as_s_dp6h6whox8gs3's profile

3 Messages


140 Points

Monday, May 25th, 2020 2:28 AM


Search bar for all your ratings

Allow me to submit a modest proposal. I think there should be a way to search all your ratings. Like a search bar when viewing all your ratings to more easily find titles you have rated in the past, instead of having to scroll or refine your ratings. Forgive me if there is already a way to do this or if this has been suggested previously.

8.7K Messages


177.7K Points

5 years ago

As S
Joined community on May 25, 2020 - new today
- - -
? ?
Could be helpful for Users that to do a lot of Ratings



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

5 years ago

Let's make sure you know of what's currently available:
From the page Ratings FAQ:
Your Ratings includes your entire ratings history. You can navigate to this page by clicking your name/ID in the upper right hand of the navigation bar at the top of every IMDb page and click "Your Ratings" from the drop down menu. To view your ratings by genre, year, type and more, go to Advanced Title Search and select the options you want to refine by.
By default, movies you rated are listed in chronological order (most recent ones appear first) but you can change the sorting order and select the options by which you want to refine by clicking on the dropdown menu at the top of the list.
And, of course, if you just want to see your rating of a particular title, you can just go to that title page.

Something I frequently want to know: WHEN did I give that rating. That can be seen on an Export of either Your Ratings, or of any custom list. So I just temporarily add the title to a short list, and export that.

You may want to vote for/comment on this thread:
Ratings: Your Ratings page should have all refine and sort options as custom lists have.

3 Messages


140 Points

5 years ago

Yes, I see what you are saying but wouldn't it be so much easier, especially for those of us that have alot of ratings, to just have a search bar instead where you could type in a title and then you could see if you have rated it or not? To me, at least it does, instead of refining.



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

If you just want to see 1 title's rating, then look at the title's page. And the search bar is already at the top of nearly every IMDb page, including Your Ratings. 

If you're objecting to clicking through to the title's page, then perhaps your suggestion should be more specific: that your rating should be displayed on the search results. I would add that the average rating should fit there too. Since Ideas can linger here for a long time, I'll include a screenshot of the current display:

There's certainly room on the line with the year.

3 Messages


140 Points

Rating displayed in my search results would suffice.

249 Messages


8.5K Points

5 years ago

Would be better if we could choose which format, TV-Movie, Feature film, Video game etc.
Or by genre. Basically the same page we get to when we click on an actors films by rating.

3 Messages

4 years ago

Allow me to submit a modest proposal. I think there should be a way to search all your ratings. Like a search bar when viewing all your ratings to more easily find titles you have rated in the past, instead of having to scroll or refine your ratings. Forgive me if there is already a way to do this or if this has been suggested previously.
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Search bar for all your ratings



5.1K Messages


118.5K Points

Also note the above post was labeled for Android/Fire apps.