steven_greer's profile

1 Message


80 Points

Saturday, May 9th, 2020 8:28 AM



Two questions:

1. Is there currently a way to "favorite" or "bookmark" (or "heart", "like", etc.) other user's lists on IMDb? I'm talking about a feature *in* IMDb, not just bookmarking lists as browser URL bookmarks.

If the answer is *YES*, then how is this done?
If the answer is *NO*, then my sub-question is *WHY NOT*?

2. Is there a IMDb User Lists "Search Engine"?
If the answer is *YES, then where do I find this search engine?
If the answer is *NO*, then my sub-question is *WHY NOT*?

Both of the above questions are about integral characteristics of "favorites" lists that should have been inherently built in to the favorite lists concept from the start, if they don't exist now.

I understand the use of personal lists having value to individual users, for many reasons. To track what you've watched. To track your favorites. To make lists just to make lists. Which is great.

BUT beyond that, especially due to the fact that other user lists automatically appear to be explored when you go to any item on IMDb... why wouldn't a List Search Function be built in to the list database concept from the start? Maybe it is and I just don't know where it is or how to use it! I hope! Otherwise, this is a basic concept for a lists database on a site like IMDb, and should be implemented as soon as possible.

The same concept applies to the concept of "saving", "favoriting", "bookmarking" (or whatever you want to call it) lists created by other users. Again, as with the detailed search function concept above, this is given foundational function of this type of "Lists" database for a site like IMDb. A basic building block in this day and age. These concepts are not just for the benefit and use of IMDb users, of course. And also of course, while the basic concept and function of IMDb in itself is absolutely ***FANTASTIC***, IMDb, like most other companies, is a for-profit company with approximately $40 million per year in revenue, and a fully-owned subsidiary of Amazon. I only point this out to show how absolutely mind-boggling it is to me if IMDb currently has neither of the capabilities listed in my two questions, above.

The simple, basic, forever, "I shouldn't have to explain this" business model that if you make and keep your customers satisfied and happy, then you'll make more money. Imagine FaceBook without the ability to "Like" or react in any way. Imagine if you couldn't "heart" on Twitter or Instagram.

Anyway, I'll get off my business profit model, database basics, user friendly design, etc. soap box. All I want is a way to favorite other user's IMDb lists and a detailed way to search IMDb lists.

If these functions DO EXIST in IMDb already, then that's fantastic and all on me for not being able to figure it out before posting a message like this one. If that's the case, then if someone could please explain these functions to me or point me to proper documentation, I would be very happy and satisfied. 

If these functions DO NOT EXIST currently in IMDb world, then it is my simple suggestion that they be created sooner than today. And IMDb/Yahoo can do it without any kind of basic business profit improvement consultation fees from me. *ESPECIALLY* because most of the world is stuck at home right now watching and using every single type of film, TV-show, video game, etc that IMDb tracks.

Please don't get me wrong, IMDb is amazing and I have been impressed with IMDb ever since the first time I discovered it seemingly eons ago. And I have always been happy about IMDb's positive evolution over the years. The database, information in the database and the site itself is and always has been amazing.

(Also, if what I've discussed above *are* available, but only for IMDbPro users, then my apologies as I just realized that I have no idea about the added benefits of IMDbPro!)

If you made it to the end of my missive, congratulations for your patience and thanks for reading!



19.3K Messages


475.5K Points

4 years ago

Hi Steven Greer,

1. Is there currently a way to "favorite" or "bookmark" (or "heart", "like", etc.) other user's lists on IMDb? I'm talking about a feature *in* IMDb, not just bookmarking lists as browser URL bookmarks.
Currently, IMDb does not have a means to bookmark a list or poll.
2. Is there a IMDb User Lists "Search Engine"?
Currently, IMDb does not have a means to search for lists or polls within IMDb.

This was suggested seven year ago in this thread. Please vote for this idea.
Lists: Add a search for IMDb user lists

I agree that being able to bookmark a list or a poll within IMDb would be useful. It would also be helpful to be able to search for lists and polls within IMDb

In the meantime you can easily search IMDb lists and polls via Google.

For example for lists, if you type the following in Google's search bar: zombie
you'll get IMDb lists featuring/mentioning the word 'zombie'

For a list of all vampire-related lists that do not mention 'Nosferatu', you'd search for vampire -nosferatu
For example for polls, if you type the following in Google's search bar: zombie
you'll get IMDb lists featuring/mentioning the word 'zombie'

For a list of all vampire-related lists that do not mention 'Nosferatu', you'd search for vampire -nosferatu
= = =

I am not an IMDb staff member. I am a long time user of IMDb user. I will leave it to IMDb members to answer why these features do not currently exist in IMDb.