10 Messages
376 Points
Title of Science Fiction movie
There was this SF movie with a person (I think it was a woman) maybe an android developing some kind of super power. Then there was a giant intelligent computer gaining more and more power. The person and the computer started a confrontation and the scene I remember was a secret computer laboratory / or military base in the desert with some scientist trying to protect the person.
I think it must be a movie from the 2000s or 2010s from the look and the SFXs. To my mind came Scarlett Johansson and Samuel L. Jackson but searching their movie list I didn't find anything.
--- Edit: ---
But maybe..., maybe this person was kind of connected or impersonating the computer and had to kill herself/himself in order to shut down the computer. But might be I am mixing things up (I've definitely seen too many movies... ;-)
Accepted Solution
10 Messages
376 Points
4 years ago
I think I found it: Trancendence! It's where Johnny Depp has to die in the end...
Sigh of relief - finally I can go to sleep :-)
Thanks to all who thought about it - maybe through the matrix you helped me find it ;-)
7 Messages
194 Points
4 years ago
This sounds s bit like the final scene in Oblivion with Tom Cruise where he is confronting the AI in the space station. Maybe you're thinking of this one? Came out in 2013 I think.