Tatami53's profile

40 Messages


550 Points

Monday, November 13th, 2023 8:28 AM


No Status

How can I gather my favorite lists in one spot? (Like a file folder)

Hi. I stumbled upon this page: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls099477289/?ref_=ttrv_rls_1

I realized I wanted to be able to come back to it, and other lists, at my leisure. But I could not see how I could store the list, manage it, etc. Is there a way for me to compile my favorite lists in a folder I create for future reference? 

Also, when you ask (on the same page above): [Feedback?  Tell us what you think about this feature.]   -- if I click on the link, it takes me out of IMDB and then I have to click through to the IMDB support community, which takes me the "welcome" page, and then I must post a question (if I can even remember why I'm now here). In other words, I cannot tell you what I think about this feature, unless I go through 3 more steps. That seems an awfully clunky way for me to be able to provide you with my take on this feature. 

I'd appreciate your thoughts. 

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

folders for lists

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