kyle_i5gvs30ie8k3m's profile

2 Messages


82 Points

Sunday, December 1st, 2019 8:05 PM


Could we please get a decimal point added to the rating system?

Could we please get a decimal point added to the rating system?

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Ratings: Allow more precise voting

8.6K Messages


177.2K Points

5 years ago

Joined community on December 1, 2019 - new today
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Related Conversations
Ratings: Allow more precise voting
So me and my friends would like to suggest if it is possible to give ratings like 9.4 , 4.5 , 8.6, ...
Axel de Soomer
Posted 3 years ago
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Updates to the Ratings pages and functionality
Karen, Employee
Posted 2 years ago



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

5 years ago

Just yesterday I watched 2 titles on the same subject, liked one better than the other, but ranked them both 6. I would love to have given one a 6.4 and the other a 6.7.  (I can't give it a 7 because that means I recommend it as something most people should watch, and it wasn't that good.)

I would recommend that you vote for the idea Act_1 included:
It has more than 70 votes, and can use more.

2 Messages


82 Points

5 years ago

There often can be a great span between i.e. 6.1 and 7 and in both cases you got to give it a 7. I've really missed that opportunity for a long time, to include decimals to the vote.

2 Messages


60 Points

4 years ago

Please please please. this has been bugging us for such a long time and it's so easy.