7 Messages


150 Points

Friday, April 19th, 2024 7:56 PM



Abbreviated Biographies On IMDb App

Why are biographies abbreviated on the IMDb app compared to the website? It is very frustrating to have to sign in to the website to find out the full details for a particular individual biography.



7.5K Messages


182.1K Points

10 months ago

@ericgen Which IMDb app are you using and what are your language / region settings?  If you set your language preference to English, this should display the longer biographies in the app.  The shorter non-English biographies are automatically generated, and at the moment we only support manually written biographies in English, sorry.   

7 Messages


150 Points


I have an Android tablet and my language is English. I am using the app downloaded from the Google Play store.



7.5K Messages


182.1K Points

@ericgen​ Thanks.  In that case we will need more information — please let us know the country in which you are located; the make and model of your tablet; its Android version; the version of the IMDb app installed; at least 3-4 names which illustrate the problem; and at least one screen-grab showing the problem.   We can then forward this to the Android team for investigation. 

7 Messages


150 Points

Country USA
Android Tablet ONN. Tablet Pro
Android Version 10
IMDB App Version
Requested Images Attached
Additional Names
Charlie McDermott
Michael C. Hall
Jeremy Sisto
Thank you



7.5K Messages


182.1K Points

@ericgen  In your example (and from your own screenshot) https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0066447/ does not have a manually written biography even on the website; neither does Charlie McDermott (https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1668208/). Jeremy Sisto (https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005438/) has a manually written one, but it is not much longer than the auto-generated ones. 

On the other hand, Michael C. Hall (https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0355910/) does have a longer manually provided one on the website.  Please can you upload a screen-grab of his bio page in your app? 

7 Messages


150 Points

I am sorry, I don't know what else to say. It is obvious that the two screenshots I provided for Brandon Beemer are radically different from the website to the app with the website providing significantly more biographical information than the app. This was my original complaint. I don't understand what you mean by "manually written" vs. "auto-generated."



7.5K Messages


182.1K Points

@ericgen​ Thanks for clarifying.  You asked about biographies which in IMDb terms are the paragraphs of text about the person,  see https://help.imdb.com/article/contribution/names-biographical-data/biographical-data-guidelines/GMT9T242VQADZUQM#bio (the longer biographies are manually written and contributed; the shorter ones are machine generated).  On the app, this biography text is on a page of its own per your screen-grab; if you are looking for the other information, such as personal trivia and birthdate etc then this is available on the main page for the person in the app. 

Hope this helps. 

7 Messages


150 Points

Yes, that absolutely helps. Thank you for the clarification. I apologize for not figuring that out myself.