157 Messages
4.1K Points
"back to top" feature
when we scroll down on the main page for a movies, tv shows, etc. a tab slides down that says "back to top" is it possible to include this feature for the main page people and for their biography pages as well?
10.7K Messages
225.6K Points
2 years ago
https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/imdbcom/please-get-rid-of-the-aggravating-static-back-to-the-top-link-that-continuously-blocks-the-screen/63a1f6019bb80c1cea244972?commentId=63a673008a78b2410871738c: Put this command in your adblocker as a rule and you will not see that annoyance anymore. I did this on my computer and phone: ##.ipc-chip--on-base.ipc-chip.visible.ekSuP.sc-958f8c03-0.ipc-scroll-to-top-button — plur62
157 Messages
4.1K Points
2 years ago
I like this feature and I think we should add it the main page for people including their biography page because for people like Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise, without this "Back to top" tab, it takes forever to scroll to the top. But for people that don't like this feature, I think to add the "X" within the tab and to press it, the tab will disappear is the best solution, anyone agree?
157 Messages
4.1K Points
2 years ago
I like the "back to top" tab very much, I like this feature so much that I was thinking imdb can expand it by adding it to every page, to the page of every movie, tv shows, it's episodes, including the goofs, trivia, etc. Because for example for popular movies such as the dark knight, which is somewhat of a new movie (I realize for older movies there's obviously going to include more content) there's close to 400 trivia and if a user needs to reach to the top of the page quickly for any reason, the "back to top" tab can make the scrolling process less tedious, I'd like to see the "back to top" tab added for people as well including their biographical pages for the same reasons. However, I did see a few complaints to this feature because some users found the tab annoying because it blocks some parts of the page. I feel the size of the tab is the correct size because it doesn't block too much of the page. I did see a solution to these complaints which was to increase of the tab a little to add an X, and once you press the X, the tab will disappear. I believe this the best compromise for the users that like this feature and the latter which is to include that X, does anyone agree, disagree or have a better solution besides adding the X? thanks Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled back to top tab
157 Messages
4.1K Points
2 years ago
I'd like to thank the imdb staff for my idea of adding the "back to top" tab to all pages, trivia, goofs, etc, including a person's bio page. Can I assume their considering or in the process of increasing the length of the tab by adding an X? That way users who don't like that tab, they can simply click on the X on the tab to have it closed. Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled back to top tab