21 Messages
344 Points
What is this horror movie?
First off I've never seen this movie but I used to have it on a list to watch once I could locate the movie. I think it was a horror from 90s but maybe early 2000s. People were in a bar but I honestly can't remember the plot ( definitely not The bar aka El bar ). I think it had like 5 to 7 people in the bar. I can't remember if people were stuck in the bar or something to do with numbers maybe ( no, it's not Pi)I'm pretty sure the first word started with the letter B and was two words in length. I remember it was in a different language(I think MAYBE French) and i think that was partly why I had a hard time finding it to watch back then and now can't remember what it was called lol. I have tried and tried to rack my brain. Please I'm looking for suggestions that it could maybe be. If I see the name I will definitely know what it is. I know it's definitely not a lot to go on but if anyone has ANY kind of idea what this movie could be please let me know. Thanks if anyone can help.
21 Messages
344 Points
2 years ago
@NYVKE OMFG THANK YOU . YES ! As soon as I saw it written I remembered that was it. Can't believe I thought it started with a 'b' lol. Thanks again so much this had meen bugging me for sooooo long. Now that I remember what it's called I'm gonna go try and watch it.