1 Message


70 Points

Tuesday, June 20th, 2023 12:39 AM


Writes a better review than most critics...doesn't meet guidelines?

I understand imdB wanting to check to make sure reviews aren't meaningless spam or something stupid. But I spend hours writing what I felt was a really good essay on an old film, which struck a chord with me because, as history likes to rhyme and repeat itself, the film felt starkly accurate for our own time period. This, despite it being made back in 1960, and inspired almost to the letter by real life historical events that happened exactly 98 years ago. Nearly a century ago yet relevant today.

Anyway, I did not realize there was a waiting period for your review to be checked and I was surprised it didn't immediately go up. I then find out, oh okay, it will take a couple days to get processed. Fair enough. Two days later, I get an email saying "declined" under reason "doesn't meet guidelines."

Okay, what?!!? Exactly what did I do or say to piss off the censorious overlords now? (This seems to be happening a lot on the internet over things which should not be considered in violation). I did not get political or name any names. I certainly didn't say anything crude or offensive. I was frankly more eloquent than most critics' reviews were, and this still isn't good enough to meet basic guidelines? WTF, dude? 

I mean, I've seen reviews that actually are controversial or combative, which is almost inevitable when talking about say, controversial and partisan documentaries. My review didn't take any controversial stance, and the movie itself was sending a message that was already considered non-controversial 60+ years ago!

So I click the link, but there are so many different possible categories under guidelines, none of which really apply to me, so I'm left scratching my head as to what was even the problem. Violated guidelines. Okay, could you be just a little more specific than that? Which guideline was violated? Exactly what part of the review was problematic, so that I can perhaps revise it? No comment.

My best bet is that some overworked employee took a quick look at a lot of text, without reading any of it, much less bothering to think about the words, noticed one line out of context and made god knows what assumption where it was unwarranted. If it would be helpful, I can copy/paste my review here, if someone would be so good as to point out exactly what the review might have gotten declined for. 

If somebody is willing to read, I will post it below.



1.5K Messages


16.6K Points

1 year ago

Hi FilmGrain909-

In order for our staff to take a look, can you post the 18-digit submission reference for your User review?

Once we have this information, we can investigate further. 
