ben_rogers_9lt0cq3tvzmtc's profile

85 Messages


3K Points

Friday, January 10th, 2020 1:16 PM



Wrong credits of Shimajiro and Doraemon films are not being deleted?

To the imdb staff, as you know there has been incorrect credits that I've been trying to get removed, someone on imdb has been putting incorrect credits on Shimajiro and Doraemon imdb film pages the following pages have been vandalized with incorrect credits including this list.films like Shimajiro, Doraemon that has incorrect credits, including the following affected list.Shimajirô to fufu no daibôken - sukue nanairo no hana (2013)Gekijouban Shimajirou no wao!: Shimajirou to kujira no uta (2014)Gekijouban Shimajirou no wao!: Shimajirou to ookina ki (2015)The Shimajiro Movie: Shimajiro in Bookland (2016)Gekijouban Shimajirou no wao!: Shimajirou to niji no oashisu (2017)Shimajiro and the Rainbow Oasis (2017)Shimajiro and the Rainbow Oasis (2018)There's also Doraemon Films and TV show that have been vandalized including the following listDoraemon (2005– )Doraemon: Nobita's Secret Gadget Museum (2013)Doraemon: New Nobita's Great Demon-Peko and the Exploration Party of Five (2014)Doraemon: Nobita and the Space Heroes (2015)Doraemon the Movie: Nobita's Treasure Island (2018)Doraemon: Nobita's Chronicle of the Moon Exploration (2019)With that said, I've been trying to get alot of the incorrect credits in the films deleted since they are fake credits and those credits do not appear anywhere else in websites like Wikipedia, Fandom, MyAnimeList, Anime News Network, I haven't been able to get access to watching most of those films yet, can you tell me why the staff have decided not deleted the wrong credits because those wrong credits are fan made.Here's my deletion numbers they haven't approved yet, 200109-173253-406000, 200110-182621-753000, 200110-192801-851000 for 3 different Shimajiro and the Rainbow Oasis, Shimajiro in Bookland 200106-210431-138000, 200109-153013-245000 for Doraemon: Nobita's Chronicle of the Moon Exploration, one for 200110-213947-969000 of Doraemon Nobita's Treasure Island one for 200110-195245-183000 for Doraemon: Nobita and the Space Heroes (2015) and finally The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle 2000 200110-153252-506000.Please help me remove the credits they are not real credits and CJ Entertainment is not involved with them, I know because I looked up Shimajiro and Doraemon credit names at Wikipedia, Fandom, My Anime List, Anime News Network websites and others, I even watched the trailers and seen the movies of Shimajiro film series and Doraemon film series.I need the IMDB authorites to help me out since the deletion numbers for incorrect credits I've submitted including Flavor Flav 191230-023519-406000 is not being approved. I'm very worried someone will get confused with the misleading credit information on the Shimajiro and Doraemon movie pages.Please get the wrong credits deleted here's the link for Doraemon Chronicle of the Moon credits. and the Official Benesse website link for Shimajiro and the Rainbow Oasis credits, English google translation which actually has the correct credits.In the future I suggest the IMDB staff update the submission policy so that when ever someone adds credits to an IMDB page, they'll be required to verify where they got the credit name from, that way we can prevent credit misinformation from spreading on these imdb pages like Shimajiro and Doraemon imdb pages.Please help me out, I've done everything I could to attempt to remove the fake credits but now I need the IMDB representation staff or someone to help me out, the pages do have fake credits and I need the fake credits removed as soon as possible also tell me why you have declined my deletion numbers they are correct for deletion.



1.2K Messages


34.1K Points

5 years ago

Hi there, thanks for reaching out. Wikipedia pages are not eligible evidence (if there are citations on the page, those links would be). Thank you. 

85 Messages


3K Points

Thanks for replay Elizabeth, Employee. Sorry for submitting wikipedia links, I didn't know they aren't eligible evidence, anyways here's the official website of Shimajiro in Bookland screenshots and here's the official website page and here's the official screenshots of that character page.Now the English Translated names are Shimajiro / Mimirin / Tappy / Nyipiki / GaogaoFriends of the Challenge Friends of Honokuni, Punitan, Macaroon, Let's Iron, Toury Joyo, Kurorin, Shirorin. And there's Shimajiro's mother, his sister Hana, The Clown King and his guards, and the Singing Trees are the characters that officially appears in The Shimajiro Movie: Shimajiro in Bookland (2016). And the correct credit actors in that film are Naomi Minami , Miki Takahashi , Takumi Yamazaki , Saori Sugimoto.Is this evidence enough to remove the fake credits of The Shimajiro Movie: Shimajiro in Bookland (2016)? Please let me know, also I even watched the youtube video'm sorry that Wikipedia pages aren't evidence enough, I'll stop with the Wikipedia pages links right away. Please look into the imdb page and look at my deletion number 200106-210431-138000 which the fake credits aren't being deleted. I hope I can clean out the imdb Shimajiro imdb pages soon.

85 Messages


3K Points

Also here's another official website screenshot from Shimajiro Save the Seven Colored Flower 2013The english translated name actors are Mei Sato (Hufu no Hana), Naoto Nojima (Sawagani male) Yuichi Harada (Sawagani male) Voice appearance: Minami Omi, Miki Takahashi, Takumi Yamazaki, Saori Sugimoto and others Here's the deletion number for 200120-043732-096000 by the way I accidentally listed 3 correct actors for deletion by mistake including Mei Satô Nojima, Naoto (I) as Sawagani and Harada, Yûichi as Sawagani which are correct, please decline those 3 names as they're correct, that was my mistake.

85 Messages


3K Points

By the way here's my deletion number 200121-150336-368000 for Gekijouban Shimajirou no wao!: Shimajirou to ehon no kuni (2016) which has about 102 incorrect credits cited for deletion. Please accept them as they don't match with the characters as shown in this Benesse website link And I've seen this movie Shimajiro in Bookland 2016 at this youtube link although the end credit's aren't shown. Please remove the incorrect credit actors for Shimajiro in Bookland.

85 Messages


3K Points

5 years ago

Concerning Shimajiro and the Rainbow Oasis.As you know I haven't yet seen Shimajiro and the Rainbow Oasis yet. To see it I'll have to buy the Region 2 DVD copy version from website or from I'll let you know if I see the movie and try to get a region free DVD player. I'm waiting for the video Shimajiro and the Rainbow Oasis to be uploaded on youtube, But for now, here's the official Benesse website for Shimajiro and the Rainbow Oasis and the link for it for the cast of characters official cast of actors are Minami Hiromi, Takahashi Miki, Yamazaki Takumi, Sugimoto Saori, Inaba Minoru, Hanako Yamada, Kenji Tada and Yoshinshi, and MC Togetoge.The official character list for this film is Shimajiro, Hana, Shimajiro’s Mother, Shimajiro's Father, Gaogao, Flappie, Koko, Wanio Wanita, Old Dung, Rattlesnake, Turtles, MC spikes and friends.Also why haven't you accepted my credit submission for Shimajiro and the Rainbow Oasis (2018)? Here's the 5 official character lists for this submission number 200111-051012-520000 please get them added to the imdb credit page.By the way here's my deletion numbers for Shimajiro and the Rainbow Oasis, there are 3 duplicate imdb pages so here's the deletion numbers 200109-173253-406000, 200110-182621-753000, 200110-192801-851000 and 200112-150815-877000 as Pixar Animation studios was not involved with this film, which has incorrect actor credits that I've cited for deletion. Please remove the incorrect credits in those Shimajiro pages. Meantime I'll try to find Shimajiro and the Rainbow Oasis on DVD and see it as soon as possible.

85 Messages


3K Points

By the way I've got an email by Benesse company the copyright owners of Shimajiro and they said they would consider investigating the Shimajiro imdb film pages that has incorrect credits. Let me know if they reply to the forum.

755 Messages


20.4K Points

5 years ago

Hi CrosswalkX,Thanks for your post.I have opened a ticket of investigation for you with a reference of #0307080932We will be in touch once this investigation is complete.Thanks!Have a nice day!Jaime

85 Messages


3K Points

Guess what Jamie, I saw Shimajiro and the Rainbow Oasis just now on DVD on my PC computer and I could not understand a word they were saying and I've seen the Japanese credits. I also did see Shimajiro in Bookland 2016 and Shimajiro song of Whale 2014 on youtube earlier.Anyways would you consider accepting these deletion request numbers for these Shimajiro films I've just seen including 200109-173253-406000, 200110-182621-753000, 200110-192801-851000, 200120-003732-859000, 200216-010919-842000 because there's about 10 credit voice actors for the cartoon characters and puppets, not over 100 actors. I have done my video watching research for Shimajiro since I've been following up on Shimajiro Anime TV show and movies. Here's the Toho Animations website link and the screenshot exampleCould you get the Benesse representative worker on this forum because I would like to get the Shimajiro credit film pages back to normal with official correct credits. and thank you for the reply and your time. Let me know if the deletion submission imdb credit requests of Shimajiro gets accepted.

85 Messages


3K Points

Are you okay Ed Jones(XLIX)? I'm sorry I made you feel upset earlier. Is there anything I can do to help you cheer up and feel better?I'm sorry for my poor research presentation earlier the past few months. I was very unprepared in my Shimajiro and Doraemon research. I hope you can forgive me. I hope you have a good day.By the way, what happened to your Snoopy icon logo? I liked it as I'm a big fan of Charlie Brown comic strips and cartoons.Also can you notify me in my email or gmail if anything comes up. Thank you for your service I understand it can be stressful working. I get stressed out too as I have to deal with everyday stress. I can't do anymore Shimajiro and Doraemon research at this point since it's too difficult for me to continue and I've got my own animations, drawings and music that I want to work on.I hope the Shimajiro and Doraemon credit pages can one day get back to normal,  someone else with more experience will have to carry on this forum so here's my picture I've drew myself on the computer to cheer you and the imdb staff up.



4K Messages


244.3K Points

CrosswalkX, in addition to complimenting your enthusiasm as Ed did, I wanted to say that your art style has great potential, as well. Are you working in MS Paint? 

85 Messages


3K Points

Ed Jones(XLIX) I'm glad you liked my artwork, I know that picture wasn't relevant for this page but I wanted cheer the imdb staff up.Nikolay Yeriomin (Mykola Yeromin), yes that skunk picture drawing was done in MS paint. I've been drawing pictures most of my life as I watch alot of cartoons, read comic books and play cartoon video games. I hope I can make cartoon videos, video games and comic books and music. And thank you for liking my cartoon picture.

85 Messages


3K Points

5 years ago

I have the video credits to Shimajiro and the Rainbow Oasis, To the IMDB staff, I have finally got video evidence of the credits to Shimajiro and the Rainbow Oasis I want you to watch and look into. These are the official video credits that was in the end credits. Please watch them and tell me what you think. Be warned these are in Japanese symbols.I need an English translator to translate the credits into English. So if this video is proof enough, will you reconsider accept my deletion requests to cleaning out the wrong credits Shimajiro and the Rainbow Oasis pages and leave the remaining correct credits? I hope this video is helpful.

85 Messages


3K Points

Okay I will stop, I'm sorry I couldn't help, but can you please get the Benesse worker or the people who own the Shimajiro rights to come talk to this forum.I'm sorry I failed you and everybody on imdb. But please continue to investigate.I'll have to convince the Benesse company to release an English dub version of Shimajiro films or with English credits since it doesn't exist. I'm sorry I wasted everybody's time on the forum. Let me know if someone can at least translate the credits.I'll work on something else on imdb instead like quotes to other film pages I'm sorry this forum wasted everybody's time, for now this forum is over.

85 Messages


3K Points

Banko will you please stop bothering Ed Jones(XLIX)?And while you're at it, can you please help me find out what's going on with the Shimajiro credit pages? Can you read Japanese symbols and translate them to English? I need help with the Shimajiro imdb credit investigation.

85 Messages


3K Points

Hey Ed Jones, are you a big Charlie Brown fan? I used to see your Snoopy icon which I liked very much. I grew up watching Charlie Brown cartoons, I really liked Charles M. Schulz Peanuts comic strip and I saw Peanuts movie 2015. Snoopy the dog is very funny. I hope one day I can meet Charles M. Schulz in the afterlife and thank him for making a difference in my childhood life.

85 Messages


3K Points

Oh wow! I remember seeing A Charlie Brown Christmas in the 1980's or early 1990s when I was a little kid, I remember growing up in Utah USA, I used to see it on TV with my family and we even owned it on VHS and later on on DVD. It's too bad it's not shown as much on TV anymore.Thankfully the Charlie Brown cartoons are on Hulu and youtube, amazon. I'll have to use a Hulu account and start watching Charlie Brown TV shows and movies. I even met Moroni who's name is Moroni Taylor an animator who worked on The Peanuts Movie 2015 movie and I took 2D 3D animation camp class at his house in Utah.

188 Messages


7K Points

5 years ago

Hello CrosswalkXI see that Jaime is already working on this issue, the best thing you can do is to be patient and wait for the resolution.An advice from an experienced Japanese language contributor, and it applies to all languages actually: The best way to audit credits it's from the original release/broadcast. Remeber credits must be submitted as seen on-screen in the original release.Regarding Japanese titles, if you don't understand Japanese, don't trust Google Translator only. Verify that the Google translation is accurate.Also, remeber this Guidelines the original voice actors can usually be credited. For example, on an Italian non-animated film, only the actors providing Italian voices on the original version of the film can be credited in the database. We won't list the actors providing French voices for the French release of that film. The only exceptions to this rule are animated titles and videogames, where we may list both the original-language cast and the English-language cast, if applicable. This means English dub actors CAN be listed as cast as long as they have on-screen credits in the original English dub release. They shouldn't have number order (since they are not credited in the original language release) and MUST have the attribute: (voice: English version) I hope it helps.Cheers!

85 Messages


3K Points

5 years ago

To the imdb staff, I've just got a an email message from the director Isamu Hirabayashi who's involved with the Shimajiro films, I told him about the Shimajiro films on imdb and he says "Thank you very much for your information. The credit of Shimajiro films are really wrong. And I don't have the rights of these films. So I told the representative person of these films. Benesse Corporation in Japan has the rights of Shimajiro films. Maybe they will contact the IMDB soon."So I'm still wondering what to do at this point. Should I sign up for imdb pro and clean out the Shimajiro and Doraemon credit actor pages myself?Or should I keep on waiting for the copyright owners of Shimajiro like Benesse Corporation to come investigate and talk? Let me know what I should do at this point because I'm now a big fan of Shimajiro and Doraemon films and I've seen them.Also I've noticed some imdb user lists Stone Comics Entertainment Cinematic Universe, The Snow Dark Knight Trilogy, Frontier Works Comics & CJ E&M Film Financing & Investment Entertainment & Comics Cinematic Universe Manhwa, published by the users mtvsumy, xuanduy-39299 and mygiahuy.Are they the misguided imdb perpetrators who have been messing around with the mislabeling actors on Shimajiro, Doraemon and Pororo credit pages? Also are those company names I've mentioned real or fake? Because I can't find them anywhere on the Internet Google search.I don't know what's going on here, and I'm very confused about those made up company names and the cluttered actor credits on Shimajiro imdb has confused me very much, I would like to know what the heck is going on with the Shimajiro credit pages.I really hope the Shimajiro and Doraemon imdb pages will get back to normal with correct official actor credits since those Anime films are very special to me because I like kids cartoons, kids video games and kids comic books.

85 Messages


3K Points

Okay Ed Jones thanks for letting me know. I'll wait for Benesse and the copyright owners come claim the Shimajiro imdb pages, I will work on other imdb pages instead. I know this was a hard forum for you and the staff and thank you for your patience with me. Let me know if anything comes up and thanks for helping me out. Here's the Shimajiro and the Rainbow Oasis booklet picture of the characters from my DVD for the imdb staff to look at.



17.7K Messages


315.7K Points

4 years ago

Hi ben_rogers_9lt0cq3tvzmtc -   I can confirm that our editors have reviewed all the incorrect credits listed on the titles you reported and have removed them, we have also taken further steps to help prevent further incorrect data from being added.   If you encounter any further issues with any of the titles you reported please let us know!   Cheers!  

74 Messages


960 Points

To Michelle. I want to apologize to the imdb user Ed Jones. Earlier last year in 2019 to 2020 while I was trying to fix the Shimajiro credits I feel I may have made Ed Jones upset. I'm very sorry I made Ed Jones embarrassed, I got stage fright online since then. Can I ask Ed Jones to forgive me for making him uncomfortable, I'm an autistic grownup man. I've had a hard 2020 year as my friend Michael P. 1982-2020 has died which caused me stage fright online. I should've been very careful not be dominating or being pushy. I'll do much better on being a little more respectful. By the way how's the Benesse company from Japan doing? Also how's the Shimajiro director Isamu Hirabayashi doing lately? I'm a big fan of cartoons especially the cartoons coming from Japan, China, and Korea. I follow up on Doraemon, Shimajiro, Tayo the Little Bus, Babybus, and Pororo the Penguin. I'm trying to be like Leonard Maltin only in watching obscure cartoons and live action movies and TV shows no one has heard of. Sadly I still haven't been able to learn Japanese, Chinese, or Korean. It's very hard for me to read or understand since I never really grew up foreign languages it except in the 1992 Living Books Computer game Just Grandma and Me by Mercer Mayer which featured Spanish and Japanese as secondary languages.

74 Messages


960 Points

4 years ago

Guess what Here's a list of the Shimajiro Korean and Chinese credits I've found at these 2 websites but the Chinese website is blocked from my computer. Here are a list of the Chinese and Korean actors for Shimajiro. [호비와 무지개 오아시스 대모험 극장판 (Shimajiro and the Rainbow Oasis) [1DISC]] ( The Korean names on this list are Oh Sang-so- Hobby Song Young-in- Lee Woo Lee- Shin Jung-hoon- Sang Woo Park- Dr. Leo Yeon Woo Cho The Chinese Names on this list are Xu Shuxuan- Qiaohu Yang Kaikai Liu Xihua Feng Jiade That's all the information I can provide to you at this time.

42 Messages


1.2K Points

4 years ago

Arctic Dogs (2019) still has problems. I've seen the credits for this movie and it appears to be a Canadian-Italian co-production produce by AIC in Canada and animated by Assemblage in India. There are honestly no Korean names or companies mentioned anywhere. "Beijing Golden Pinasters" also wasn't involved in this film in any way. If anyone has the film on home media or streaming, please comfirm this!


42 Messages


1.2K Points

There maybe some other, even MORE obscure CGI/anime/furrybait titles that may (or may not) have been hijacked by troll(s). Try to look deeper into any titles not previously mentioned, and do everything you can to stop any further hijacking. A lot of the podcasts i listen to on cheesy movies (Flop House, We Hate Movies, etc.) rely on IMDB for their reviews, and I'm worried they may get ridiculed and downvoted if some of the data they use is faulty. Thank you in advance.

74 Messages


960 Points

By the way I've discovered who the imdb preparator is. His Deviantart username is huyvo2001 he was the one who caused the credit vandalism. Paboo Infinity Force Panda poster by huyvo2001 on DeviantArt His imdb usernames are mtvsumy, xuanduy-39299, finarectoria and mygiahuy. Can we block his imdb user accounts or at least prevent him from adding credits? I don't want my favorite Shimajiro and Doraemon imdb pages to get vandalized with fake credit names anymore. I have also been doing research on the Korean Dub and Chinese Dub for Shimajiro and Doraemon. I'm trying to be of good faith. And I want the imdb staff, Ed Jones to know I'm sorry for the mess those imdb preparators caused. I'll work hard to ensure credit and image accuracy. Also I want to know if the imdb staff has considered locking the Doraemon and Shimajiro imdb pages. Or restrict the editing to IMDB pro users. Let me know what's going on.

74 Messages


960 Points

3 years ago

By the way I've just discovered Benesse's official credits on their Japanese website. This is Benesse's official credits I've found looking up Yahoo Japan search bar called Shimajiro Credits and I pulled up this PDF listing all 7 Shimajiro credits from 2013 to 2019. cast_crew.pdf ( Can we please remove the fake mislabeled credits from the Shimajiro credit pages. Please get the Benesse staff including Isamu Hirabayashi to talk. I need their help in purging the fake Shimajiro credits. And I'm aware that wikipedia is not a reliable source but please look at the Shimajiro credits on wikipedia anyways List of Shimajirō films - Wikipedia Is this PDF file that Benesse released proof enough? Let me know, I want to restore the Shimajiro credits back to normal. And finally, here are the official English dub credits for Shimajiro and the Rainbow Oasis I've discovered on Benesses official Shimajiro credits PDF file. Rumiko Varnes (voice/English)Vinay Murthy (voice/English)Mirei Yamagata (voice/English)Yuki Toyoda (voice/English)Cyrus Nozomu Sethna (voice/English)Jack Merluzzi (voice/English)Sachiko Hara (voice/English)Rachel Walzer (voice/English)Kris Roche (voice/English)Diana Garnet (voice/English) I'm very sorry for what happened with the Japanese actress Saori Sugimoto 1964-2021 who voiced Nikki in Shimajiro TV series and films has passed away. May she rest in peace.