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315.3K Points
IMDb Charts Page Redesign

We are excited to announce the launch of IMDb’s redesigned Chart pages! These pages are meant to make your IMDb experience easier and more enjoyable by providing a modern, clean presentation of information with 3 different viewing types available (detailed, grid, compact) on each Chart page tailoring to both written and visual preferences. We have also improved mobile navigation making it easier to view IMDb features on the go. These enhancements reflect changes suggested by IMDb customers, as well as our own in-depth research designed to enhance entertainment content, discovery, and navigation. You can find more information on our Charts Page Redesign FAQ page.
We hope you enjoy these latest improvements, and thank you for continuing to make IMDb the world’s most trusted source for movie, TV, and entertainment content
.— The IMDb Team
7 Messages
126 Points
2 years ago
The new design is nice and clean, but is missing one of the most important features: being able to mark a film as 'seen'. I don't want to have to rate all the films I've seen to tell if I've seen a film or not. Please bring this back, this was fed back at the beta testing stage and appears to have been ignored.
2 Messages
80 Points
2 years ago
I can't believe they erased the "seen" feature. It was so useful especialy at the top 250 movies page. I was able to hide the titles i have watched, to search movies i haven't watched yet . I'm so disappointed.
2 Messages
72 Points
2 years ago
The Top 250 Movies page used to have an option of marking a movie as 'Seen'. It also used to give a good stat on the top right of how many of the 250 movies you have seen according to the ones you have marked. I was at about 149/250 movies and I liked coming to the page once in a while and reviewing my marked list and the ones pending. But in the new version of the page, the 'Seen' option seems to have gone away!! Is there a way to retrieve it? Or go back to the old version of the page?
2 Messages
70 Points
2 years ago
I can no longer see the desktop version of this site on mobile (apple) when I click “request desktop website”. The feature only available on desktop is to filter out the movies that I’ve already rated.
6 Messages
144 Points
2 years ago
Please bring back the SEEN Feature as soon as possible.
2 Messages
70 Points
2 years ago
Hello, I have watched around 120-130 movies out of the top 250 list. Today, I logged in and saw that you guys removed the option to mark a movie as "Seen" and also removed all the movies that I have marked as "Seen" from the count towards the total of 250 movies. Meaning, I will have to randomly rate to all the movies I saw years ago and marked as "Seen" just to know how many movies I have seen from the Top 250 list, which seems a little unfair for those movies.
Is there a different solution?
3 Messages
80 Points
2 years ago
Did you realize that the compact version is like 5 times less compact than the previous version?
For me the new design only means i have to scroll a lot more to find anything. Is there a way to get the old one back ?
3 Messages
80 Points
2 years ago
Also changing ranking type is not working. It's crashing the page.
4 Messages
104 Points
2 years ago
Everytime I look at movie details and back out, the check box to hide movies I already rated has to be re-checked. This is very annoying because I'm forced to scroll around the page each time to reselect the check box. Is it possible to keep the box checked until logout or something similar?
7 Messages
120 Points
2 years ago
What I don't understand is the order of the movies and the ratings.
In the older version, the movies were assumed to be ranked by rate.
Instead in this new version you see movies with higher mark below movies with a lower one.
For instance, in today's ranking "Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse" gets a grade of 8.9 and it is at number 15 in the ranking.
All movies from #9 ("The fellowship of the ring") to #14 ("Inception") have a grade of 8.8. This seems to be inconsistent.
And this not the only case, all throughout the IMDb Top 250 list you can see movies with higher qualification below movies with a lower one, as "Interstellar", "Spirited away", "Harakiri", "The dark knight rises", "Dr. Strangelove" etc.
It would be nice to understand if this is a mistake or if it is not, how do you determine the ranking of the movies, if the qualification is not the main criterium.
4 Messages
90 Points
1 year ago
Hi i was wondering why top 1000 users votes were removed. I was part of these voters for a long time and i checked on them for some time and I miss these feature.
3 Messages
80 Points
1 year ago
I guess, earlier IMDB had the feature of marking movies 'seen' without rating them. I want the list of all those movies that I had marked 'Seen' (it was around 210/250). Currently, I'm able to filter out those movies which I had rated. Please help me get the old version of the site or help me find the seen list.
4 Messages
92 Points
1 year ago
Please please pleaaase bring back the "seen" feature! I've logged over 60% of the Top 250 and really enjoyed knocking titles off my list! I don't remember all the ones I've already watched, and going to imdb.com/seen only shows a few titles. The worst part is there is a button to view "183 more" but an apparent glitch only allows it to reveal one at a time making it super tedious to cross reference the Top 250 with my Seen list :( Can we please have an update on when this will be fixed? I know I'm not the only one missing it! Thank you!
4 Messages
92 Points
1 year ago
Here's a quick work-around for those who want the "Seen" feature back on the Top 250!
this is from using somebody's list from 2017. Does anybody know of a more current list to convert?