ARN3D's profile

7 Messages


2K Points

Wednesday, February 6th, 2013 12:03 AM

No Status


Follow other users and be notified of their ratings and other activities on IMDb

If we just can add our friends like facebook and share our movies and ratings together I think it would be more fun and useful :) And also we can compare our rating history and that would be very good for users :)

6 Messages


328 Points

12 years ago

Good idea :)

7 Messages


2K Points

12 years ago

thanks :)

17 Messages


852 Points

12 years ago

I'd like it if friends could search my lists with Advanced Title Search. That's be cool.



1.9K Messages


146.1K Points

12 years ago

Yes, adding more social features to IMDB could help people find more films, which has to help IMDB's sister sites like Amazon and LoveFilm.



500 Messages


42.2K Points

12 years ago

As witnessed by the recent addition of more user-specific improvements (profile pages, badges, voting compatibility/comparisons) we are definitely putting more emphasis on social features. I don't really know if a 'friends' feature is being planned at this point, but it's definitely one of many things being considered.

3 Messages


332 Points

pretty please?

and if I can add a point, it'd also be great to link your Watchlist with a friend's when trying to pick what to watch, in order to see what movies you're both eager to watch and decide easier.



4.6K Messages


236.3K Points

Nice, Manthos..great idea!

4 Messages


158 Points

Is there some advance on this? Another one thread to follow?

2 Messages


212 Points

7 years and still no updates?

28 Messages


714 Points

A user experience like BGG would make IMDb so much better. Instead I'm just thinking of what could be.

1 Message


286 Points

12 years ago

rottentomatoes does it quite efficientily (even if clearly the website structure is quite poor), comparing movie ratings with friends and make it easier to keep track of who's watched what and if he liked it would be an extremely popular feature

28 Messages


714 Points

Is Rotten Tomatoes a better option if I want a more social website?

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

Hi, Dusty Bender. If you've read through this thread, you may have noticed that it partly hasn't aged well. Most of the replies and comments here were made before the IMDb·Com message boards software (which included a private messaging system among other features) was taken offline.

28 Messages


714 Points

So, things have only gotten worse not better?

10.7K Messages


225.6K Points

So to speak, but some small percentage of IMDb visitors never saw any value in the message boards, and indeed a lot of staff resources were committed to the boards when those resources could have been better placed elsewhere.

5 Messages


568 Points

12 years ago

With Facebook one can "like" a page and see how many of his / her friends liked that page too. Also, one could make suggestions for other movies / pages that your friends "like" too. This is a great way to discover other movies in the same area of interest as your friends. Of course, in the IMDB website this feature would provide the same kind of functionality provided from the "People who liked this also liked..." "IMDB community" information block. But within Facebook it would add something usefull because it provides information within another social "Personal friends" context.

So +1 for this idea

1 Message


210 Points

12 years ago

Is it also time to "link and share" with Google+ and not only FB.



1.9K Messages


146.1K Points

3 Messages


350 Points

12 years ago

i agree with the views above,flixster has a feature called movie compatibility by which one can compare movie ratings with friends.that way we can know with whom we share similar tastes.if such a feature is introduced in imdb it wud be great.

1 Message


164 Points

12 years ago

"Adding Friends to IMDB Account - Original post added 5 months ago"

Dear IMDB, Please make this happen :D Your website will benefit so greatly with this :D

1 Message


120 Points

12 years ago

I can see the option to add someone as a friend, but it's not working!

227 Messages


11.3K Points

12 years ago

IMDb has an "adding friends" option but the person you added wouldn't know if you were on his/her friends list, its more of a watchlist than anything else i.e, you can use it to find the user profile of someone you follow and also find out if there were active recently and just a slightly faster way to send private messages...they should rename it to "People I follow who don't really know who I'am"

I generally use it to add people who may be known movie stars and to see if they have been active recently..

1 Message


122 Points

Yeah, for me it works like a "follow" button.

1 Message


182 Points

12 years ago

This is a great initiative, IMDB should consider it.

1 Message


202 Points

11 years ago

One of the must features for IMDb.

1 Message


122 Points

11 years ago

I thought this was a feature already, until today that I wanted to add a friend.



1.9K Messages


146.1K Points

You can add people as your friends, there is just currently no extra functionality.

227 Messages


11.3K Points

It acts more like a "follow" than a "friend" except the only thing you follow is when they were last active ;)