

I don't find them at all on the new format.

I only find her 17 additional credits for this series under Self (when she was Host).

I also tried this in an Incognito window, to make sure it wasn't an extension causing the lack.

Windows 11, Chrome 103.

This comment was created from this reply



7.5K Messages


182.2K Points

@bderoes​  Thanks, yes, this is another known bug (and glad you spotted it). If someone has self credits on a series, it sometimes obscures their acting credits or vice versa (Adam Sandler’s earlier acting credits obscure his later hosting credits on SNL, for an opposite example). 

The “Show all” requirement to also include episode details is a good catch, thanks. 



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

More missing credits and inconsistent display, still for 


Compare her totals on the old format:

with her totals on the new format, and then compare the buttons on the new format with the totals underneath:
In addition to the series missing under acting, she's missing this title:
2002: Il barbiere di Siviglia (TV Movie)
And under Self, she's missing:



7.5K Messages


182.2K Points

@bderoes​  Thanks for confirming this bug.  This is also on the list and will be addressed before the pages go fully live.  The specific examples are useful as there are different reasons why some of the counts are mismatched. 



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

3 years ago

If we prefer to see credits classified by media type (TV vs movies vs video), will we have to invoke that on each Name, or will it pay attention to our preference as it does on the old page?

I like the fact that we can exclude genres!

This comment was created from this reply



7.5K Messages


182.2K Points

@bderoes​  The “by type” setting is not currently sticky and neither does it read the existing preference, so we will take this as the first request to support this.  Thanks.

Thanks on the genre exclusion (and we will be adding shorts to the excludable set too).

1 Message


62 Points

3 years ago

Hello there!

How can I opt-in for this one?


1.7K Messages


22.9K Points

@virtyaluk​ You should see this on any name page, click "See new version":

1.7K Messages


22.9K Points

3 years ago

I think generally it looks good. After being used to new title pages after all this time, it's not that hard to embrace the change here now. I also liked the poster for every title.

I wonder if something is a bug, when you click on a category to include them on list (Self, Actor etc.) it says "Credits excluded. Update genres." for no reason (sometimes it takes a few switching between hide and show I think)

I click "Update genres." button and change between "Sort by" options then it's fixed. But why it's doing that, saying "Credits excluded" out of nowhere?



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points


Are you talking about this feature?



7.5K Messages


182.2K Points

@mbmb​ Thanks for the feedback.  This also a known bug which affects a small number of names, and it will be fixed before the pages go fully live (thanks for reporting it though). Do you remember on which names you saw this problem? 

@bderoes An example name we already have logged with this bug is Samara Weaving


1.7K Messages


22.9K Points

@Col_Needham​ I think the behaviour I'm reporting happens on every page. It's not like that "Samara Weaving" page which happens as soon as page is loaded.

For example this name page mentioned in an above post: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1125732/

Click "Self" once to enable it, click it again to disable it and click it again to enable it again and in this step, it says "Credits excluded."

As far as I can tell this happens on every name page. It's possible I saw it happened with the first click too but my memory could be wrong on that and can't remember the name page as I was quickly checking multiple random name pages.



7.5K Messages


182.2K Points

@mbmb​  Thanks for clarifying.  Good catch on a new bug there! 



7.5K Messages


182.2K Points

@mbmb​  We have fixed the Samara Weaving case but not (yet) the open/close bug. 



7.5K Messages


182.2K Points


Click "Self" once to enable it, click it again to disable it and click it again to enable it again and in this step, it says "Credits excluded."

This is now fixed too, thanks again for spotting it. 

1.7K Messages


22.9K Points

@Col_Needham​ Thanks for these updates.

12 Messages


170 Points

3 years ago

WHY?  IT should not be changed!  The new preview of the changes to Clelebs page SHOULD REMAIN TEXT NOT GRAPHICS, and it will become like most on the site now NOT very useful.  Not all information here needs to be ties to a graphic... THE TEXT LISTING IS useful having to click add 30 add 30 add 30 to the list to see the whole list is wrong and can not be exported to a text file easily... THIS SITE is going to be less and less useful to us Cine people out here.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled The new preview of the changes to Clelebs page SHOULD REMAIN TEXT NOT GRAPHICS

12 Messages


170 Points

3 years ago

No I do not like the upcoming changes to the NAME celeb pages.

12 Messages


170 Points

3 years ago

No, I do not care for or like the upcoming changes to the NAME celeb pages.  Not useful as graphics.. Text list of all film will always be more useful.

1 Message


60 Points

3 years ago

I like SOME of the new stuff, but the way you are listing an actor/actress credits; I'm not a fan of. I love the list view that you guys currently use. I would ask that you have a toggle button or switch in preferences that would give us the option to go back to the list view instead of the tile view you have in the beta version of the site.

I do like the new redesign of the header of the page, and basic info of said actor/actress.



7.5K Messages


182.2K Points

@domsickles​  Thanks for the valuable feedback. 

10 Messages


170 Points

3 years ago

I'm sorry, but I don't see why anyone would want to use imdb any more.  I just followed the link for the proposed new "actor" pages and it will be just more of subpage after subpage we are already seeing elsewhere.  To make a user hunt through many screens worth of useless commercials and trash to find the links to drill down to the "data" that used to be directly available usually with only one click is to my point of view worthless.  Also, cross site scripting, etc., is already making the site excessively slow (I've had to wait up to 40 seconds to expand one "more info link" that should have had the data already in the page html).  Amazon has their own site they should be fixing (very little there works correctly any more either) instead of making other sites unusable.

Again, I'm sorry, but I'd really like to see the contributors build a new site for their data along the lines of the way Col Needham had imdb about 1998 before Amazon came in and everything got messed up.  With a video collection of about 50K titles and wish lists of hundreds of thousands of lines I'll attempt to continue using imdb, but it is really looking like in a couple of months this user will be gone for good.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled imdb becoming no longer usable



7.5K Messages


182.2K Points

@ddb_mnr​  Thanks for taking the time to comment.  The pages are definitely a work-in-progress.  Regarding the excessive subpages, the “30 more” links are a temporary experimental situation while we are still working on the pages.  We are aiming to strike the right balance between how many credits to load initially and when to have a “Show all” option to display the rest.  Thanks for confirming that 30 is too small. Related, a one-click “Show All” for all sections simultaneously is also on the list. 

On the speed front, sorry to hear on the load times.  May we ask in which country are you located and (roughly) how fast is your internet connection (visit https://fast.com or your speed test provider of choice)? 

632 Messages


13.9K Points

@ddb_mnr​ "I'd really like to see the contributors build a new site for their data along the lines of the way Col Needham had imdb about 1998 before Amazon came in and everything got messed up.  With a video collection of about 50K titles and wish lists of hundreds of thousands of lines I'll attempt to continue using imdb, but it is really looking like in a couple of months this user will be gone for good."

Yes, it is "our" data - not in a legal way, but in a moral "result-of-sweated-labour" way. We've invested time and trouble, for the love of doing a job accurately and completely, and it is a crying shame to see it going to hell in a handbasket.

I too will struggle on when (not if) the changes become imposed on everyone. But at some point I too will be saying "sod this for a lark - it's just too difficult now".

4 Messages


90 Points

If I could find it after it was built I'd be a regular user and give up imdb for good very happily