1 Message


70 Points

Sunday, September 15th, 2024 6:13 AM


Wrong Award

Claudette Colbert's page has the wrong Academy Award, but the award page (where it could be changed) has it correct. How to fix such an error? Or someone can fix it themselves? :)



1.9K Messages


20.5K Points

4 months ago

Hi marcusezumm-

Can you post the link or a screen grab of this wrong Award so that we can take a further look?




7.5K Messages


277K Points

4 months ago

Marcus: I don't see the error at https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001055/awards/.

Keep in mind that IMDb lists awards in the year when the award was given -- not the year of the films to which the award pertains. So the 7th Academy Awards, for the films of 1934, were given on Feb. 27, 1935. The Academy lists Colbert's Oscar for It Happened One Night under 1934, but IMDb lists it under 1935. This is explained at https://help.imdb.com/article/contribution/other-submission-guides/awards/G5KGRJURZFQGHJQH#year:

Please be aware of the fact that as far as the IMDb awards lists are concerned we refer to the award events and thus to the awards given by the year these actually took place and not by the year the awards were given for, i.e. the year of eligibility.

That basically means if an award ceremony took place in e.g. March 1993 honoring films made or released in 1992, we refer to this particular event as of 1993, not 1992.