6 Messages


120 Points

Wednesday, January 24th, 2024 12:59 AM


Year Correction for Film Title

This seems to be a common problem judging from the threads and only one admin can solve:

For: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15555154/

Trying to change the Year of our film's release from 2021 to 2022.  We did a work-in-progress screening in 2021, but our completed, edited film was not shown until 2022 (virtually in January, actual premiere in March of 2022) when we began our actual festival run.  I've entered this premiere information for Release Date, but still unable to change the year in title of film.   

Requesting Admin change this for us since we seem unable to do so via the interface.  Thanks!



7.3K Messages


274.7K Points

8 months ago

1KOceans: I don't see the problem here. The film Ricochet is listed as having a release date and premiere at CAAMFest on May 22, 2021. That's consistent with what the festival's website says at https://caamfest.com/2021/movies/ricochet/. There's no indication on the festival's website that this was a work in progress. 

6 Messages


120 Points

Thanks for the message back.  Not sure how the festival presented this, as it was definitely a work-in-progress at that time (we did the early screening for my co-director's widow ).  We continued working on the edit for another 7 months after this screening and officially premiered the completed version in 2022.

6 Messages


120 Points

Hi @gromit82 I'm not able to pull up the link you sent, but what I recall is that we honoring the the family and community request for a local premiere, so maybe it was framed that way, though we were clear with them and the fest, that we were not at a final cut, and that the cut was several months away from being locked.  If you look here you'll see the gap of 8 months from this screening till 2022 when we had our actual premieres in Jan and in public in March from which point our festival run took off.  

6 Messages


120 Points

@gromit82​ Yes please see my reply above in relation to this.  We were honoring family request to frame this as local premiere but reality is we worked on this film another 7 months after this date to complete the film hence the lengthy gap between this and the next screening (as referenced on our watch page).



17.2K Messages


310K Points

8 months ago

Hi @1KOceans -

Upon viewing the CAAMfest website, the 2021 screening was showcased as a world premiere, as opposed to a work-in-progress screening.  We will need to retain the 2021 title year to reflect this release, however, if there have been subsequent screenings after 2021 you are welcome to submit those additional release dates.

6 Messages


120 Points

@Michelle​ Thanks for your message. Yes as mentioned above it was framed this way to honor family wishes of our original director who passed during production.  We made it clear to everyone the film was not complete and would require several months more work, as a result, there was a lengthy gap of several months between this screening and the actual premiere of the completed film in early 2022 when our festival run truly began.  I can add additional release dates but this seems like it would be confusing.  Would there then be multiple years of release connected to the film?



17.2K Messages


310K Points

Hi @1KOceans​ -

To clarify, we will only display one release year for a title, but various release dates with different years can be listed.  With that being said, I reviewed the existing release dates further and corrected the formatting (they will no longer display 'closing film' or 'premiere').  Additionally, a work-in-progress release attribute is only eligible if the title was marketed as such prior to the screening, therefore, the 2021 title year will need to remain listed as-is.

6 Messages


120 Points

Hi Michelle,

Following up on our prior exchange here from a few months ago. Since that exchange, we've completely updated the ending of our film (which previously ended in 2020 now runs into 2024 with subsequent developments).  We are preparing to release the new version of the film via a distributor in the fall so want to see either if it is possible to update our film's release year to the present or if we should create an entirely new page for the new version of the film?  Thanks!