2 Messages


132 Points

Saturday, March 20th, 2021 11:18 AM

Finding a movie

A British school boy leaves school to see his mother who works at some digging site (not like in Egypt but in an underground structure). The boy gives his mom a letter that he lost his scholarship worth about £3,000. An engineer calls up about hitting a void. The boy goes down to the entrance. The man gives him a flashlight and tells the boy to take a look. He enters a huge cavern and while looking around something starts to move above him. That's when we lost transmission. We have no idea of the name. Looked like something from 1990-2015. In color. Possibly a British movie. Was viewing the movie on YouTube. Would love to know what this movie is.

Accepted Solution

183 Messages


3.2K Points

4 years ago

That is definitely Reign of Fire.

2 Messages


132 Points

AMAZING!! Thank you very much. I've seen the movie when it came out but didn't remember how it started and would never have checked this. Five star answer, Oh Mighty Movie Guru!