1 Message


70 Points

Monday, May 22nd, 2023 10:40 AM

No Status


CheckIn Search --> See Date when you checked into the Search Result


i would like to request a Feature for the IMDB Application. 

For me its related to iOS, since i have an iPhone. 

When i watch a Movie or a Series, i search the Movie / Serie and check in the Movie or Episode of the Series. 

So it shows up, at "my Checkins". 

However, IMDB Team, already made it, that we can now search in the Checkins, if i already checked in to XX Movie, without srcolling down through all Checkins. 

I would like to request: Is it possible to add, when you manually type the Movie's Name in the Checkin Section, that it shows the Date, when i checkin to it? Currently it shows only the Date, when you scroll through the List Manually, without typing in the Search Field. But by over 700 Checkins its not an Option. 

Would be really appreciated, if this little feature could be added. 

Thanks in Advance. 

Best Regards,


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