6 Messages
264 Points
On Characters Webpages we should add a Jump Too links of Films.
On the characters web page sayFather Chuck O'Malley (Bing Crosby)https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0036872/characters/nm0001078?ref_=tt_cl_t1On their web page, there are small highlighted links to Photos & Quotes. What I'm suggesting is that we add another link called Films for those characters that may have appeared in more than one film or had cameo's or were parodied. This would be a great and easy way to track the films of the character without the need to search up what films they were in. Say for another example The Joker, he's appeared in almost every Batman-related thing, and fans of his will want to know more. So basically give them the option of seeing all the films he's appeared in.
8.7K Messages
177.7K Points
6 years ago
Ed Jones (XLIX) could add ...Updates to Characters AnnouncementToday we are modifying the display of Characters across IMDb.https://getsatisfaction.com/imdb/topics/changes-to-imdb-charactersby Nic Bachhuber, Employee Posted 2 years ago - November 14 2017