2 Messages
90 Points
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Is there any way we can search for an actor’s TWO Performances together ie Star Wars & Lion King, for result of James Earl Jones? Compare two side-by-side, see who’s been in Both?
2 Messages
90 Points
Is there any way we can search for an actor’s TWO Performances together ie Star Wars & Lion King, for result of James Earl Jones? Compare two side-by-side, see who’s been in Both?
7.5K Messages
181.5K Points
5 days ago
@rukiuzhu Yes, this is already supported via Advanced Search at https://www.imdb.com/search/common/ (scroll down to "Two titles with the same people")
For more information on advanced search, please visit: https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/discover-watch/using-the-advanced-search-feature/GLUEUYWPQNPTEVPU
You can find answers to most questions on using IMDb at https://help.imdb.com/
Hope this helps.