lukas_alters_ge's profile

5 Messages


120 Points

Friday, April 14th, 2023 9:48 PM


No Status

dismiss the mandatory minimum of 600 characters

most reviews I read seem written by people who are trying to say "this movie sucks" with many different words just to reach the 600 characters.

and I know the feeling because it happens to me almost anytime I want to write a review.

indeed 90% of the times I want, I end deciding not to, because having to reach the 600 sucks more than the movie.

for instance now as soon as I once again realized I had to reach the 600 (which I keep forgetting) I felt that it was more important to say how much this limit sucks, than how much that movie sucks.

and as I am a stubborn person, I hereby declare that I will never ever ever write any review in IMDb, until there will be such a limit.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Reduce the minimum size for IMDb user reviews

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