2 Messages


80 Points

Thursday, September 22nd, 2022 2:35 PM



HELP ASAP!! Help on remembering this movie (spoilers!)

This is high in spoilers!! So my English teacher showed us this movie and it made us all cry at the end. So it’s goes like this: this dude who is white goes through a series of events, he thinks he is alive and doing everything normal but it’s not tho. (This is what I remember this is from 8th grade sorry bad memory) He goes to I think a church or a birthday party of this sickly or not sick girl, whose mother literally poisoned her own daughter with rat poison. The White dude (main character) watched the mother poison her daughter drink and tried to say something about it but it was like he couldn’t. Everyone in the party is like wtf is going on why is she suddenly so sick again, and the girl(daughter) was vomiting everywhere and later on shortly died. The mother was happy I believe and was pretending to be sad. Skip forward to the end bc this is what I mostly highly remember, the main character walked up inside his house or his lover house. And tried to say something but it never was heard, be then touched his i think wife or girlfriend (she is black). The GF then shivered in a cold feeling with a cold breath coming from her, then the dude realized he isn’t alive.. He is indeed dead the whole time as he watched so much things happen that he couldn’t stop. (Me trying to reme This movie for years is driving me crazy 😭 worst part is I cant ask my old English teacher bc she abandoned my school and my class half way through the course and never taught us anything and we had no teacher for 2 months and lost the 2nd new English teacher again bc of what he did in school.

12 Messages


232 Points

2 years ago

This is the Sixth Sense, from M. Night Shyamalan 

2 Messages


80 Points

@DizzyB​ omg ty so much! 😭 I never thought it was this movie bc I forgot it had the little boy

22 Messages


316 Points

@Iris_wolf​ I was going to say this, but someone else beat me to it.

2.7K Messages


47K Points

2 years ago

and we had no teacher for 2 months and lost the 2nd new English teacher again bc of what he did in school.

Now you have to tell us what that was all about!