1 Message
220 Points
Add notifications for changes to name/title pages
I would like a notification (an email for example) whenever an actor, writer, movie etc has an update on "his/her/it's" page, Is this possible?For example if I want to follow what an actor is doing, and when there's a new film added or information added to a project underway I'm notified about this.
4.6K Messages
236.3K Points
12 years ago
2 Messages
122 Points
6 years ago
It would be really handy if I could receive updates whenever a news item/update is posted on something or someone I have on my watchlist...!!!
When using my IMDB app on my iphone, I could go under notifications, and select to instantly receive updates....
When using my IMDBpro account, set up a sort of email "alert" whenever someone or some title I've tagged is updated...
2 Messages
112 Points
6 years ago
How can I get updated when new movies are listed under an actor? I think this is a no brainer feature that should be added if not added already. So how can I do it?
2 Messages
102 Points
6 years ago
hello imdb community i am johnny baker from greece thessaloniki,you are doing a very nice job back there keep up the good work!
i d like to suggest an idea because of my favorite actors and a difficulty of finding movies with them sometimes.It MAY be good to add a follow mark or somethin to "follow" our actors and learning about the stuff that you add on news,like the watch list for example , but on the actors !
2 Messages
122 Points
6 years ago
It would be great if you put "follow" button on actors/actresses, directors and movies pages so we could be able to hear upcoming news about them. It could show up on our profile pages like there are two new messages such as Johnny Depp announced for a new movie or the new trailer of Black Mirrors' new episode has been realesed etc. Under recent circumstances we always have to visit their pages to learn if there is something new or not. You can develop this kinda feature, can't you?
2 Messages
102 Points
6 years ago
Following an actor/actress.
2 Messages
104 Points
6 years ago
Is it possible to track actors? It would be great to get an email whenever a favorite actor appears in a new movie or play.
2 Messages
172 Points
6 years ago
Is there a setting where I can get a notification, through email or the website, when my favorite actors, directors, writers, etc. are working on a movie or tv show and when it is going to be released?
2 Messages
112 Points
6 years ago
Hello all, I would like the ability to follow actors I have enjoyed on screen and be alerted to any new release they may have regardless of classification or release region. Many thanks Tommy
2 Messages
124 Points
6 years ago
Is there a way (like following a person) to get informed of any changes on a profile (eg. new movies, shows etc)?
2 Messages
144 Points
6 years ago
It would be really helpful if 'artist' pages (actors, directors, screenwriters, etc.) had a 'Watchlist' or 'Follow' button, to receive notifications whenever they produce or are in something new. It doesn't seem to exist already (unless I've missed something very obvious).
2 Messages
82 Points
6 years ago
Is there any possibility to follow your favourite movie? Just to get email notifications if something new was added?
2 Messages
122 Points
6 years ago
Wouldn't it be great if you could keep up to date with not only the movies, but the actors, writers, directors, and producers listed in the film description. It would be a wonderful way to look at a person's entire body of work and see anything new that they have. I often find new inspiration and new films to watch by following not only the actors or the films, but the directors and the writers too. It would be very convenient to have a simple list for this instead of trying to remember every name.
2 Messages
132 Points
6 years ago
Hi, I would like to know if there is a feature that notifies when new content is being added linked to specific pages, or a way to have a rss flux out of an existing page. i.e : a new movie by a director/actor/writer etc.
8 Messages
516 Points
6 years ago
It would be great if I could be notified if there are any changes (new movies, etc...) when an actor signs on for a movie or series or what-not. So we can keep up with what they are up to.