4 Messages


106 Points

Thursday, December 30th, 2021 6:40 AM



Help in identifying a movie

So I have been trying to find this specific movie for a very long time now and I can't seem to find it.

There are two main actors in this movie, one is either Bruce Willis, or someone resembling his appearance, another is an Asian actor (Male) and I don't know much about him. 

Both of these actors in the movie are in the law enforcement industry at the beginning (Detectives or cops etc)

My summary of the movie is hazy. It starts off with them two actors conducting some raid on a factory of some sorts illegal drug factory is my best guess, they are both friends and shortly after, the Asian actors family is hit by a masked assassin, this assassin is also asian but is notorious for his proffesionalism and he always wears a mask.

The Asian detectives family is hit by this assassin and the detective manages to kill the assassin but his family perishes. With regret of not being able to protect his family, he burns his family house along with his dead family inside with the assassin to cover his trails and goes undercover and completely off the grid posing as the Assassin in the mafia in order to get revenge on the person that ordered the hit on his family, even fooling his partner convincing him he died in that house fire. Them two make no contact until later on in the movie years later where they meet unexpectedly.

His partner (Bruce Willis or someone else resembling him) is convinced his partner died in that house fire but knows full well someone ordered a hit, and starts investigating in order to enact revenge for his partner the next few following years but remains in the law enforcement industry at the time.

I do know that in the ending of the movie, the Asian cop gets his revenge, finally finding the man who ordered the hit and challenging him in a samurai style way, they both get Katanas and start fighting, ending with the Asian ex cop winning. I've forgotten the rest but if this rings any bells for anyone please let me know, I've been searching for a long time and I can't find the movie at all.

I've searched potential actors and their movies but no results unfortunately.  I've watched this movie once maybe 7+yrs ago so it's not a new movie. If anyone knows the name of this movie or has any leads, please let me know, thank you.

180 Messages


3.2K Points

3 years ago

Could it be War (2007) with Jet Li and Jason Stratham?

4 Messages


106 Points

@brian_bruns  It is thanku so much, was looking for this movie for so long