2 Messages


80 Points

Saturday, June 5th, 2021 6:30 AM

Looking For A forgotten Movie Title..

Probably a Hallmark type of production movie in the 2010-2020 era. Near the opening scenes, city professional and successful women is in her tech modern kitchen preparing her schedule/appointments for the day while using modern appliances. At some point she asks a voice assistant (like 'Alexa' but using a different name) to close the window blinds. Eventually she ends up in a remote setting without the modern conveniences and wakes up to sunshine in her eyes and asks the voice assistant to close the window blinds but soon realizes she is no longer in her modern environment and has to do manual operations. 

Any help on this movie title would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. 

11 Messages


234 Points

3 years ago

Do you remember anything about how/why this happened to her or where she was sent?  Was time travel involved or just an isolated location?

2 Messages


80 Points


I wish I could remember more but I have watched so many Hallmark type movies that all the plots seem to end the same. Boy meets girl during some kind of personal conflict and morphs into an attraction to end in a relationship.

I would have thought I remembered enough of this missing title movie but a professional women in a modern kitchen preparing for a work day using a smartphone and tablet for scheduling without the need of personal assistance other than the 'Alexa' type voice commands to close the blinds. One of the following scenes has her in bed in a rustic setting bedroom trying to command 'Alexa' to close the blinds as the sunrise shines through but of course she quickly realizes she is without her modern comforts of home and very uncomfortable in her new temp environment. [If I added questionable details, I might confuse scenes from other like movies]