11 Messages


230 Points

Sunday, July 24th, 2022 12:25 AM


Yet another one of my reviews has been inexplicably deleted.

Despite breaking no rules & again, adhering to the guidelines set out on the site, my review of "Stranger Things: Chapter 9 - The Piggyback" has been removed - after it was approved, ages ago - with no notification. When I went back to my original confirmation email (which proved it had been approved), I've seen it's now been changed to "declined" but the reason for the decline is "not specified", as "we did not capture a specific reason during processing". This is the second time this has happened to my profile recently.

The reference number was:




1.5K Messages


16.6K Points

2 years ago

Hi W011y4m5- 

Thank you for posting the submission reference number for your review and for reporting these issues regarding the User Review removals you have experienced. 

I have reviewed it and I can confirm that your User Review for "Stranger Things: Chapter 9 - The Piggyback" does not violate any of our guidelines. I have gone ahead and reinstated your review, it will be up on the site shortly. 

We are currently working on improvements to our User Review processing to help prevent this ongoing issue of incorrect removals. I have forwarded your comments and this use case to the applicable team for visibility.
