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Saturday, January 4th, 2020 9:15 AM


IMDb Feature Suggestion: Multiple-Choice Polls

Hey there folks, 

So recently, I've been thinking about a few poll ideas, which would work great if they had a multiple-choice option.

I think most of you already know what a "multiple-choice" is. For those of you who don't know, Multiple-Choice allows respondents (voters) to select multiple answers, choices, etc., from a poll. People can vote for more than one (but not all) options.

Something like:
- Minimum numbers of options they can vote = 1 (obviously)

- Maximum numbers of options they can vote = (depending on the total number of choices) like if the poll had five choices, you could only vote for 2-3. (something like that)
The poll author can set the number of options people can select to vote. (with limits of course)

It's just a feature suggestion, not a feature request. I thought it'd nice to discuss it with you guys first, before requesting it for real.

Please post your thoughts about this below.

Thank you. 
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126 Messages


7.8K Points

5 years ago

Great Idea! I'm totally with you.

There were/are many polls I wish I could vote for more than one option.

Especially when a poll asks me which is my favorite movie or video game. I want to vote for more but can't. And Later, I feel bad for those movies/video games, lol. :(

I'll vote for this feature to get approved by IMDb ASAP.

6.8K Messages


128K Points

I know right, me too. Sometimes I even regret it. Then I go back and change my vote.
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126 Messages


7.8K Points

Oh I've done that a lot.

4.4K Messages


124K Points

5 years ago

Interesting.  It's not a bad idea, as I (and many others, I'm sure) have 3-4 favorites in a poll sometimes.  Sometimes I even click the wrong answer, lol, which makes me fussy.  :)
We'll have to see what others say.

6.8K Messages


128K Points

Thanks for your input. Don't forget to vote on this Idea if you think this feature should really be a thing.

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128K Points

5 years ago


236 Messages


8K Points

5 years ago

I support this !



6.9K Messages


120.3K Points

5 years ago

It could work I think, but only in very special cases.

In a normal poll, it would screw results if one user votes for one option and another votes for 3. In order to avoid giving an user more votes than other, the vote should be split as in "You can vote for 3 if you can't decide, but your vote would be equally divided among all options"

Otherwise, it would only work if each user was made to cast the same number of votes, with questions like choose your 3 favorite films by Hitchcock or something like that.

6.8K Messages


128K Points

How do you think it'd screw up the results. And why?

Let's take this poll, for example, (I've enabled multiple-choice answers)

It's not an IMDb poll. - Let's assume all polls have almost the system.

I've voted for 3 choices. Go ahead and vote either more or less than 3.


I do agree with you on > if the poll asks you to vote for a specific number of answers, then you should be able to vote for that much only. (Like if it asks you to vote for 3 best films, then you can only choose 3 films, no more, no less.)

Btw, thanks for your input. :)
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6.8K Messages


128K Points

5 years ago

A correction I'd like to make to something I suggested above.

"If the poll has five choices, you can only vote for 2-3 options."

Well, if a poll has only five or fewer options, it'd make it a face-off poll. Even though if it's not stated.

So, multiple-choice answers in a face-off make no sense, and that's why I'd like to take back my suggestion.

Sorry, I was just excited when creating this thread. ^_^