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70 Points

Friday, December 3rd, 2021 4:17 PM

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Looking for an "adventurous"/archeologist/Indiana Jones kind of movie (must have been produced in window of 1985 - 2008)

Hi all, 

I am looking for a movie since a long time and I can't get my head around it.

It takes place somewhere early 20th century in middle east/desert and is similar to Indiana Jones Last Crusade/Raiders of the Lost Ark.

From what I can remember, the main is about two enstranged brothers (one with a daughter and the other one is somewhat evil) looking
for a secret vault/tombe in the desert that is either from God or some kind of supernatural - the vault/door gives eternal life or some kind.

Besides that I remember scenes about a woman (think related to the brothers or perhaps even the daughter) that is lost and she somehow
marries a military (I think French) in a military camp in the desert. The military guy then gets later poisoned by a water well (done on purpose,
i thought this was the evil brother).

I also remember vague the opening of the full movie, some kind of desert/sand storm (on purpose, by God?) that is either killing or making
people unconscious and a woman appears to lay in the sand, whereas an arabic man with a horse picks her up.

Closing of the movie is for sure the brothers (not together but at the same time/fighting with each other) in this kind of vault/tombe, seeking
eternity/cure of health.

Hope you guys can help me out.. thanks very much.

85 Messages


910 Points

3 years ago

I don't know the film in question, but I am wondering if it was on this list.  


Good luck with the search.