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70 Points

Monday, October 23rd, 2023 2:46 PM

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fire behind the mirror

I saw "The Old Gun" (1975 French Film), and the final scene with the flame thrower reminded me of a scene from another film, But my memory is a little vague. It seems to me that this is a relatively recent film. It can also be a series. Here is my memory of the scene in question:
a man (a bad guy it seems to me) sees his reflection in a mirror (or a reflective surface, I'm not sure). His reflection begins to distort. In fact the mirror is starting to melt because behind the wall, there is another man with a flamethrower (it could also be a super power, or a dragon, I don't really know). The melting surface becomes more and more deformed and then begins to open up. The bad guy begins to understand and wants to escape but too late, he is burned alive by the flamethrower.
Impossible to find what film it is. Does that mean anything to anyone? Thank you in advance !

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