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534 Points

Sunday, July 23rd, 2023 5:34 PM

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Back again still looking for this same movie

I watched this movie many times as a kid. I have googled it nothing. It's one of those movies you get in a library and they are really bad. All I remember is that, There are 3 kids 2 boys and 1 girl. (Not popular movie Something happens and they have to stop the bad people. I remember the girl has a fight at a pool table with one of the bad people. Before all this though they are making a plan in a bedroom and the younger boy gets a hoberman sphere toy stuck on his head. Like in 2008- 2014 time line maybe ...
Movies that I found from my childhood for an example of the quality of this movie: "Dog Gone"
(2008) and "I heart shakey" (2012)

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